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wife admitted to hospital

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    wife admitted to hospital

    Thank you all for your caring thoughts. It means a lot to me knowing that you are all here supporting me in this. It is very tough. I have high hopes for the ECT as it is kind of the last line for her. I shudder to think what happens if it fails.

    To make matters worse I am now fighting the admitting physician who wont do ECT's and her P-Doc who is not an associate of the hospital that is completely livid that the admitting doc wont even call him. Her P-Doc has called a friend that is a physician at that hospital to take over the case so we have some battles of doctors going on. What a fuck head people with God complexes can be. The frickin idiot prescribed Wellbrutin and has her taking that over the weekend... like that will be the magical cure. What a fucking idiot. He obviously has no clue what bi-polar depression is.

    The good thing is that I am fairly confident that it will all be straightened out on Monday as we can force the other doctor out and the doctor in regardless of what he thinks. After all I have all legal authority in her case and if I have to go to court to save my wife I bloody well will. The tough part is once you are in a psych ward you can not get a patient moved without an act of God so you can really only change up doctors.

    Some of you have commented on my Avatar. I chose that avatar specifically because I think it speaks about me and my beliefs the most. I am a family man first and foremost and when i married it was for better or worse. I will protect my family no matter what the cost to me and she is going to get the care she needs. I am not going to let some dumb ass quack stand in the way!


      wife admitted to hospital

      hABLAR, SO SORRY TO HEAR ABOUT THIS. Do take care of you too. I'll be thinking of you & praying...:h
      :l Judie
      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


        wife admitted to hospital

        I got shivers reading that last one Hablur.... which is not like me at all. Yeah, you are doing all the f-ck you can, and i would do the same and man it's good to know there are some decent people out there who can face the hard stuff. You will be rewarded.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          wife admitted to hospital

          :l I'll be thinking of you and your family. Stay strong.
          Here we go again.

          AL FREE since Saturday the 14th of March 2009


            wife admitted to hospital

            I am thinking of you and your family now. Did your wife get post-partum depression? I sure did and always seems like if there is depression/bipolar beforehand then having a child can really do a number on a woman. I wish you guys all the best and keep fighting for what she needs. You do sound like a great guy and she's lucky to have you. I am also glad you have the family support, it is so important right now and will be of huge help to you so you can tend to your wife while the grandmas help with the little one. I am glad is is small and doesn't know what is going on. Good luck Hablur! :h
            Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


              wife admitted to hospital


              May your son, with the love of you and your wife and your families,
              grow up to be an honorable man as you.

              I am in awe of your dedication and loyalty.

              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                wife admitted to hospital


                May your son, with the love of you and your wife and your families,
                grow up to be an honorable man as you.

                I am in awe of your dedication and loyalty.

                * * I love Determinator * *


                  wife admitted to hospital

                  Halbur you sound so strong and supportive of your wife.

                  You and your family are in my thoughts.




                    wife admitted to hospital

                    Hablur you are such a special person ..........

                    Hope that you get all that you deserve in your life .........

                    You deserve much happiness ..................

                    BB xx


                      wife admitted to hospital

                      Hablur you are amazing

                      Dear Hablur,
                      My hope and prayers are with you and your wife and precious child also. I know hasseling with the Doctors is just one more pain in the a-- but I'm proud that you are standing up for what you want. I'm also so proud that you are able to see the blessings in your life as such a stressful time. I will keep your mother-in-laws in my thoughts and prayers also.
                      Big Love, Dingo
                      "...You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows." Bob Dylan


                        wife admitted to hospital

                        Gotta love those people who got their M.Deity's along with their M.D.'s. Yes, Hablur, some doc's don't know what they are doing! A new doc recommended by the primary doc is a better choice. It's a good thing this idiot doesn't have much more time with your wife.

                        You are a good man. Take care of yourself. And yes, we're here for you!:hug:


                        AF as of August 5th, 2012


                          wife admitted to hospital

                          I am sorry the doctor part of this is making it even harder than it already is. Just keep fighting it's all you can do. :h
                          Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                            wife admitted to hospital

                            I am sorry for your struggles. God bless you all.


                              wife admitted to hospital

                              Wow, all I can say is thank you all. I am feeling a bit emotional after reading all the PM's and your fantastic responses. Thank you all for the prayers and kind words. They mean very much to me. I truly believe in prayer. You may not always get what you want with prayer but it is very healing.


                                wife admitted to hospital

                                Hold this man , his wife and their precious son in your loving arms.
                                Cover them with hedges of protection from above. Supply all they need including your chosen doctors to heal this family.
                                You said that if we ask believing, you will answer. We pray for you to be Glorified in this family and their lives.
                                We ask for your Peace that passes all understanding.
                                Comforter come and take care of this family.
                                In the name of Jesus we pray.
                                "Be still and know that I am God"

                                Psalm 46:10

