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Not feeling like me...

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    Not feeling like me...

    Just to let you all know i was here last week feeling so good and doing so wel, not today i have been on the mods, but in the last week the mods have become the pots almost every night a glass or 6 what is this as soon as I become to comfortable with myself I drink to much, just one more it wont hurt i tell myself. After a day of wine drinking I get on this site and i tell myself tomorrow that i have confessed my sins - what the hell is that - I should do it for me not this site, bash bash bash - just given myself the third degree and I still feel like shit. speak to you all later thanks for being here.
    Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending

    Not feeling like me...

    Hi Kimmy,

    Sorry to hear you are feeling down, however try your damnest to do what you can to cheer yourself up besides drinking, which we all know won't help. I totally understand how you must be feeling, the old "I will not drink tomorrow, if I can drink tonight" played oh so many times with me. My goal with drinking is to abstain from alcohol for 30 days or more, in hopes of one day being able to drink in moderation. But the only way I can achieve that is for now is not to NOT DRINK. I have tried numerous of times to drink in moderation and feel into the same thing you did. Maybe you should just try to abstain for at least 30 days and then see how you feel, hope this helps.

    Best of luck and keep me posted of your progress.

    Big hugs,
    Janet :h
    AF Since May 2nd 2012


      Not feeling like me...

      Hi Kimmy,

      Sorry to hear you are feeling upset, however try your damnest to do what you can to cheer yourself up besides drinking, which we all know won't help. I totally understand how you must be feeling, the old "I will not drink tomorrow, if I can drink tonight" played oh so many times with me. My goal with drinking is to abstain from alcohol for 30 days or more, in hopes of one day being able to drink in moderation. But the only way I can achieve that is for now is not to NOT DRINK. I have tried numerous of times to drink in moderation without being AF first and fell into the same thing you did, so this time I am not drinking for at least 30 days, if not more and then I will see how I feel to have one glass of wine. Maybe you should just try to abstain for at least 30 days and then see how you feel, hope this helps.

      Best of luck and keep me posted of your progress.

      Big hugs,
      Janet :h
      AF Since May 2nd 2012


        Not feeling like me...

        Hi Kimmy,

        it has happened to most of us here, I was like you before I joined here, now I am af I can't think of going back to try and moderate, funnily I was thinking of an upcoming party today, I felt sad that I couldn't have a drink, and I just remembered the taste - so, I just shook it out of my mind and kicked myself in the bum (butt) and reminded myself that I can't drink.
        It will kill me if I do, and the craving did go away after a few minutes.

        It's not easy, but we are here for you

        I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
        I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

        Marilyn Monroe


          Not feeling like me...

          Kimmy, sorry that you are feeling down .....

          You know what though, you CAN do this .....

          Stay tough and beat this ...........

          Love & Hugs, BB xx


            Not feeling like me...

            I have had similar experiences. Until I went AF, I was just causing myself and my loved ones trouble. I wish you the best
            What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
            ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


              Not feeling like me...

              Hi Kimmy,
              You know, I remember reading a post by someone not so long ago on here, where they said they couldn`t moderate, and I thought that was such a shame for them as I was going to be able to moderate (fool that I was)...........I tried moderation for 6 wks., and ended up drinking just like the old days..............

              Have now accepted that moderation is fraught with risk for me, but had just refused to accept that fact for far too long.

              Am comfortable knowing what I have to do now........tomorrow is Day 3 AF for determined to keep going.

              Got fed up of being sucked in by`s the most deceptive of all traitors.

              I wish you love and luck.

              Starlight Impress


                Not feeling like me...

                As I have said many times here before, mods just won't work for me. Some of us are just like that. You should probably go abs for at least 30 days and then take it from there. Are you taking Kudzu or anything else?

                PS Let us know when you are a plum :H
                Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                  Not feeling like me...

                  Hey Kimmy, I'm sorry that you are finding hard times right now... Keep tweaking things until you feel like you are right where you want to be... Maybe that's Mods and Maybe that's AF. We are all different, but I wish all the happiness this world will give.. Chin Up Sweetie, and don't be too hard on yourself OK ? Hugs, ~Niblet~

                  ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~

