Ima, I was worried about you when you came off the meds to quickly. Since it's clear you have been sufferering from depression, maybe you should continue them, if you can't get any more pm me. I have about a 7 day stockpile I would be glad to send you.
This relationship made such a significant effect on your young life I can understand why it's not easy to brush off, he entered your psyche in many ways, rescuer, lover, admirer, etc.
The anti-depressants have a withdrawl timetable of their own and many of the symptoms you are mentioning are symptoms of withdrawl. Please get some medical help so you are more able to cope with this.
You are wrong about not having friends, you have many and we are here for you.
Love Hilary:h :l
If not, I'll be driving down there to help you. Seriously.