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I woke up and drank today

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    I woke up and drank today

    I've been sensible this year so far but this morning I woke up and drank a bottlle of wine ....... Why???? .........

    I woke up and drank today

    I don't know what to say. I am speechless Betty.


      I woke up and drank today

      Betty, why do you think it happened? Is something on your mind? Did you feel the need to "be bad?" You have done so well. I am sure you will figure it out and get right back on track. We need your voice of reason around here. (At least I do!)



        I woke up and drank today

        Nancy & ducky I really dont know ............

        Im sat here crying .......


          I woke up and drank today

          You are going to make me cry too Betty! I am sure you will figure it out and bounce back but it seems so out of character for you. You have been so strong for such a long while now. Do you think it was something building up? Maybe the pressure of controlling the drinking was getting to you a bit?

          Try not to despair. You have so many friends here and have set such a fine example. If anyone can figure it out and get back on track you can!

          Did you have to work today? Can you do something to relax yourself?



            I woke up and drank today

            Now wait a minute. You are on holiday, aren't you? Is that at all a factor?


              I woke up and drank today

              :l Betty :l

              We don't always see this coming. Sometimes we don't understand the logic of things until later. You'll figure this out. I'm sorry you feel badly. This doesn't change how I feel about you one bit!:h


              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                I woke up and drank today

                Boopster Honey, I'm sorry that you are having a really bad day.. Try not to be too hard on yourself OK? Thanks for allowing us to be there for you when you need us... I'm sending you a great big hug... Speed bumps happen, they aren't fun to go over, but please relax and remember tomorrow is another day.. "The sun will come up... Tomorrow !!! Bet your bottom dollar, There will be sun... " Treat yourself to a nice tubby and plan a beautiful meal for supper.. You'll feel better. Hugs, ~Niblet~ PS I'm going to PM you.

                ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                  I woke up and drank today

                  hey betty, im new here so i dont know of your progress, but dont be hard on yourself. please-we are all human and we are ALL not perfect. so what? you had a bottle of wine. get back on track on whatever you were doing that was good. u didnt drink all day after that bottle of wine! thats a plus. im not sure of why anyone would want wine in the am, but who knows. im exhausted in the am bc i have sleeping problems.. so i wake up with a headache and tiredness, not in the mood to drink really. ok, well get back to the good work, and do not be mad at urself. be proud.


                    I woke up and drank today

                    Hey Betty,

                    Don't cry - sh*t happens! . (Satori's wise words for today!)

                    I am sure it was just a blip - the old Booze demon trying to have a bit of a fling.
                    You will be back in the driving seat and in full control of the situation as usual by this time tomorrow - you wait and see.

                    Go on - have that bath - have a nap - have a mice meal - drink plenty of water, get loads of sleep and put it down as one of life's little mysteries.

                    Big Hugs coming at you from Castle Satori

                    :l :l :l

                    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                      I woke up and drank today

                      OOPS - found a few more!

                      :l :l :l :l

                      "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                        I woke up and drank today

                        Betty, stop crying sweetheart. It's like a diet somedays we just over do it. Just make a vow to yourself not to do it again, you have been so good with this program, you will bounce right back. One day does not a lifetime make. Something triggered you. it will come to you what it is/was. But right now don't dwell on it.; Be our beautiful postive Betty. One thing did just occur to me, is it Kerri's upcoming procedure on your mind? I love you Betty you have been of great support to everyone here, now we want to support you.
                        Love You


                          I woke up and drank today

                          My heart goes out to you Betty. For what it's worth, you did stop at 1 bottle and came here and posted! That is a very big deal and don't loose sight of that. We are all here to support you. I hope you feel better soon sweetie. We all care deeply for you so dry those tears woman.
                          Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                            I woke up and drank today


                            I am not sure the "why" matters so much as the "what you do now" does.

                            It seems to me, just like Paula, who slipped after many months AF and then she jumped right back into the program, you also jumped right back on!!

                            So many others I have seen on here just use the slip as an excuse to run off and long term binge. I do NOT see that in your post.

                            Your actions show an awful lot of character and determination.

                            I sure wish I had half of yours.

                            Hugs and Admiration,
                            AF April 9, 2016


                              I woke up and drank today

                              Love ya all the same Betty
                              Gabby :flower:

