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I woke up and drank today

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    I woke up and drank today

    I crashed too on Friday Betty. Then I drank on Sunday and then again Tuesday night. Let's pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off, eh?!

    You have been doing well and this is just a blip on the radar. Write this off and start again tomorrow. We are here for you.



      I woke up and drank today


      My fellow Boopster. It's okay hon. So you slipped. Life happens and you will be right back on top of things tommorow. Don't beat yourself up. You are too special, sweetie.:l :l


        I woke up and drank today

        Betty...I LOVE YOU!!! Now, start again. You have done so well for so long. We will ALL slip. There will be times. WHY? Because we are human!!!!! Big hug to you...


          I woke up and drank today

          Hey, Boops--

          It was a small slip. It is over. Forgive yourself and please do not think that this cancels out your wonderful progress. It was just one day in your life.:l :l :l

          Lots of love to you!

          :heart: E


            I woke up and drank today

            Please don`t be mad at yourself or`ll all be O.K.
            You`ve got too much back-bone to let the drink reclaim all the wonderful progress you`ve made.

            You`ve triumphed over the question about it.

            Now then, dry your tears and STAND UP AND FIGHT GIRL!!!!

            We all love you,

            Starlight Impress x


              I woke up and drank today


              Please do not get stuck in your tears and disappointment with yourself. Keep moving forward and you will feel better in no time.

              Many hugs. You deserve only the best life has to offer.



                I woke up and drank today

                Hey Betty, sorry to see you had a slip. Get back on track again, but do have a good think about why it happened. There will be a reason somewhere....... if you can be honest with yourself and find it, you will be better prepared if the same situation pops up again in the future.
                Take care and thinking of you.

                Sober since 30/06/10


                  I woke up and drank today

                  You will be alright Betty, get rested and refreshed and start back on track. Try not to get stuck in a rut....keep going forward. I know it's frustrating but you can and have done such a great job one bad day does not ruin all your hard work to date.
                  "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                    I woke up and drank today

                    This Alcoholism never dies. It will go dorment, and rear it's ugly head when you least expect it. It's happened to me a few times after being AF for along time. We don't have a reason for it ! It just happens. That's why this fight is one that we must indure for the rest of our lives. We must get up and dust ourselves off,then start again. You can do it! the support is here and you have the strength for the fight. Good Luck:l
                    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                    Dr. Seuss


                      I woke up and drank today


                      You hit a Boop in the road. If you stopped at one bottle, life might not be as bad as it appears. While you are figuring out what triggered your drinking, so it doesn't happen again; let's call this an experiment in Moderation!

                      Our Lab Assumptions: One .75L bottle of wine is 25 oz. Depending upon where I googled, one glass of wine is defined at 4-5 oz. That means one bottle of wine equals 5 or 6 drinks on the DrinkTracker ... high, but not hateful.

                      Experiment Results: At 5-6 drinks, Betty Boop experienced Crying. :upset: but according to July 2007 DrinkTracker Niblet just said ops!: and got back on track.

                      Research Summary: Betty simply needs to go back to the drawing board before she decides to be a Lab Rat again. In science (and in life) there are no failed experiments. These are just opportunities dressed in overalls. Time to get to work



                        I woke up and drank today

                        I love you too regardless. Just a little rock in the road. You there??
                        Over 4 months AF :h


                          I woke up and drank today

                          Betty: I'm not sure how much AF time you had, but I know it was alot. You were one of the first people that encouraged me. I started a thread ("Twisted Thinking") asking long-termers what made them slip. I'd like to avoid that, because after 23 full AF days, I don't want to go back.

                          I know you'll get back on track. Perhaps, you have to feel your feelings for a while. None of us judge you, as we've all been where you have.

                          Love, Mary
                          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                          October 3, 2012


                            I woke up and drank today

                            Hey Betty,

                            I have been digging around some of your old threads. It appears you have been here 9 months and have been doing mods already! One bottle is not three bottles (yet)! :h

                            Yesterday or the day before was your 17 year wedding anniversary as well as the anniversy of your daughter's brain surgery. No doubt you are reviewing life and your emotions.

                            Truely, don't be hard on yourself - this is just life's stuff and we all know stuff happens. We are all there for you!

                            Hugs and Kisses! N2


                              I woke up and drank today


                              I am a before breakfast drinker and I know how tempting it can be.

                              This is just a speed bump in this week of your life. And your life is a beautiful scenic highway. Get back on the highway and ignore the speed bumps and ditches.

                              Humor is just another defense against the universe!


                                I woke up and drank today

                                Hey Honey you are human not a machine, this will not define you in any way it just is something you did. Is something bothering you??? I have found for me sometimes everything is going so good that I want to celebrate and thats when stuff like that happens at least for me.

                                I am here for you,

