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    I had my third session with psychologist.

    He pretty much sits there and listens. And then says "so you are saying...and repeats what I said...and that's it! Hell I could look in the mirror and get the same result and not have to pay...

    I'm not going back to him

    I may try one more person...what do you think?
    Control the Mind


    try someone else, I hate it when they don't respond or just repeat exactly what you just said.

    Don't give up..
    I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
    I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

    Marilyn Monroe



      Some people like and need "mirroring" which is what your psychologist is giving you, Rocky. Before you try another, see if they will talk to you on the phone for a bit and what kind of techniques they use, and whether they will provide you with feedback and more interaction than just mirroring. There are lots of different kinds of psychologists out there who use different approaches.

      Good luck, friend!:l

      AF as of August 5th, 2012



        Hi Rock-

        yup, I'd find someone else.

        I did a clinical trial many yrs ago where they also offered counceling (for alcohol). The man was an idiot. I basically sat there & talked to myself. I also cried-he offered me tissues. He was a waste of space.
        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic



          I have had that kind of therapy before and hated it.

          After my early bad experiences with mirroring I always interviewed therapists over the phone and told them that I wanted someone active who was willing to offer me opinions and advice. DUH. that should be obvious.

          I just read a book on cognitive behavior therapy and realized that the therapist I liked the most seems to have used some of these techniques.That is, I think he was identifying distorted thinking that was fuelling depression.



            ya, i used to see a therapist, and althought she didnt really do much with my alcohol or other problems, i would leave there feeling a bit euphoric and proud and happy... so def see another person fi this one isnt helping you.



              A good psychologist can work wonders - I know, I am lucky enough to have a good one. Look around, interview them over the phone and ask about what sort of techniques they use. I hope you can find a good one.
              Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.



                Rocky, I agree with Kathy. In fact have you tried a woman?

                I have had therapists like the one you have and I also have had ones that will really give you some feedback. Those have been women....sorry to say. My bf's favorite is also a woman.

                I strongly recommend what Kathy said. And I would also say what you havent liked about your other experiences with therapists.

                And SAY what you want and need. Like...."I want feedback and a bit of direction". for example.

                They arent gonna tell you what to do but they can help you guide yourself a little quicker if thats what you want.

                You sound eager to get somewhere to me. You sound open. So lets get down to the to speak. Therapist's - they have to be gentle with clients at first and sorta feel them out to see where their psyche is. Let them know you want to get down to business.

                Kathy - I dunno......what do you think about my talkin here.

                Maybe its just me here but I tend to jump in with both feet and wanna make some progress and cut the crap.

                Sounds like Rock whats some of that. I could be wrong.

                Wudda I know
                Gabby :flower:



                  Hay Rocky,
                  It could of been worst with that shrink, he could of answered you in a Slovic Language, like that guy in that comercial! Like Gabby say's try a lady Doc. she might be more understanding. IAD
                  ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                  those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                  Dr. Seuss



                    Gabby :flower:



                      I've tried a few and they never have helped but I've also heard you need to shop around before you find the right fit. Generally, psychiatrists will try to fix you with medicine. If that's not what you want, see a therapist.
                      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



                        Absolutely shop around, Rocky. I also like the principals behind Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, though it obviously doesn't suit every situation. I took my daughter to one who did the classic 'make a picture out of this squiggle' - she fed him exactly what he wanted and refused to go back after a second visit. We then found another psychiatrist who actually wanted to get her off the medication asap (it's not that psychiatrists necessarily want the patients on medication, but they can prescribe it, psychologists can't as they are not trained medical doctors - this is as I understand it anyway). This psychiatrist really taught her some excellent strategies for coping with situations/life and one of his greatest achievements, I think, is that he empowered her - she feels that she made the changes, not him.

                        So rather long-winded - but yes, don't give up - a good psychyiatrist/psychologist can be worth their weight in gold... GOod luck!
                        :rays: Arial

                        Last first day - 15th April 2012
                        Days 1-7 DONE
                        Days 8-14 DONE
                        Days 15-21 DONE
                        30 days DONE
                        60 days
                        100 days




                          Mags makes a great suggestion. Get a list of doctors available on your insurance coverage and ask for a 5-10 min phone interview. Think about 5 questions you have: How long have they been doing this? Do they have experience with addiction? Marriage counseling? You should have a good idea as to whether or not they are mirroring after the phone interview. Also, if you are able to find a rare psychologist/psyschiatrist, the latter can prescribe meds, or at least help manage the meds you are on.

                          My mom is a clinical psychologist and I am seeing her this weekend. I think I will ask her what types of questions she would recommend. Stay tuned...

                          * * I love Determinator * *



                            that sounds good dx
                            Gabby :flower:



                              Hi Rocky

                              sorry to hear you had a negative expeience had them myself . My last one cost me over $350 for two hours of a smelly scruffy guy telling me what the ancient greeks thought ! got the guy from a link on here ( when i came out spoke to a friend and had the good sence to cancel the cheque !! he never contacted me !! a sign i feel that he knew he was conning me). My main feeling was one of disapointment we all want to find an answer solution to our problem. Next time i will research my therapist more fully and fine out exectly what is offered expected from the session, as a friend said to me you would not engaged a plumber without being compltly happy with his qualifications, the standard of workmanship and the expected outcome etc , so why be any differant with a therapist ! good luck buddy x

