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Postive energy...Good results

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    Postive energy...Good results

    Hooray!!!!! Thank God. No problem Dear Mar...been there. But all kudos go to you and your postive attitude!!!! Have a great night!!!!!


      Postive energy...Good results

      Bouncy, bouncy, bouncy. :disco:

      But don't forget InnerStrength is still the bounciest.

      So happy for you.
      Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


        Postive energy...Good results

        Great news Mar!

        Love you

        "Be still and know that I am God"

        Psalm 46:10


          Postive energy...Good results

          Yea!!! Thank goodness we have such wonderful technology we can turn to in our early moments of despair!


            Postive energy...Good results

            Wow I am so happy for you!! I think a lot of women get false alarms such as these.

            very good news!

            but remember, best to get MRI with the mammogram for your routine screenings from now on...


              Postive energy...Good results

              That is just the best news ever! Bouncy, bouncy!
              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                Postive energy...Good results

                Thanks all I bounced them all day, today I'll return the bouncing back to Jenneh. I just make my husband (who is home today) grab them a lot. heheh. But I am very happy, this was something my Mom was really worried about, ( she had a radical mascetomy in the past) So she is relived. Which makes me happy. My good friends we have never met, but I feel as if you live next door the way we share.


                  Postive energy...Good results

                  Hi Mar:

                  A few years ago, because of my deteriorating hearing, I went to an ENT and also a full audiogram test.

                  Well, at the end of the exam, the ENT says, "Well you very well may have a tumor called an acoustic neuroma." It was because my inner ear seemed to function OK, but the signal was not getting to my brain too good via the auditory nerve.

                  So next thing was a enhanced MRI of my brain. I read about the acoustic neuroma, and two weeks of horrible "what if" ran through my mind. Treatment for such a thing seemed to destroy what little of my life as I knew it at the time. Complete deafness, paralysis, were best possible outcomes in that case. The worst, well, let's not go there.

                  So finally the ENT left a message on my answering machine two weeks after the MRI and said "No tumor", and no answer why the nerve was damaged other than a case of mumps when I was little.

                  So what a relief it was. Now this was several years ago, and I celebrated my new found relief and freedom from worry by getting trashed on Scotch, and buying Scotch for all my friends that night. We all got plastered on my nickel. I went home and listened to Beethoven, and got very morose and philosophical about my existence, and drank for another three day binge. I was celebrating my life, with poisoning myself. Weird, huh.

                  So, just want to let you know. I've been there my friend, and I know how precious life is once again.

                  So glad such a foxy lady as yourself, given a reprieve.



                    Postive energy...Good results

                    Great news I am so glad for you right now.

                    Have a wonderful day


                      Postive energy...Good results

                      Bouncin' with joy for ya Mar!:jumpin: inkele: :banana: :whee:
                      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

