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    (((AFM, Mary, BB)))

    I'm killing time before my meeting w/my boss. He's going to be away next two weeks and I have to take his place in some of his duties. Boy, if this doesn't get better I'll either have the troups hopping or patting my shoulders in comfort!

    Maybe they will bring me goodies if I get so emotional? Hmmmm, maybe it will all work out after all



      Dont forget you can have my avatars from tomorrow as i'm away till next sunday ..... but please look after me ........

      BB xx



        Hart Angel...
        It will work out for sure..There may be many reasons you are feeling irritable..I don't know.. AF 2 days does not sound like an irritable cocktail..but I do not know..I am glad you are touching base with your changes..we change..may need something new...keep plugging angel wings!



          (((TK, Chrysa))))

          TK, I know alcohol is a depressant, I may be blonde but shhhh it's dyed and I'm kinda smart. But since when has LOGIC had anything to do w/choosing to drink. I'll check out that website, thanx!

          Chrysa, I haven't been to angelic to my hubby lately, mostly kinda quiet and as you can probably tell from my posts that is an EXTREMELY unusual state of affairs for me :H He's worried, because I am so quiet.

          I have a dr apptmt Tuesday afternoon so hopefully he can prescribe something to get me out of this funk

          Thanx for your thoughts!



            hi hart
            I haven't been able to go more that 2 days AF myself. When I look at posts from people who are AF for even 6 or 7 days I feel so small like that is such an impossibility. Will I ever grow up to be able to go sober for 8 days then have 2 glasses of wine with dinner and then go AF again for 8 or 10 days?
            This last week I managed to stay sober monday and thursday, not even 2 days in a row.
            I wanted to stay sober last night I was so irritable and upset. I could barely stand myself.
            Didn't go to my usual dive, but ended up at a different place had 2 glasses of wine with water. (felt good about that) then came home and didn't eat and finished off a bottle of wine that had been sitting in the fridge. Then I sat on the couch and cried and cried and wished I would just die.
            I notice that I usually go AF when I have had a heavy night of drinking and I can't look at alcohol much less drink it. i do find that it's only when I over drink that I get mood swings and dpression. If I drink 3 glasses with a meal and stop, then it's fine. but if I get drunk it becomes a problem. I understand where you are coming from. feeling irritable and not liking it. i didn't kick the kitty off the bed, but I did call here a bad name.
            oh the drinking pendulum
            You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber



              Hart, do you do the CD's? I felt EXACTLY the way you are describing at Day 2-4. I decided to make it one of my suggestions in Track 2 of the Hypno CD. I said to stop being angry at myself and the world for this problem. I don't even think I went under, but it WORKED! The next day was fine and I was myself again! I am on Day 6 now, and I will continue to plant that suggestion --- as well as patience, and the fact that I don't want to drink alcohol and that I want to be healthy.

              I am going back to my GP in a couple of weeks hoping to get the "magic pill", but I couldn't wait that long! I was a raving lunatic!! --- So frustrated, and MAD as HELL!!! It couldn't help but come out to those around me. I feel sooooooo much calmer and better now.

              Take care of yourself. YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!!



                Hart that is not like you at all. I think the meds need to change too. You always seem so chipper. I think the change will get ou back to your ol' self in no time. Keep us posted.



                  Hart- sorry things have been so crappy-
                  When I was AF for around 18 days the first few days were just terrible- the idea of never drinking again on top of the withdrawal symptoms was a bad combo- it made me extremely irritable. Plus your mind plays tricks on you when you are trying to go through withdrawal. It is not an easy time. I think if you can get past it like so many others here you will feel more in control. I'm not certain you need anti-depressants I kinda think you should wait on that, but that's just my opinion. :h
                  Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL



                    (((Trixie, Pink, Luv, HC))))

                    Thanx for all your support! No I haven't tried the CDs, I tried them before for another issue and even went to a hypno-therapist. They did make me feel very relaxed but that's about all. HC I have to be on Anti-ds. I am bipolar. Discovered it when I stopped taking my anti-ds and drinking. I went into a manic state like which would make the energizer bunny envious, and I am usually pretty energetic when not drinking anyway. Ended up in the hospital, so no, can't do w/o my anti-ds.

                    If I could bottle that energy w/o the mania, I bet I could sell it and make millions!



                      Oh crap sorry Hart I forgot about that "minor" detail. Pop your pills pop your pills.
                      Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL



                        Hi Hart, I'd like to add that when I miss lunch I crave alcohol more than ever early in the afternoon... I wonder if you maybe you need to fit in a snack during your day? ... Just a thought... I really hope you are feeling better soon.

                        ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~



                          hart. Sorry to hear about your bp. I can relate. Antidepressants alone aren't a good idea if you're BP. I'm always trying to find the right cocktail. Lithium had best results, but I didn't like the zombie feeling. I missed me, you know? I'm taking Lamictal now, and it is okay, but probably not strong enough. Not nearly as low as I got in the past, but still get a bit crazy at times. Plus, I fell off the wagon. I was taking both Lamictal and Seroquel, which was all right, but I stopped taking Seroquel, and doubled up on Lamictal. I know the key is for me, to find the right combination of meds, and stay off the booze. I know it is frustrating, but it is worth the effort to get it right.
                          where does this go?

