Bluebell what the the heck are you even talking about??? Did I miss something good? :H
No announcement yet.
Well thanks you lot.
I just nipped in here to see what was going on in my 5 millisecond free time period and what did you all do? Made my eyes and heart fill up. Thank you. :h
Low self esteem? Tell me about it. It is unbelievable. I can't even do Bitch right.
Camper and everyone in the dark, to clear things up I'm sure I had been bitchy re the "Let us celebrate Lushy" thread. Surely that was really bitchy? AND I didn't even delete it. How much of a bitch am I? AND it made me a THREADKILLER!
And you all are saying I wasn't even a bitch? So I have wasted time worrying I was. What kind of people are you.....telling me I 'm not a bitch?
I feel a lot better today. You are all great.:l
I love your honesty. No, you would probably not graduate from Lushy's class, but just remember, there are other classes to be taken! I dont think I graduated from that one either. Did you ever get a bad grade for being nice?
Being a bitch takes a lot of work. Have you ever thought about how much energy it takes to STAY mad at someone? Think about it. I HAVE to be mad. I HAVE to be angry., I HAVE to show down a particular person...I have to be self centered at ALL times, that person cut me off in traffic, so...... basically, you are the one who is miserable. The person you are mad at is probably having a nice evening! So should you!If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.
I love your honesty. No, you would probably not graduate from Lushy's class, but just remember, there are other classes to be taken! I dont think I graduated from that one either. Did you ever get a bad grade for being nice?
Being a bitch takes a lot of work. Have you ever thought about how much energy it takes to STAY mad at someone? Think about it. I HAVE to be mad. I HAVE to be angry., I HAVE to show down a particular person...I have to be self centered at ALL times, that person cut me off in traffic, so...... basically, you are the one who is miserable. The person you are mad at is probably having a nice evening! So should you!If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.
Thank you Prest.
I know what you are saying. Someone once said here something about bitterness is the poison that you swallow whilst waiting on the person you are bitter against dying..... or something along that line. Does anybody remember the proper quote??? Anyway, the funny thing is that I don't even feel bitchy towards Lushy.... she was just a vehicle to whit my nastiness boarded.(:H) .
Yes....... MRS BITCH NO MORE......unless, of course, absolutely called for.
Hi bluebell..........just remember you are "loved and Good enough in God,s eyes" so what else matters??
Have a plan for yourself for today and do a little "me " time doing whatever you enjoy.
I like to spend a little time on waking , noon and evening in quite prayer or doing a bit of spiritual reading...that may not be your type of stuff??The discipline of it helps otherwise in my busy schedule i run on "frantic chaos mode!"
Believe in yourself and be assured by sharing you are offering a great support service to many others , some of whom are struggling to even post on here(I remember that feeling well)
Have a lovely peaceful day ..helping others in as many ways as you can.
Regards Cassy