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Day 1 again

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    Day 1 again

    I feel like such a putts.I had 6 wonderful af days.Then wham a slight crisis at home and I decide to drink.It all started when in the morning I couldn't log on.Something with my password.Maybe I was doing the caps wrong.I knew that was a bad omen.I do feel being able to talk to everyone at this site does help.Since my unconscious mind can so easily talk me into drinking.Then maybe those hypnotherapy cds could work good for my mind.Have they worked for any of you?I am so mad I let a stressful event knock me down.Maybe if I had been by my computer I could have gotten thru it.But I was driving and I had to go right by the liquor store to get home.Its so easy to quit drinking. I've done it a million times.Here goes a million and one.

    Day 1 again

    Hi H20...........that`s the spirit, just get right back on the AF trail again.

    Rooting for you!!!

    Much love,

    Starlight Impress


      Day 1 again

      I think the CD's help a lot.

      Here's to a million and one! You can do this!

      If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


        Day 1 again

        i think the cds help too, but then again, i messed up today. but i wake up more determined when i go to sleep with the cds on... so
        anyway, i think i'm on a million and a million so don't think you have that area covered, haha
        lets go for AF tomorrow-- oh wait, it is tomorrow already where i live. and yet i have not taken a drink! hurrah! AF today!
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          Day 1 again

          Reason to smile

          After my mindless binge.I've been moping around disappointed in myself. But you guys made me feel better and happier to trudge on to a new day and look forward to alot of af x's on my calendar.It will be so nice to wake up bright eyed and clear headed tomorrow.Hopefully I will surpass the 6 af days I did last.I tried a new energy drink that is a nice pick me up.Rockstar Juiced made from guava.Quite tasty.Always looking for something to replace liquor.


            Day 1 again

            H2O - I am on approximately a trillionth time quitting. Maybe not that many but you aren't alone!! You have to keep trying until you succeed. You can do this - I know you can. I hear the CD's help a lot of people. Have you downloaded the book by chance? Do you have some supplements available to help with the cravings like Kudzu or L-glutamine? Now you know what triggered it, have a plan in place if something arises again.

            You can do this!!! We are rooting for you!!!


              Day 1 again


              Thanx Accountable,I'll check out the book.I have enormous responsibilities so anything can trigger my mind. I don't know if my mind thinks alcohol is an instant stress reliever.I don't get the part about the cravings. My mind decides it wants a drink and there isn't much I can do.I just follow along like a little puppy going out to play.They have patches for cigarettes.Maybe an alcohol patch.


                Day 1 again

                Hi H,

                Have you tried to walk briskly around the block when you get home, or running? This often helps me. It relieves stress and if your like me, your too pooped to even think of a drink except water!

                Good luck and don't beat yourself up. Every day isn't sunny. Every day is a fresh start.

                :beach: "You can't go uphill thinking downhill thoughts"
                AF since 10/11/2008


                  Day 1 again

                  I've stoped and started more than a car with bad gas ! Hang in thier! I find taking the supps. & exercise helps out a lot. I'm on day 5 AF for my hundreth time (not really that much, but enough times.) You just got to keep on going......... Good Luck!
                  ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                  those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                  Dr. Seuss


                    Day 1 again

                    Hi H, just a thought.. When I get a craving I can almost set my watch to it... 2:00 pm .. That is exactly when I need some energy, so now I have some fruit or something good for me... You may be also just needing a healthy snack.. Try it , hope it helps you out.

                    ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                      Day 1 again

                      Hey H20, of course, your mind thinks booze is an instant stress reliever. In part is does relieve stress, and your mind has been trained time after time to believe it too! You're in the habit, both physical and mental to look to alcohol for relief. The trick is to learn to break the pattern. That IS a craving. Next time it happens, can you try to do something else relaxing for 20-30 minutes and see if the craving eases? Have some herbal tea and breathe deeply for a while? Go home and relax for a half hour and have something to eat? You always can go back out to the liquor store if the craving doesn't go away. You might have a pleasant surprise.

                      Good luck!

                      Kathy xxx

                      AF as of August 5th, 2012


                        Day 1 again

                        void out the craving

                        Well I wanted to understand that word craving.Cause I really don't crave the flavor of liquor.I don't find alcohol itself to be yummy.Now fruity drinks like a volcano or Pina colada can be yummy.I guess its just the whole aura of the drinking process.When, why, with whom.It definetely gets interesting with homeostasis and homeostatic mechanisms.but now that I am making a life changing decision.I am quite enjoying experimenting with different happy hour options.Juices ,exercise,tasty foods,rest ,laughter and hanging out with all the rest of you swimmers caught in the rip tide.Peace.

