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soo excited

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    soo excited

    Hart, I have 3 kitty cats and one doggie too! A very BIG dog (100lbs) The cats all chase each other and the dog chases em all and they all cuddle and sleep together. My doggie is a big fat baby. I just posted a new pic of him in the gallary from the other day he was so hot.
    Gabby :flower:


      soo excited

      2 cats are gonna keep eachother entertained when you are at work.. I think though that an indoor cat has a longer safer life. I had a kitty that could come and go and one day she dragged herself home to die after being hit by a car.. SAD stuff ! Now we have an indoor rescue kitty.. She can see the birdies from the safety of the home... Spay or Neuter also.. Enjoy your puddy tat !! I'm so happy for you.. You are gonna love this lucky young lady.. What will she be named.. Shall we give you suggestions ? I had a calico kitty and her name was "Tilley" so my vote is Tilley. Take Care, Hugs, ~Niblet~

      ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


        soo excited

        I just name mine Kitty and Tommy to keep from getting too attached to them! LOL

        I have had 4 named Kitty and 2 named Tommy. I am not very original.

        I would name your kitty Lucky though!


          soo excited

          2 cats is the way to go if you can do it. I have 2, Mike and Ash and they are so much happier and well adjusted then my old solitary male cat. He passed away of grand old age. I miss him, but I have to say that Mike and Ash are so friendly and well mannered. They were not litter mates, but close in kitten age and we got them on the same day. A little hissing and fighting the 1st day and then they became great friends.

          Humor is just another defense against the universe!


            soo excited

            kitty questions

            Thankyou everyone who sent me replies about kittens. I have decided to get the second kitty and am just bursting with excitement!! I would like to keep my puddytats inside and raise them as indoor cats. I am worried tho about what to do about making sure my back door is always closed. I am thinking it will be impossible to make sure it stays shut and that I may forget when I am pegging out the washing, emptying the rubbish etc.. I am thinkin they will shoot out and I will lose them. I noticed in the gallery that someone has an indoor cat and the picture was taken in the garden. how can I make sure they dont run off?? can anyone tell me how I can post a picture in the gallery.(i.e. moving the pics from my computer to the gallery) I could probably work it out but i'm lazy.

            Thanks again for all the fab advice. I can see i'm gonna need it. As soon as I can I will put their pictures in the gallery and you can all meet them. huggy huggs xxxxxx
            Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy


              soo excited

              Maxineanne, keep them indoors for the first while. This will train them to become indoor cats. I had a cat who was brought up this way, and she only ventured out on to the patio and maybe the front garden. She spent 95% of her time indoors. Have them spayed and/or neutered as soon as possible. If they aren't fixed they will howl until you let them outside and once they are out........... there is no turning back the clock.

              I am excited for you. You can still have mine if you like LOL. He is a jerk. Beginning to love the jerk tho LOL!


                soo excited

                you make me laugh!! Sounds like you got yr hands full too. At least I know I can come to you for all the advice i'm gonna need! you may regret answering me...

                I suppose I could have yr cat but I dont think he would thank me coming from beautiful Canada to grey dreary blighty. I could come collect tho. I dont mind ... really. its no bother... thanx afm
                Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy


                  soo excited

                  LOL! Yeah, he has been a part of our family for 6 days now so we are still adjusting. He hates my 2 year old and I don't blame him. Who would want the word "KITTY" screamed at 10,000 watts into their ears!

                  I love cats. I have always had them until a year ago when my beloved had to be put down. I honestly don't know what life would be without one or two or even 20 (as I fantasize about living in a trailer in the woods with 20 cats) (thanks Hart - you reminded me of what I use to want to do when I grew up too!)

                  Having them around is a source of peace, joy and company for me. You will feel the same I am sure.


                    soo excited

                    Hi Maxine, congrats on your new puddytats ......

                    They sound lovely ......

                    BB xx


                      soo excited

                      Oooooohhhh kitties! I'm glad you decided to get two. I loved having 2 and they also loved having each other to cuddle up with and hide from the dog, LOL. My older kitty died this spring and the other does spend more time with the dog now since she is lonely. The thought has crossed my mind to get another, but just not sure how that would go over with the dog. She like to catch and kill bunnies and squirrels, so afraid what she would do with a little kitten.


                        soo excited

                        I agree with AFM
                        If you keep them inside for the first several weeks, they won't venture very far out of the house - as long as they are spayed or neutered. 4 months is a good age for S&N. Until then, you can probably keep them in while you "peg" (such a great word!!!) your wash.

                        You're gonna love them. Please send us pictures. It's easy. Put the pictures on your computer, then go to MWO Picture Gallery, click on Upload and then Browse. Just pick out the file name of the picture, double click and you are there!!! Love to see the cute little guys.
                        Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                          soo excited

                          Oooh just a thought. If I get a boy an a girl can I get them "done" before they gat a chance to "mate". I am such a novice
                          Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy


                            soo excited

                            Yep! A muuuust do unless you want lots and lots of kitties. They make rabbits look like they are on a 'sexual diet/practicing abstinence' when in heat - just kidding! But seriously litters can get up there in numbers.

                            I believe the female can be spayed before neutering the male - or vice versa. At least getting one done as soon as they can be, will prevent you from becoming a grand-kitty-mom any time soon.


                              soo excited

                              thanx accountable. I owe u
                              Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy


                                soo excited

                                nah... you don't. Not at all. I love cats more than I love humans - ooops did I say that out loud??? Anytime maxineanne.

