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Excited Newbie

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    Excited Newbie

    :new: I really enjoyed chatting today-gives me alot of hope. I just got the book 2 days ago and can't wait to order and get the supplies. Looking forward to becoming a member soon and starting the program. :thanks:
    :wings: Melanie Rose

    Excited Newbie

    Welcome. You should be excited. A new life awaits you. This is a great site. :welcome:
    where does this go?


      Excited Newbie

      Welcome. Stay excited and enjoy the new you!
      :rolleyesmonkey: Tahlula :rolleyesmonkey:
      Trim the tree to let in the sunshine...


        Excited Newbie

        hi asianrose

        sorry i did not get to chat with you but glad you found this crazy lot of folks. this program can be just the ticket for you.

        wishing you tons of success-


          Excited Newbie

          A warm welcome to you AsianRose.

          Sending you love and luck.

          Starlight Impress x


            Excited Newbie

            Welcome Asian Rose!:welcome:

            You are already a member if you want to be! You've already started by reading the book and being exited to change...and the fact thact you found your way is in the cards for you! Keep reading on here and hope to get to know you better!



              Excited Newbie

              welcome asianrose


                Excited Newbie


                Wow-I can't believe it's almost 5am, and I am gladly sober, just insomnia again! I'm new here, and I'm not sure if this is how I post-just testing it. Read some good threads tonight. It's so comforting, yet sad-some of the stories. I can totally relate as a binge drinker. I think this is 9 days today AF, I came home last Mon.-sober a couple days. See, I've been through so many returns to drink after weeks and months of sobriety that I quit counting days-I used to binge every 2-3 months for a couple days, but lately the binges are about 2 weeks in between. I am glad to find so much support here-I'll need it alot until I get the supplies, this is a frustrating time because I've got lots of other stuff on my plate, and I am focusing on doing just what's in front of me. So today I read through the book again and am so eager to start. Has anyone out there had success doing all the program except the Topa? Should I even think of doing it w/out it? I know it's gonna take me some time to get a prescription-do Dr's. usually demand you try Antabuse or Nexttropene(sp) first-even if I explain I need Topa? Wanted to say hi & thanks to all the welcome's- hope everyone has an awesome day! Gonna go make a BIG pot of Chamomile tea-it's 5am and I'm not even tired-wish I could sleep as much as my cat!:help! :jumpin: :jumpin:
                :wings: Melanie Rose


                  Excited Newbie

                  Hi asianrose,

                  I met you in chat (under some weird circumstances - you know what I mean?) anyway, you sounded really positive and I think you will be fine, you know your weakpoints and your strengths just gotta go for it now

                  Good luck and I am here for you,
                  Diamond x
                  I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
                  I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

                  Marilyn Monroe


                    Excited Newbie

                    Warm welcome to you asianrose, we're glad to have you !! You have found a really lifechanging place here !! Very exciting to say the least...
                    I found that the Kudzu worked wonders when I was AF in the beginning.. I'm now a moderate drinker (still tweaking a few things here and there ) There is alot of information about Topa on this website.. Spend some time reading and getting familiar with everything... Best of luck to you !!!

                    ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                      Excited Newbie


                      Hi I'm very confused-ready to respond to "Venting"! Because I just went to my last post and I'm only able to read 2 responses,but it says 10 replies. I guess I really don't know for sure how todo this-Can anyone tell me a simple way to retrieve responses-or give me a run down on this. I'm frustrated!:thanks: Does anyone hear me??
                      :wings: Melanie Rose


                        Excited Newbie

                        Welcome AsianRose!!
                        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

