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    Hi Everyone!

    Hello to you All.

    I've just come back from a week abroad with my husband and 2 friends. They all drank a fair bit every night, 4 or 5 bottles between the 3 of them. I drank 1 glass every other night. It was hard not to binge but i quite enjoyed the clear headed feeling. Its funny how peoples moods suddenly brighten up so much when they start drinking. Mine stays the same.
    I have to admit that this holiday wasnt as much fun as it would have been if I had drunk to excess but hey.......I can't do excess anymore and I'm grieving. I suppose I should be celebrating but these pregnancy hormones are really strong at the moment. I'm feeling really vulnerable at the moment. Before i went away I spent the entire day sobbing. My face afterwards looked like a horror film!!!! I feel totally out of control with my weight aswell. Normally I am 9 and a half stone but I'm now 11 stone and I need to diet. But you are not supposed to diet if you are pregnant. I am a whale who can't drown her sorrows or smoke anymore. Next Thursday i have my 20 wk scan at the hospital. I need to see that there is a baby in there because at the moment I'm losing heart about all this.

    Sorry......I needed a moan. Can't moan to anyone I know, I'm supposed to be elated and happy all the time. I miss my Citaloprams so much. Thanks for listening.....If you are!!!!! Bella xx

    Hi Everyone!

    Hi Bella! Welcome home, I'm listening. Just got off work.
    Hormones...Ugh! Just wanted to let ya know I'm here...
    Sounds like you deserve a huge pat on the back, for best behavior on vacation!:goodjob:
    Welcome home Honey. We missed ya!:h
    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


      Hi Everyone!

      Hello Bella. I'm listening too. Your feelings are bound to be arwy if you are pregnant with the associated hormonal changes. Sounds like you are doing a very good job of moderating to within safe levels - keep it up for the 'little one'.

      You are supposted to put on weight when you are pregnant - Doh!

      Best of luck with the scan. I hope that your hubby is being very supportive - now that the holiday is over, get him to at least moderate with you if not give up.

      Best wishes to you.

      K-M :h


        Hi Everyone!

        Hi bella,

        good to see you back safe and sound, take heart I did put on 3+ stones with each baby (x3) and felt like a whale, but you will definitely lose at least 1/3 of it as soon as you have the baby. I am sure nobody commented on your weight, they would admire your preganancy, as for hormones - yukky, I was ill throughout all mine...luckily my body made me cut down or stop drinking !!

        You are doing well, try and stay positive, good luck for 20 week scan - that one is exciting, will you ask the sex of the baby or have a surprise ?

        Best wishes
        Diamond xx
        I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
        I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

        Marilyn Monroe


          Hi Everyone!

          I always put on 3 stone as well and lost it fairly quickly .Im a 9 and a half stoner as well! I think your just feeling a bit out of the loop, your going to have a beautifull baby soon and be back to your normal weight ! Lucky you ....


            Hi Everyone!

            Bella, I think the scan will really help...seeing the baby will bring happy light to the pregnancy and let you know all your hard work as been for your new little baby. You should be so proud of yourself!!!! And as for the can diet when the little bundle gets here. Lord knows you will be running everywhere after he/she and your other little boy, so you are sure to lose it quick. Chin up!!!!


              Hi Everyone!

              Awwww, Cheer up Bella.............a new baby is the greatest gift of all. The moment your baby is placed in your arms will make all your trials and tribulations so worthwhile.

              Much love,

              Starlight Impress x


                Hi Everyone!

                Hi Bella,

                You deserve a big WELL DONE! on your drinking during vacation. I can appreciate that you feel left out of things at times, and sad, etc. You're doing something wonderful for your child, and I'm sure your scan will make the pregnancy feel so much more real to you. I'm sure that not everyone can appreciate what it is like to be you right now, but we understand.

                Take care, dear! And be sure to get on here and moan all that you need to!


                AF as of August 5th, 2012


                  Hi Everyone!

                  Hi Bella.
                  I'm listening too.
                  You and your baby will be fine....I'm sure.

                  Thank you for another honest and open post.


                    Hi Everyone!

                    Bella, please don't worry about the weight gain. I was pretty huge with both girls once I hit delivery but after 6 weeks it was pretty much all gone! Your body and baby needs the nutrients. Are you taking a maternity vitamin? Folic acid? I would suggest lots of water too as it keeps from you retaining water.

                    Hormones suck! I was emotional during both of my pregnancies. It is all par for the course.

                    And.... once you see your baby on the scan it may just give you what you need to embrace your unborn.

                    All the best.


                      Hi Everyone!

                      Bellla, Bella, Bella, my dear friend :h

                      I was just about to PM you since I haven't heard from you in so long. You deserve a huge :yay: for doing so well with the drinks on your vacation. I know it must have been hard.

                      Pregnancy can be hard sometimes. I know what you mean about having to pretend to everyone like you are so happy - and your hormones are raging like crazy. If you don't pretend to be so happy, then everyone thinks there is something wrong with you. At least you can come to us and moan and groan. We won't think you're crazy!

                      Once you see the baby soon, you'll feel better. Do you feel it??? moving around or kicking. That's always fun also.

                      I heard a great joke the other day by Phyliss Diller. She said

                      When I was born my father asked the doctor if I was a boy or a girl?
                      The doctor said "No" :H

                      Let us keep hearing from you. :l
                      Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.

