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Learning to differentiate between a real reason and a mere excuse.

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    Learning to differentiate between a real reason and a mere excuse.

    Many of you were so kind as to suffer alongside me last night, as I literally wept and wailed my way through my first AF night. I had a ghastly night, but can truthfully say it was worth having to endure that nightmare, since I have now set the wheels in motion to abstain permanently, which is my dearest `take` on this is that I have `one whole AF night`, as opposed to `just one AF night` under my belt.

    I figure I may as well adopt a healthy eating plan now, which would result in me losing my excess baggage, since I`m not going to be `consuming` all those calories from wine. Went to Tesco today to stock up on healthy groceries and needless to say, I proceeded down the wine aisle almost as if on auto-pilot.........went into that aisle twice, just `window shopping` you understand!! LOL Then, I entered the wine aisle a 3rd time, and went so far as to select a btl./Hardy`s sparkling Chardonnay...........well, was `on special` after all at a fiver a btl................who of sound mind could resist such a bargain?..........well, I could actually, and I did indeed walk away without clutching a bottle in my sweaty little palms.

    My decision to resist buying the wine resulted from me finally accepting that I can dream up an infinite number of all sorts of wierd and wonderful `mere excuses` to drink, but I can`t think of a single `real reason` to drink.

    In addition to my somehow being pre-programmed to always inevitably `land` in the wine aisle, I also deliberately headed there to buy myself a little beverage to alleviate stress.

    Some of you will know that several weeks ago, I became aware that I had a rodent problem in my flat, which caused me great distress and led me to buy a digital pest repellant which I thought had my problem such luck!!! Perhaps, it had something to do with the fact that I was sober when I went to bed last night (doubt I`d have heard it had I been drinking)..........only to be awakened at 3.40 a.m. by `something` scratching inside the bedroom wall.........guess my digital repellant was a waste of money after all.

    So, am back to being scared witless and realize that succumbing to temptation in Tesco wouldn`t eradicate my rodent problem...........I was just Hell-bent on using this as an excuse to drink, as no amount of wine is going to tackle any offending little squatters for me.

    I think this has been a tremendous leap forward for me............I never had any reason to drink at all..............just a wealth of excuses.

    Starlight Impress

    P.S..........if any member has a big strapping chappie going spare, who is not afraid of rodents..........send him over!!!..........just tell him that I`m a great cook, etc...........LOL

    Learning to differentiate between a real reason and a mere excuse.

    Great work, Starlight! Even with the little mousies! Have you actually seen any? A kitty cat will keep them in check, believe me.

    Maybe it's good that you wept and wailed. It's a good thing to get those feelings out, because if you don't, they can poison you later.

    You kept me spellbound last night, actually; it was much better than the BS they make up on TV, and all of us could help, too!

    Take care, I can tell you are going to make progress in leaps and bounds!



    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      Learning to differentiate between a real reason and a mere excuse.


      I'm so proud of you!:goodjob: I didn't make it. Joe said we should drink everything in the house first and I didn't put up any resistance. But now there is nothing in the house but vodka which Joe won't drink. So it really is AF day 1 for me.

      You are an inspiration and your words are true. What a load of crap we tell ourselves to justify drinking such as all the booze in the house. I had a bad day. It's the weekend. The day begins w/a T. Well not that one but I thought I'd throw it in...:H


        Learning to differentiate between a real reason and a mere excuse.

        Dear Star:

        I absolutely know you can do AF if you want to. I noticed that you put scared for your mood, & I completely understand the meaning of that word (in regard to drinking). I was scared to look at a future wo/wh. wine. I still am sometimes. That's why I try not to think about tomorrow in regard to my drinking. I only know that today I will not drink. As the AA's say: "I won't drink, even if my ass falls off." My interpretation of that is: "There's no good reason to drink." Sound familiar? It's what you just said in your thread.

        I mentioned in the "newbies in need" thread today about the 3 A's: Awareness (Drinking messes up my life.), Acceptance (I cannot drink for any reason.), Action (I will not drink today.). I contemplate the 3 A's each morning while I'm taking the pup for his morning walk. It helps me stay on track.

        The first few days AF were pretty bad. I didn't have physical withdrawal, but I was crabby & had a lot of cravings. I once did what you did in the grocery store: looked at the wine, even put a bottle in my carriage, only to put it back (Thank God). Keep doing the right thing. Come here to MWO often. As you accumulate AF days the cravings ease. You won't want to break your streak. Hope this helps.

        Yours, Mary

        22 consequetive AF days.
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          Learning to differentiate between a real reason and a mere excuse.

          I couldn`t have gotten through last night without you all right there helping me.
          It doesn`t feel quite so bad this evening.............sure I could still murder a glass of wine, but feel a little spark of pride that I`m home with no drink in the house for a 2nd night.

          Haven`t actually saw any rodents, but I know it`s here somewhere from what I heard.
          Don`t have a cat Kitty............have a wee pampered pooch........don`t think she`d take kindly to having to share her family with a feline!!! LOL

          It`s very tough going AF, but if you all can do it, so can I........couldn`t do it without you all though.

          Much love,

          Starlight Impress


            Learning to differentiate between a real reason and a mere excuse.

            Yeah, c`mon can do this, just as I can............Day 1 was horrendous though.........Good Luck!!!

            Mary, I really appreciate the idea of the 3 A`s, and shall try to think that way when I feel weak. Am determined to roll with it now, as you all say that at least the cravings lessen.

            I never really looked at this as a daily challenge, but I now see that doing that has brought you this far, so am just going to take it a day at a time also.

            I can`t quite believe how difficult it is not to succumb to the temptation.

            Much love,

            Starlight Impress


              Learning to differentiate between a real reason and a mere excuse.

              Good going Star,
              I also started my 1st night AF, again. We can do it! Took my Supps, excersized, watch TV. Ended up watching a documentary about how we kill are convicts through the ages. Such mobid viewing when I'm not drinking. IAD.:goodjob:
              ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
              those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
              Dr. Seuss


                Learning to differentiate between a real reason and a mere excuse.

                Hi Starlight I haven't been around much for the last few weeks so I'm only just catching up ....

                You are one of the wisest people here always giving help to everyone, so now look after yourself for a while ...

                Think what you would say to someone else in your situation ....

                Love & Hugs, BB xx


                  Learning to differentiate between a real reason and a mere excuse.

                  Hadn't read it all ... Hart & IAD ... Hang on in there ....

                  BB xx

                  PS hart, I'm going away for a week on saturday and won't have internet access ... please feel free to loan my avatars ......


                    Learning to differentiate between a real reason and a mere excuse.

                    Yes we can do it........we just have to learn how to do it day by day. Wishing you luck, IAD.

                    Thanks Betty, am just trying to believe it`ll get easier.
                    Enjoy your holiday.

                    Much love,

                    Starlight Impress


                      Learning to differentiate between a real reason and a mere excuse.

                      You go girl, sooooo proud of you :happy:

                      I am pleased all of you are gettin' it together and going AF 1 day at a time :goodjob:


                      Diamond xx
                      I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
                      I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

                      Marilyn Monroe


                        Learning to differentiate between a real reason and a mere excuse.

                        always with you during your journey (sorry but was away last night) but positive vibes & well wishes:l
                        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                          Learning to differentiate between a real reason and a mere excuse.

                          Thanks Breez..........almost 9pm here and cravings have been a whole lot more bearable this evening............headed towards Day 3...........yipeeeeee!!!

                          Starlight Impress

