On Saturday last I told you I was going to live with my nan.
Well I had every intention of doing so before my mom put a spanner in the works. I told her what had happened between me and my fiancee, and although she cried and was really upset, she didn't quite grasp the severity of it all.
Same as his parents didn't really flinch. I don't want to make light of my situation, but if anything I wish it would all go away, so I can get on with becoming well and helping others. But really, if I turned up at his folks place with one severed arm in my handbag they would really not flinch at all! I thought my own mom would be horrified, and she was, saying "we'll come and get you whenever". Problem is though I have a history of what they would call "hysteria" Thing is though, as well as having a drink problem I have been really nasty verbally to them all, so no wonder they have had enough.
I know I don't ask to be beaten up, but this has happened with 3 seperate guys. I feel so desperatly for those of you with children. I can imagine what it's like, because I can't leave my 16 week old kitten. He's so hung up on his food and love (my partner really loves him)
I can't take hime to my nan's, she's 90 and he runs round your feet and might trip her up.
And my mom has a brand new house and says I can't bring him. I'm totally piss3d, off. so sorry guys, I know you will think I'm crazy staying for a kitten but I can't leave him, knowing what my partner may do. I was horrid to my mom and she hasn't spoken to me fort 2 deays so I', alone,