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Top 10 Reasons Why AF is a Good Thing (at least for me!)

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    Top 10 Reasons Why AF is a Good Thing (at least for me!)

    I thought this might be a playful, if bittersweet, topic for a Friday.

    10. Knowing the name of the person who rises out of the covers and says good morning to you.

    9. Extra dollars for clothing and flyfishing supplies.

    8. Remembering which Dr. Seuss book you read to your two little boys the night before.

    7. Nice, white eyeballs in the morning.

    6. Not having to chew gum, eat Doritos or turn your head so your spouse can't smell the booze on your breath.

    5. Not having to lie.

    4. Being able to go to a dinner partiy without knocking over a beer, wrecking an antique chair, telling off-color jokes or tripping over a carpet edge.

    3. Watching a movie and actually remembering why you liked it.

    2. Being able to eat soup without spilling half of it on the way up.

    And, the number one reason why being AF is a good thing...

    1. Not having to worry about what the booze is doing to your family or your liver!

    Top 10 Reasons Why AF is a Good Thing (at least for me!)

    Yep, all ring pretty true to me!! Hmmmmm, apart from not knowing the name of the person you wake up next to. I would have to have had something damn strong to forget that name after eight LONG years!!:H

    Sober since 30/06/10


      Top 10 Reasons Why AF is a Good Thing (at least for me!)

      I have been caught up in the smell of booze lately, so that is my addition.

      You can hug someone, your child goodnight or an old friend you see in the store without worrying if you smell from last nights booze or what you drank that day. :yukko:
      Humor is just another defense against the universe!


        Top 10 Reasons Why AF is a Good Thing (at least for me!)

        Those are way good legaleagle. And a late welcome too.
        Gabby :flower:


          Top 10 Reasons Why AF is a Good Thing (at least for me!)

          You win your case!!!!
          Gabby :flower:


            Top 10 Reasons Why AF is a Good Thing (at least for me!)

            I think the number one reason for me is feeling fresh, young, energized, and feeling like something wonderful could happen...maybe something you never expected. When I don't have a hangover I feel anything is possible. When I have a hangover, I can't get out of bed, let alone think my dreams could come true.


              Top 10 Reasons Why AF is a Good Thing (at least for me!)

              Ooh, I wanna play, I wanna play!

              10. Being able to remember phone conversations I had with friends.

              9. Not waking up at 3:00 AM with a warm, stale beer in my hand.

              8. Not falling asleep during every single TV show we try to watch.

              7. Not consuming an extra 8000 calories a week in beer.

              6. Being fresh and alert at work instead of foggy and aching.

              5. Not having to use tons of cologne to cover the smell of oozing alcohol.

              4. A good night's sleep!

              3. Being able to drop off and pick up my kids when they need it.

              2. Not having to deal with the emotional roller coaster that comes with a raging hangover.

              1. Simply proving to myself that I CAN.
              When push comes to shove, you taste what you're made of.
              You might bend till you break, 'cuz it's all you can take.
              On your knees, you look up, decide you've had enough.

              You get mad, you get strong, wipe your hands, shake it off...

              Then You Stand.


                Top 10 Reasons Why AF is a Good Thing (at least for me!)

                ah...nothing more romantic that doritos and booze on your breath....ick!
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  Top 10 Reasons Why AF is a Good Thing (at least for me!)

         mean that's NOT romantic???hmmm maybe that's been my problem!!!!!!!!! LOL
                  If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                    Top 10 Reasons Why AF is a Good Thing (at least for me!)

                    It would be romantic if they were garlic flavored maybe? I have not had Doritos in over 28 days, I think ... LOL (they were my drinking food).



                      Top 10 Reasons Why AF is a Good Thing (at least for me!)

                      Another good reason that AF is good... Coffee in the morning is just sooooo yummy when you've woken up after a good nights rest with a clear mind... Tim Hortens coffee ! Just starts the day off right !

                      ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                        Top 10 Reasons Why AF is a Good Thing (at least for me!)

                        Hi Leagle............almost killed myself laughing at no. 10, BUT!!! lips are sealed!!!!!!!! LOL

                        Starlight Impress x


                          Top 10 Reasons Why AF is a Good Thing (at least for me!)

                          You know Niblet, you bring up a very good point. I don't know if it's just me but when I would be on a bad hang over coffee didn't even taste good, and I love coffee, especially first thing in the morning.
                          AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
                          Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


                            Top 10 Reasons Why AF is a Good Thing (at least for me!)

                            Leagle: I loved the list. What about:
                            -Not having to guess at what I did or said last night.
                            -Not having to go to multiple liquors stores so the clerks won't recognize me.
                            -Not having to find an out-of-the way trash recepticle to get rid of empties (so husband won't find out how much I've been drinking).
                            -Not being paranoid about what I'm saying & how I'm saying it (slurring).

                            Thank you, Mary
                            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                            October 3, 2012


                              Top 10 Reasons Why AF is a Good Thing (at least for me!)

                              The Doritos thing made me laugh. Those thing can't be good for you. I also remember a joke that had something to do with washing your hands before you took a pee. Think of how your fingers look when you eat those things. haha. Nasty.
                              where does this go?

