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hi old friends..gina is back I think...

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    hi old friends..gina is back I think...


    hi old friends..gina is back I think...

    Hi and welcome back,

    I haven't met you before but I am glad you came back,

    best wishes


    forgot I am reading the power of Intention by Wayne Dyer (recommended by Robert Smith)!!
    I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
    I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

    Marilyn Monroe


      hi old friends..gina is back I think...

      Dyer has a way of simplifying a lot of grand ideas. He tends to pop up when I need some direction. Glad to hear you've found some nice reading. Continued strength to your journey towards understanding and health.


        hi old friends..gina is back I think...

        Hello, I've never had the pleasure of meeting you, but welcome back Gina.. Isn't this place awesome ???

        ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


          hi old friends..gina is back I think...

          Hi Gina

          I haven't met you before, either. I've only been around about 6 months. I am so glad that you seem to be doing well and sound like you've got your act together. Nice of you to drop in and say hello.
          Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


            hi old friends..gina is back I think...

            Hey there old friend! I have been visiting MWO much more often lately and noticed you weren't around. I hope you are doing well. Nice to hear from you.



              hi old friends..gina is back I think...

              Hi Marcie! I have had you in my thoughts often and am glad to hear how well you are doing! Hi Mags, Niblet, Benjammin and Diamond. Very nice to meet you. Things are going ok at the moment. No drama, which is a good thing! Not sure if I am going abs/mod whatever....recently did 110 days. Ended it when summer began and 4th of July party was at our house. Haven't had any bad episodes, but am scared because of my past. I also feel tremendous guilt because of what I have learned thru AA and the disease concept of alcoholism...the progressiveness concept is hard to shake. I come back because I believe I need accountability and because I think there is a lot of sound advice here. No one solution fits all. Gotta go play Clue with my boys. Check in later...g


                hi old friends..gina is back I think...

                I am really happy you are back and hope you are doing ok, I swear I never thought I would hear from you again. As you know a lot of stuff has gone on this past year- I could cry right now! One of the few people I have physically met on the site!

                Hon please don't give into the AA guilt- you already have enough Catholic guilt, that's too much guilt it'll kill you!

                :h :h :h
                Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                  hi old friends..gina is back I think...

                  Happy, that was too funny. Out of curiousity, it would be interesting to take pole to see how many of us are Catholic, or some other religioun that makes us fee like shit. Oh yes. I know how that is all too well. Haha. Going to hell for everything.
                  where does this go?


                    hi old friends..gina is back I think...

                    Gina!!:h :l
                    Hey Girl! Of course we've missed ya! Damn, it's been a long time! So good to see ya back...
                    I'm just one of those, that RJ's stuck with ...forever! Tried everything else first,... THIS WORKS!
                    Now that you're back.. where the heck is ol Woodchuck? Have you kept in touch with Ter?
                    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                      hi old friends..gina is back I think...

                      Hi HC and Judie!! Nice to wake up and see you again. So great to hear from you too as you both were here around the time I was going through a lot (Dec '05- early 06) and put up with a lot from me. Funny thing about that Catholic guilt, huh?? I'm not really a practicing Catholic for now, and only converted in 98, but feel like I was imbedded with the chronic guilt bug since birth. You are right Judie, this DOES work. I have been on the sidelines on and off and find that I have made the greatest gains here. I haven't kept in touch with Ter, but Kim has. Heard she is doing great! Gotta head off to work for now. Looking forward to being back!!


                        hi old friends..gina is back I think...

                        Hi Gina,
                        Can`t recall meeting you, but just wanted to wish you well.

                        Welcome back!!

                        Much love,

                        Starlight Impress x


                          hi old friends..gina is back I think...

                          Hi Gina! Looking forward to hearing of you. I think we might have a lot in common with the anti-depressant withdrawl and all. Glad you are back!



                            hi old friends..gina is back I think...

                            Hi Gina,
                            Looking forward to getting to know you.

                            If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                              hi old friends..gina is back I think...

                              Welcome back Gina, glad to see you back around!
                              "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

