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topamax and campral

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    topamax and campral

    I posted this question and meds too but Gabby thought I might get a quicker response here.

    Has anyone ever taken Topa and Campral at the same time? I happen to have ended up with both meds. (Two different docs) Tried Campral alone and it didn't work for me at all. Up to 125 mg Topa for the last two days. (Titrated up slowly, no worries. )


    AF April 9, 2016

    topamax and campral


    Gabby :flower:


      topamax and campral one is talkin to us but us. hummm
      Gabby :flower:


        topamax and campral

        So we never got anymore info on this one eh? Well fine everyone.....just be that way.
        Gabby :flower:


          topamax and campral

          Hi db2fromala and gabby, I really only post on the 30 day thread anymore, but I don't see you on there, so I figured I'd give you a holla. From my own personal experience with not only alcohol but drug addiction, as well as being completely insane, I've done a lot of meds. And known a lot of freaks like me. It seems like there is something for everybody. Just as our brain chemistry is unique, so are the interactions that take place when we consume things. This unique reaction within our brains is what we can't put our finger on. I've read about people having so much success with things that I just didn't. Okay, that really didn't answer your question, but just figured I would chime in.
          where does this go?


            topamax and campral

            Thank you morrison.......yeah!!!!!! we got a response!!!!!!!! we arent invisable!!!!!! Yahoo!!!!!!!
            Gabby :flower:


              topamax and campral

              I assume there must not be many adverse reactions from taking both meds because my doctor gave me both (along with other medications) at the same time. I eventually had to quit the Topa because it gave me severe speech difficulties (I sounded drunk even though I was sober) and it cleared up within a few days of stopping. Evidently, most people do not have the same problem I had.



                topamax and campral


                I can't comment on Topa, but I've been on Campral for about 2 months, and I'm feeling heaps better, and the amount I've been drinking has REALLY gone down, and I just have a general feeling of wellbeing. But I have been seeing both a phsyc and a drug and alcohol councillor each week for 2 months too, It's gotta help, lol.

                I'm not off it totally yet, working on it, but I reckon there's no magic pill or quick fix, it really just comes down to us. I'm learning 'mindfulness' at the minute, it's about retraining your mind, its helping too. Heaps of info on Google.

                Much love, Jas xx
                :thanks: :h

