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it feels so good!

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    it feels so good!

    hi everyone,

    i posted the following a year ago... a long and life changing year ago.

    i am pleased to say i am still alcohol free, craving free, and very very happy to be so... content with my lot... proud of where i'm at... and incredibly grateful for this site and all the beautiful people who encouraged and supported me through a very dark and painful time.

    i wish each person on this journey great strength and support. we do all deserve it.

    much love d :h

    i found this site about a month ago and have been reading all of your posts and getting a kind of vicarious support. i am also doing program. i ordered the cd's, bought suppliments and went to see my very suppotive doctor about medication. the first thing we tried was campral. sadly it did nothing for my cravings so my doctor prescribed topamax.

    the cd's arrived and i have been listening to them every day, i have also been taking the suppliments and started on topamax a little over two weeks ago. i am up to 75 mg's a day now. sadly however i am still craving alot and somtimes still drinking. i feel quite despairing that it may not work for me. did any one else find that it worked better as the dose increased? looking for hope here? or just other people's experiences of how the drug actually impacts the cravings. does anyone have any advise? i really am feeling terribly sad and low at the moment. the ironic thing is i started drinking this year after years of abstinance where i gave up by sheer will power... where did it go? the will power that is!

    thanks for listening ...

    it feels so good!

    Determined, great to hear of your wonderful success! How long did you stay with the topa? Congratulations, and thanks for sharing!!
    Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


      it feels so good!

      Good Job D. what would we do without you on MWO.
      Enlightened by MWO


        it feels so good!

        Determined....that is one of the most uplifting and wonderful posts I've read in some time....absolutely fantastic!!
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          it feels so good!

          Thankyou for posting Determined.

          Your achievement is wonderful, and although just starting out, I dearly hope to be in your shoes this time next year.

          I wish you all good things for the future.

          Love and luck to you,

          Starlight Impress x


            it feels so good!

            thanks heaps all of you for your beautiful words.

            i am still taking the topa. i'm not ready to be without it and i feel fine on it. good infact. i still have the occasional tingles in my fingers and toes, but nothing like the cravings that having gone on most of my adult life whether drinking or sober.

            i still take the amino acid suppliments and a good multi vitimin too, but don't listen to the cd anymore. and essentially, i almost never think about drinking and when i do i know it'll pass and i'll get through it. it's probably been almost exactly year since i've had any alcohol.

            and after not binging and binge eating (i was major piglet when drunk) i have slowly lost weight and fit back into all my slim clothes.

            this forum has been such a great place for me to gain help and inspiration. i honestly have no idea what i would have done had i not found it as i had tried everything under the sun and was at the end of my rope.

            anyway - good luck to you all again... big hugs... d xxxxxxxxxx


              it feels so good!

              D.........I also look forward to losing the excess 40 lbs. of baggage I am carrying, courtesy of Chardonnay!!! LOL

              Starlight Impress x


                it feels so good!

                Determined: It's great for us newbies to hear from you. I especially like the craving-free part. I am heading toward my first 30 day AF stretch in a few days. I still get cravings which scare me. When do they stop? I don't dare have any alcohol in the house, but we are hosting a small get-together in Sept. & will have to get some wine. Thanks, Mary
                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  it feels so good!

                  Great going Determined !

                  I aspire to be like you !!! IAD:goodjob:
                  ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                  those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                  Dr. Seuss


                    it feels so good!

                    Congratulations, D--

                    Thanks for the inspiration!
                    AF as of August 5th, 2012


                      it feels so good!

                      Hey D :goodjob:

                      What I want to know is... how do you make it a year with only 26 posts? I'm a total MWO "junkee"! :H
                      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                        it feels so good!

                        Wow so proud of you! What an amazing story! :h
                        Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                          it feels so good!

                          i'm more of a reader than a poster, but i also came here less and less as the year went on.

                          re: the the cravings. they really slowed down when the topa was at 125mg. the first couple of months were hard, but i actually went travelling in india which took me out of my familiar environment and patterns, and i think in retrospect that was an incredible gift to my process.

                          when i got back into my old life the cravings came and went but NEVER in a way that i thought i would give in to them. i just say my mantra... this moment will pass... and it does.



                            it feels so good!

                            the reason why I joined MWO is because I wanted to cut down on drinking. I also joined because reading postss like yours is such an amazing inspiration. that is what makes this site so helpful.
                            good going determined
                            You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                              it feels so good!

                              D - Well done and yes, thanks for telling us all. Really gives me a boost. Sometimes I don't deep down think I'll manage a year (74 days now) but when I read something like your post I settle back into my 'one day at a time' and yes, 'this too shall pass' and feel more confident and accepting.
                              Jude- thanks for being a MWO junkie! That's fine by me! Beats the ol' bottle any day and you're helping us all too!
                              FMF xx (one each!)
                              :heart: c: :heart:
                              "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

