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wife admitted to hospital

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    wife admitted to hospital

    Thanks for taking the time for keeping us updated, Hab. We are all pulling for you. It's great to hear that things are going so well.
    Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


      wife admitted to hospital


      Thanks for updating us. I am really hoping that things go well for you and your wife. Glad Grandma is there helping out - seems to be a huge relief to have some assistance. I am sure your wife really loves having you at her side.

      Keeping good thoughts for you,


        wife admitted to hospital

        Thanks for the update Hablur.
        Have really taken your family to my heart.
        Have said it before and will say it`re a sweet hubby and in a million............God is good.

        Am praying for your family every and your wife and bitti boy deserve such a wonderful life. Stay strong Hablur.........she will get well.

        Much love,

        Starlight Impress x


          wife admitted to hospital

          **** UPDATE ****

          Here is another update.

          This weekend was interesting to say the least. Saturday I stayed at home for the first part of the day to work on the Grandma-Do-List while Grandma and Bitti-Boy went and visited Wifey.

          To make a long story short on my end I would have much rather been in the hospital than working outside as the temps were high and it took $250 dollars to fix something that used to take only $20 because of needing special tools.

          Anyway... finally got the water turned on at the house, showered and went to the hospital. When I was chatting with my wife she said she actually felt depressed. Believe it or not that is a GOOD sign. You see she was so far down and numb that she was unable to even feel how far down she was! She was at the stage where she could have committed suicide at any moment and it would have seemed like the perfect idea at the time. Not that she actually feels depressed she doesn't want to do that she just is feeling down. That is with just one treatment.

          Today she goes for another and they are likely to keep her overnight then will release her into my care. From there we will be taking here in on M, W, F's for ECT's thru the 22nd.

          I think things will be much better in general. At least that is my hope. She has shown only small memory loss and it really isn't that big of a deal as the meds do the same thing anyway.

          Thank you again to all that have stood by us and given support. I know this has nothing to do with alcohol but the support has helped me stay away from it and has really helped me feel like people have really cared. It has also given me a place to feel I could freely talk about my wife's illness with no repercussions. In a world that doesn't tolerate mental illness or alcohol issues at least I know here it is safe to express ones concerns.


            wife admitted to hospital

            Hi Hablur,

            I am glad things are starting to look a little more positive, and that your wife has gone from feeling completely numb to feeling down and depressed. I understand that this is really a step up. (Little smile) I am also very happy that the treatments are no longer frightening to her. These days professionals are so much more skilled at giving them and the techique has evolved so much--it's not the old horror-house pictures from the "asylums" of the past. I'm so glad she is in good hands with you at her side.

            I'm glad that our support has been helpful to you. MWO is so full of people who are fairly sophisticated about mental health issues--either having been there themselves or having loved ones with issues. We'll be here as long as you need us, and then some more.

            I'm glad that you are keeping us posted.

            Much love to you and yours,:h


            AF as of August 5th, 2012


              wife admitted to hospital

              I am so glad to hear from you and hear that your wife shows signs of improvement. That is such a positive sign. I'm also glad to hear that you and bitty boy and Granny are holdin up well.

              Bravery doesn't always mean fighting wars and such. Sometimes it means facing up to reality without caving in, doing the really hard things with grace and love. You are truly a very brave man.

              Good luck to you and your family.

              Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                wife admitted to hospital

                Hablur, so glad things are looking up. Will keep your family in my prayers.
                Enlightened by MWO


                  wife admitted to hospital

                  Hi Hablur,
                  so pleased to hear your wife is doing well, not surprised though, I see people improving
                  daily with this treatment. Don't worry about memory loss usually only temporary.
                  Best wishes to you all. Paula.


                    wife admitted to hospital

                    Am so pleased to hear things are going well Hablur and that your wife is already showing improvement after only the initial can only get better from here on in.

                    I can imagine how terribly afraid you must have been when told of the treatment your wife would undergo in order to make her well, but you`re brave and strong and masked your fear to be right by her side, reassuring her. The course of treatments still to come will each bring your wife back a little closer to you and your son.

                    I was friendly with a local girl who had a baby, way back in 1992, when my own daughter was born. My friend became very ill with post-natal depression, and she seemed like a different person, almost as if she had lost the will to live, despite the fact that she had a loving husband and a baby boy who needed her. She didn`t respond to treatment and that`s when they decided on a course of ECT , which was very successful and resulted in an amazing return to her normal self. ECT must be even better than it was back then.

                    Let Granny take good care of you Hablur. You have a lot on your plate, with work, hospital treatments and your little must keep your strength up to cope with that load.

                    Am praying for your sweet family every day.

                    God is good.

                    Much love,

                    Starlight Impress x


                      wife admitted to hospital

                      :l's and prayers to you and yours!

                      "A granny todo list"!!!!!!
                      You are a GOOD man!

                      I'm glad to hear that your wife is improving....even "baby steps" are good.

                      Take care of yourself also and know that you are loved here....this is a SAFE place! We understand....been there...done the T shirt!

                      :h Nancy
                      "Be still and know that I am God"

                      Psalm 46:10


                        wife admitted to hospital

                        it sounds like things are going the right way and i am thinking of you all. I'm glad you have support to allow you to sleep, or at least rest, knowing you dont have to keep all the balls in the air on your own.
                        thanks for keeping us posted.



                          wife admitted to hospital

                          Offtopic - Grandma-Do-List

                          Ever since I was a small boy every male in my house on the weekend had a to-do list. My Dad had his list and me and my brother had our lists effieciently handed out by my Mother every Saturday morning after cartoons. We never ever recieved a list on Sunday. Sometimes my Dad did but that was exceptionally rare.

                          Fast forward years and now I have my own family. Most weekends I have a Honey-do list or I have my own list (I can't wait to include my son in the chores ) and I have noticed that when my Mom or her Mom comes to visit they always seem to have a Grandma-Do List for me as well. Both ladies are old school and are simply used to cleaning the house etc on Saturday so thats what they do and by Gosh I get my chores on Saturday too It always involved repairs and sweating. Go figure.

                          You would have laughed when both her folks visited in spring... they (the ladies) made me and her Dad build a fence... Not that we didn't need it to pen our bitty-boy in, it is just that they were just as happy doing that as doing any other type of visiting.

                          You gotta hand it to the older generation. They rock. If you want to look at some folks that are hard workers look at the WW2 generation, like my folks and my wife's folks. Very impressive.


                            wife admitted to hospital

                            I've got to get back to work but wanted to check in on you & yours, Hablur ... glad to "hear" the smile back in your voice


                              wife admitted to hospital


                              Can you send them over to my house. I'll feed them real good and they can play w/my puppy. Heck if they can make my hubby do his "to do" list that is several years old I would PAY THEM! I am so tired of tools in the kitchen, not having the floors done, and a billion other small things...LOL.:H I'm glad your wife is doing better and you sound more at ease.:l


                                wife admitted to hospital

                                My husband wouldn't be able to tie his shoes if I didn't write it down :H

                                Seriously though, my hubby needs his lists, if I give him a grocery list and last minute on the way out the door I say "oh you know what I forgot to write down milk, don't forget to get milk too". Will the milk show up? Hell no!!! :
                                Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL

