The last time I flung myself off the wagon i was in this same exact spot with my eyes wide shut. I said "I'll be fine" but my inner dumbass was quietly chanting "toga toga toga....." that combined with letting go of several important coping skills ( supplement schedule, party with wine drinking friends etc) and blammo....owch.
43 days AF and I'm not letting my guard down this time. Just got back from the store...walked the aisles....and got my N/A beer and N/A wine etc. I feel like I'm being more honest with myself than i ever have...that's the key. Knowing ourselves. Sounds simple however we realize it's enormously challenging. Challenges are good.
No need to reply...just had to type this out and transmit it into the ether for therapy...
I'm sure I don't say it enough so: Thank you all for your huge support!
