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Nearly got half way!!

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    Nearly got half way!!

    Hello All!! Didnt make Day 13 AF...
    Well,.....I went to a barbecue last night and had 2 glasses of rose!! I dodged the first two rounds of drinks (going for plain old tonic water), then something odd happened in my head when the hostess started talking about one of her neighbours being nice, but 'teetotal'.....hmmmmm.

    Actually there is more to this story if I am completely honest. The hostess is Elizabeth, the wife of an old boyfriend of mine (I went out with him for 5 years or so about 10 years ago).
    They have just moved into a million pound property just five minutes walk from our apartment and the barbecue was the first time we had been invited to see them in their new house.(Do I need to add here that my partner and I DO NOT live in a million pound property:H ) They are a really nice couple and I think I was just trying 'a little too hard' to get on with her........or something.

    I will just make sure next time that I have my story straight before I get through the front door so there is no chance of a 'couple of wines' hitting me sideways - if you know what I mean.

    Take care all of you.

    Sober since 30/06/10

    Nearly got half way!!

    well, i think you did well anyway, and don't let a couple glasses stop you.

    I was determined to be AF today and then for at least 90 days (that's always been my goal-- have only made it to about 25 days-- 2 or 3 times). Anyway, have been not so good lately but this WAS THE DAY. Had listened to my cds, had my supps, eating well, exercising.... However, at 5:30 the little voice got the better of me and I gave in-- but to just one (albeit stiff) drink. That was it and I feel sure there will be no more tonight. So tomorrow it really is on. I'm trying to look at this as a near accomplishment and hope you will look at your little slip the same way.
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


      Nearly got half way!!

      Amelia, you still did so well! Look at the number of days that you did make and the fact that you only had 2 glasses!! Hell, that is damn good in my book!! Wouldn't the old you have been totally gone? I see this as a totally positive thing. And, you had emotional issues too! I say, good job!!


        Nearly got half way!!

        Hey you two, thanks loads for the positivity.... I will try to soak it up!! xx

        Sober since 30/06/10


          Nearly got half way!!

          Amelia, you are doing fine. I can understand what happened but you did do the 12 days. It is really hard when you are around alcohol, not to mention the atmosphere you were working in. I know from experience that my mind gets excited at the thought of having a drink when the opportunity arises at first. You will make it if you just keep working on it.

          God Bless
          What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
          ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


            Nearly got half way!!

            Hi Amelia,

            Two glasses of wine should DEFINITELY fit in the catergory of "it's okay" to subtract a day from your AF Day count, like you told IAM to do, right? So, you now have 12 days.....feel any better.....

            I think you did great and don't be so hard on yourself......

            Big hugs,
            AF Since May 2nd 2012


              Nearly got half way!!

              Amelia, It was a lapse in judgement, don't let it be a relapse to your old drinking ways. I hope you are doing much better tonight. Don


                Nearly got half way!!

                Be proud of yourself at stopping at two - that is real progress!
                But like Chief said - don't let this be a slippery slope.
                Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                  Nearly got half way!!

                  Amelia, a slip may happen and it does for most of us. Get back up on that funky cow of yours and carry on!


                    Nearly got half way!!

                    Amelia: Going over to your ex-boyfriend's house and conversing with his girlfriend must have been very stressful for you. Pat yourself on the back for only having 2 glasses of wine. You didn't do or say anything stupid, right? You were able to wake up with a memory of the evening, right? So, there's no remorse for saying or doing something that may have caused you embarrassment, just the guilt of caving in to drinking 2 glasses of wine. Congratulate youself on going AF for 12 days. It proves you can do it. Forgive yourself for drinking the 2 glasses of wine, but be grateful you had the sense to stop right there. I wish you the best in getting back on track. I'm trying hard not to drink and am now on my 34th day AF. I think if I were in your situation, I might have picked up also. Be proud of yourself and move on.
                    September 23, 2011


                      Nearly got half way!!

                      Hey, thany you! All of you, for you kind replies. Yep, I am back on my wagon so to speak - I start an abstinence support group tonight (which should be interesting).
                      So onwards and upwards.

                      Sober since 30/06/10

