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soo excited

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    soo excited

    hi guys, Max here. sorry but I just have to share my excitement with you! I have been longin to get an animal to love for a long time now. I have always had dogs before but because I work it wouldnt be fair, so I thought next best, would be a puddy tat. I have spent all afternoon at the cat protection centre and wanted to take them ALL home, however I fell in love with a little tabby/tortoishell girl kitten. she is soo cute. I can bring her home on saturday pending a home check tomorrow. Just a little question tho. I was tempted to get another one, yes 2 kittens! all you cat lovers out there, am i asking for trouble or will 2 be better than 1?? ( I work every other day). I am hopin she/they will be my salvation. love to all xxx
    Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy

    soo excited

    hi max! a puddycat is the best. i have 2 and it is just fine 99% of the time. I do think you need to have a place large enough for them to both have their personal space though so if you live in a studio apt I would not recommend it. Otherwise, go for it. I make sure both of mine get lots of attn so they do not think one is favored. I feed them separate rooms so they do not fight. They really do need their space.

    What will the names be?

    EDIT: Pls do not de-claw them. De-clawing is illegal in most countries because it is considered animal cruelty. It is like having our fingers chopped off @ the knuckles.


      soo excited

      Yep.....2 kitties I say!
      Gabby :flower:


        soo excited

        Maxine, I think that two would be great, especially since neither cat will consider the home their "territory" yet, so neither should feel intruded upon. It would be much easier to get two kittens at once than try to introduce another one later. Also they use litter boxes pretty instinctively, so if there are any messes, you might need to get two. Even better, you can now purchase automatic litter boxes that do the scooping for you! I know, cause I'm up to my ears in kitty litter!

        Good luck!:l


        PS: Give them plenty of good things to scratch on, like hemp posts and other things. Once they are six months old, they will really enjoy catnip, and that will help to train them. Sprinkle catnip on the things that you want them to scratch, and cat repellant on things you don't want them to scratch.
        AF as of August 5th, 2012


          soo excited

          Yes, if they do not each go outside, 2 litter boxes placed in diff areas is a good thing!


            soo excited

            I say 2! When I have had only one she seemed lonely. I incorporated another one and she was happy and the other was happy. They are territorial, and like their own space but I found having two was better than one. I adopted one less than a week ago and he is a freak. Do you want him??!!! Just kidding. But he is a freak LOL!


              soo excited

              I'm a big fan of having indoor cats, because I lost one once to being hit by a car. Never again. If you live in a very safe area without much vehicular traffic that is one thing, but I would not have an outdoor cat again--I'm too neurotic.
              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                soo excited

                We all sound like such experts.
                Gabby :flower:


                  soo excited

                  I'd get 2 at once like Kathy said- it is easier that way- and yes I'd never have an outdoor cat again- not where I live anyway.
                  Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                    soo excited

                    i got two kittens and they were a hoot to watch playing. they didnt get jealous for attention nor did they shun it in favour of each others company.

                    lucky, de-clawing is illegal here, though i dont think it was ever an issue as it was never done anyway. 2 litter trays as one will soon be to small, well that was my experience!



                      soo excited

                      Hey Max! I'm so excited with you. Yes, get two cats. Especially when they are the same age or gotten at the same time they will be great company for each other. Although I must admit to prejudice I have 3 cats and 1 dog and they all get along. They spread all over our Queen size bed and Joe and I huddle up in our corners!:H I don'thave three litterboxes,though I have heard a litter box for each cat too. But I have a huge box and Joe rigged up a plastic cover in the back and a dryer vent leading outside with a fan to pull it outside. Cant smell it in the house! He can be so clever sometimes!


                        soo excited

                        kitty cat

                        thanx so much guys! still not sure about two, but still contemplatin it. I so excited i feel like a bottle of fizzy pop about to explode. I will let u know how home visit goes. xxx wots more, I am SOBER woo woo xxx
                        Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy


                          soo excited


                          Get two if you can. There are so many sweet puddytats who need a home. And they will keep each other company when you are not home and end up being best friends. Everyone needs a best friend.

                          The last two that I adopted - I only intended to adopt one, but my friend at the shelter said that these two babies loved each other and were inseparable, and she didn't want to split them up. So I took them both.

                          When they came home to me, they were such a hoot for months - running all over the place chasing each other and playing with each other. Constant entertainment. Now they fight from time to time and sleep together from time to time. Be warned - two kittens can be a little difficult - soooo much energy and constant activity. But wonderful and loving and cute. Great companions.

                          I don't use litter boxes except in the winter when there is too much snow or it is too cold for them to go out. My cats are about 50/50 indoor/outdoor. But that depends on where you live. If you get litter boxes, you should use separate boxes - theoretically. I teach veterinary parasitology and it is much better disease wise to have separate boxes - but cats like to share, so I wonder if it does any good to have separate boxes. If you value your furniture at all, get some of that sticky tape to put on it to keep them from scratching it up. The first word they should learn is NO. They're pretty good at learning that, but if you have to, there is no harm to spritzing a little water from a spray bottle in the face if they start to scratch or do something else you want them to learn not to do. It doesn't hurt them, but they hate it. They learn very quickly.

                          As you can tell, I'm a bit of a cat lady - I only have 3 right now but they come and go.

                          Whether you get one or two, you're going to love it. And you may be saving a wonderful little feline life. What a gift to both (or all three?) of you.
                          Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                            soo excited

                            kitty cats

                            oh my, will it be 1 or 2?? i will reveal all on saturday. I cant wait xxxxx
                            Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy


                              soo excited

                              PS Definitely do not declaw, but make sure you spay and/or neuter!!!
                              Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.

