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I woke up and drank today

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    I woke up and drank today

    Betty, I hope you're OK and beginning to see a glimmer of sun through the clouds - you're a wonderful, wonderful woman who inpires all of us with your strength and compassion - let us return a little of the support and surround yourself with the love and friendship from all of us here. :l :l :l :h
    :rays: Arial

    Last first day - 15th April 2012
    Days 1-7 DONE
    Days 8-14 DONE
    Days 15-21 DONE
    30 days DONE
    60 days
    100 days


      I woke up and drank today

      Betty when I slipped the other day you said nobody should judge me, I drank because
      I felt under pressure, you must have a reason and nobody here is judging you,except yourself, as I did myself. I'm pleased to say I climbed back on the waggon, and feeling much better today, as you will very soon. You are such a kind thoughtful person, and a valuable member. You will get over this.(promise).
      Love Paula.xx


        I woke up and drank today

        Betty if you ended up on a bad bender please don't hesitate to seek medical help if you need to. we want you safe and healthy first and foremost....the rest you have time to mull over. the light is always on here...just check out all these heartfelt posts...I'm in total admiration.
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          I woke up and drank today

          Betty, don't despair, we've all been there!!! You'll be back in the swing in no time, just don't beat yourself up, it only makes ya feel worse, and want to drink another in there, This Too Shall ya!
          "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


            I woke up and drank today


            I don't know what else I can say that everyone above has not said already. I'll just offer friendship and love. You are a very special and important person to so many of us.


            :hug: :groupluv: :hug:

            :crazymonkey: I just threw this one in because I think it's cute!!

            Much love .................
            Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


              I woke up and drank today

              My dear Bettie Boop, you are sooo special to this site, and are so loved, re the posts already. You had pressures, you had temptation. You can put a full stop at the end of this soon and conquer the demons, we know you can.

              Loving you lots,

              Hilary :h
              Enlightened by MWO


                I woke up and drank today

                hopefully my girl you are getting rest. we all love you. you are well respected here and within yourself as well. you've put together far more plus days then minus. the trigger happened long before the bottle was bought and the cork was pulled. i just want you to know how special you are to me and i'm sending you a very big bootsie hug girlie. perhaps we should get on the boat with your boys. love ya


                  I woke up and drank today

                  Betty I have only been here for just over a week and in that short time your posts have been such an inspiration to me. You are a star and so loved by so many. Don't give up Betty. I am thinking of you, big hugs, joesgal xx


                    I woke up and drank today

                    Hi Guys, I am Ok, yes I stopped at the one bottle and sobered up and went to work at my slimming class last night .......

                    Hubby was waiting at the door with the breathalyser though and he had told my mum and dad, and discussed it with my daughter who I had managed to hide it from.....

                    I feel really wretched this morning, and am now awaiting the lectures ... But i'm not drinking ....

                    Thanks ever so much for your lovely comments and PM's ....

                    BB xx


                      I woke up and drank today

                      Betty.... just another supporting supporter of you. :l


                        I woke up and drank today

                        Oh Betty!

                        Just a slip, just a slip. You'll be okay, don't punish yourself and leave the guilt- it's a useless emotion. Only seeks punishment.

                        I keep falling (again on Wednesday) but we just have to keep getting up.

                        Strength and light to you!
                        Full is not nearly as heavy as empty, my love...
                        Not nearly. -Fiona Apple-


                          I woke up and drank today

                          Betty, it has taken my husband all week to get back to some sort of normality with me
                          I told him he didn't need to punish me as I do that myself. At least he didn't tell anyone
                          else, I can understand how awful you must feel about him telling your family. Things will
                          get better. Love Paula. xx



                            I woke up and drank today

                            Hi Betty,

                            Glad to see you are OK!

                            No lectures here!

                            Show hubby this post and all these responses from all of us here who look up to YOU for inspiration.
                            Yesterday was just a blip!
                            Tell him - any lectures and he will have Satori and all the rest of us to deal with!

                            He should be so proud of you - as we all are!

                            :l :l :l

                            "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                              I woke up and drank today

                              Oh Betty, love you so much, I know you feel terrible enough. Why on earth did your husband bring in your parents on this? Most certainly, he should not have told Kerri, she is only 10 for pete's sake! You know you have my love and support. Feel better soon baby!
                              Hugs & Smiles


                                I woke up and drank today

                                So happy to hear you`re O.K. Betty and didn`t go get more wine.

                                You`ve really been such a help to me personally and you`ve helped countless others. It`s just nice to feel that we could give a little of that back to you, when you needed it most yesterday.

                                You`ve lectured yourself enough over this, so accept what the family have to say and tell them it was just a blip that anyone of us can have.

                                These things are sent to try us, and you`ve triumphed yet again.


                                Starlight Impress x

