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CD's and Sups....slow to arrive?
CD's and Sups....slow to arrive?
Ok....after reading through the posts I see over and over how LONG it is taking for the cd's and supps to arrive. WHY? that isnt good, when your ready to start your ready to start and dont need any help making up any new excuses for not doing doing it. I just started topa yesterday. Done with the book and want to order the cd's but am leary after what I read about everyone still waiting and waiting. I have part of the supps from just my already stuff and need to get the rest. Who ever has gotten their stuff fast please post so I will feel better about ordering. thx gabby -
CD's and Sups....slow to arrive?
Hi Gabby,
If you have the book and the topa, you already have a good start. You can also start on the exercise right away. don't despair!! It is only the cd's and the supps that you are missing. Lots of people have the supps but not the topa, so try to count yourself lucky!! Get started now and the rest will come soon! Try to be positive, that is the best thing you can have.
CD's and Sups....slow to arrive?
slow arrival
when I ordered the book and cd's they took less than 2 weeks (i'm in Australia).
I ordered the supps from a large US vitamin chain and waited nearly 6 weeks (that was bad!!).
After that I ordered my next lot of Kudzu from MWO and they arrived within 10 days. I was happy with the time frame for stuff from MWO and would definately recommend them over the other place that I used.
CD's and Sups....slow to arrive?
not so slow arrival
Hi all,
I'm in the UK... Unfortunately it is the nature of the beast that when we read about this program and order everything we want to start NOW. That's ok if you live within 2 or 3 posting days otherwise you sit counting the days with painfully bated breath. Anyway, I got everything - topa included within 2 weeks - so I was a happy bunny) And I've already worked out what I will need when everything runs out and reordered already....
CD's and Sups....slow to arrive?
Re: not so slow arrival
Oh good, I was just concerned as several of the postings we saying "still havent got the cd's and supps" Ordered in feb.....stuff like that. But I'm getting more familiar with the site and oh boy......there is so much to read. I am really enjoying it! So much to much to miss as well. Ok....Im now on day 3 of the topa and no beer. Doing pretty well...first day no cravings at all. I was hungover tho. Which is ususual cuz I am one of those beer drinkers that could drink at night and still get up for a workout in the am. Not usually much in the hangover dept but I guess u could say I overindulged a bit extra since I knew I was starting the topa. I hoped that if the program did what it would be the last time I would drink and enjoy. At least I hope. Anyway, I paid the price and had no cravings in the evening for my cold beverage of addiction....coors light. :rolleyes Yesterday, my second day nnnnn.....around 5pm the cold coors flashed through my brain a few times, but it wasnt about hurring home to have it. Instead I immediatally thought ya....your not drinking and went on with my task at hand. Enjoyed a nice steak dinner with my 13 yr old and went to bed. This am I feel great. Look forward to see how I feel for the weekend. I do work but that never stopped me from drinking when I got off just a little later. Soon when I get a sec I will post a general story of my story. :lol (one thing...with or without beer I am very much of a nut) gabby I guess I would do that in the newbies?
CD's and Sups....slow to arrive?
Re: not so slow arrival
Hi, Gabby.
I'm not sure which post/s you're referring to, but we did have a delay on Kudzu when it was first introduced. I think most folks here in the US would tell you their packages from the MWO Health Store arrive very promptly, as they are processed w/in 24 hours of receipt and shipped same day.(We have to work around weekends and holidays, obviously). But like you, we feel it's really important to move quickly when people are ready to get started!
CD's and Sups....slow to arrive?
Boop! Thankyou so much RJ for your post. We were on line at the same time and it posted right before my eyes. almost scared me! :eek lol Anyway, I'm ordering the cd's right now and I hope this post works cuz its my third time. I'm doin somethin wrong. I switched to plain text. Have a great day. gab