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She never even asked

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    She never even asked

    I agree with Lucky, I would say something to her.


      She never even asked

      I would say something. How aware was she that you were having this biopsy and did she know when the results were coming.

      Oh and I noticed a few people here asked what the results were. They must have missed it on another thread.

      SIMEY IS FINE everything came back negative! Woo hoo!!
      Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


        She never even asked

        Hi Simey,

        I am sorry that you are going through this with your daughter. My mom and I had a horrible relationship, but now it is MUCH better. Maybe she still needs time to grow up ...? Sometimes even adults can be immature and childish. It still sucks though - you have done so much.

        So happy to hear that the biopsy is okay! What a huge relief that must be!

        Hugs and woof woof to the doggies,


          She never even asked

          Mar, I am so sorry after you've been through so much lately. I agree with those who have said you should call her on it. She needs to know the effects of her insensitivity.

          Big hugs for you today. :l :l

          Good Luck on the garage sale
          Enlightened by MWO


            She never even asked

            I did call her on it guys, she phoned here early this morning to talk to my Mom. She adores her Grandmother and I said in the background, BTW thanks for asking my biopsy was negative. Her response I figured if anything was wrong Grandma would have told me. This girl had, me hanging drapes 2 days after my biospy. (my stupidty) Is worried about MIL back issue. I have over compensated and given in so much I am just so close to being done with her! if it wasn't for Caden. He is my little everything. I haven't even told you guys the stunt she pulled this week by letting his father take him to Myrtle beach along with another guy he knows. Then she had me pay to do the background check on this guy, because she was afraid her husband would be angry with her if she paid for it out of their money. Just put a wrraper over my head and call me "tootsie". Because I am a major sucker! So much more to tell but with Mother here I just grab my moments on here when I can. I have a lot of pm's I will get to you guys soon.i promise.
            More to come


              She never even asked

              Mar, that's so wrong, the way she treats you. but, like a therapist once said to can't allow people to use you and mistreat you and then get angry with them for it. I know you do it for Caden, but then you just have to consider it part of the deal I guess and move on. However, unless you think she may punish you and not let you see him I think a bigger confrontation is in order or at least let her know how badly she hurt you. Then let it go and don't carry it around and let it keep hurting you.

              I keep coming back to this thread because I want justice for you!!!!!! LOL
              If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                She never even asked

                I know how VERY much you love the grandkids so you bite your tongue. No magic words..just sending you love.

