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hows you garden???

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    hows you garden???

    Hi, well my garden is doing pretty good. I picked my first green pepper and I was very good tasting. My tomato plants are really big and the squash and pumpkins are out of control. Southern Belle I am anxious to here what you have been harvesting lately.

    Sammys Oh and the weeds are out of control!

    hows you garden???

    I meant hows your garden not hows you garden, geez I type so fast I embarss myself with my spelling


      hows you garden???

      No worries Sammys your spelling is always pretty bad, LOL - I think we are all used to it, I mean c'mon look at your last post you misspelled embarrass!!! :H
      Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


        hows you garden???

        I can't type either, so I use a word processor and paste
        What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
        ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


          hows you garden???

          My garden is great if I were in the Dry flower arrangement industry. We are in the middle of a draught. Everything is shot ! IAD:upset:
          ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
          those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
          Dr. Seuss


            hows you garden???

            My weeds are loverly, thanks for asking:H Actually, the tomatoes have been great, and I have pomegranates on the tree, as well as lemons. My flowers are so so, roses are spectacular (12 bushes and counting) and the squash are a total loss. I mean who can NOT grow zucchini????:upset: They just did not grow this year, nor did the melons. The herbs are coming in by the basket loads. I have more basil than I know what to do with (not really true-I'll make and freeze pesto) Oregano, rosemary, thyme, they are running amuck. I want to plant more fruit trees this fall, and build more planter boxes for next year.
            Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


              hows you garden???

              I've had a few tomatoes ripen, lots getting ready too. Pumpkins dying. One or two melons ripening. Earwigs eating my corn, gross! one pepper out of some beautiful plants only one green pepper. My first year of a vegetable garden. Should I give up?


                hows you garden???

                Eeeew YUK! Earwigs!

                In our old place I had a beautiful line of vigorously growing brocolli. I was over the moon. I took in a couple of bunches and put them in a full sink of cold water to clean them... you never know there might be one or two uglies in there. Well..... a few seconds it took for the whole top surface of the water to be choccers with the black little horrors. The whole patch was infested.... I couldn't bring myself to eat any of it!!!

                Don't give up though. I heard if you put ash from your fire around your veggies it stops the earwigs getting through (or is that slugs?). Anyway, get a book about garden pests and keep going with it!

                My garden is like a builders yard at the moment. The pool is in and completed but what a mess has been left! The pavers are broken there are trenches where there used to be lawn. But, what I am going to do is redesign the whole affair and create a whole new veggie patch! I can, eventually, take my veggies out of their makeshift home of plastic tubs and get them in the ground. I have no idea what the pests are like here but I am sure I will find out.

                Good on you all for growing your own!


                  hows you garden???

                  oh I live in concrete and brick land. I have a basil plant on my window sill and she is doing quite well. I go th the farmers market and they have squash, eggplant jersey tomatoes and herbs that I buy. they taste soooo good been eating raw the last week. yummy my belly feels so good. I don't look like a drunk anymore.
                  You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                    hows you garden???

                    Spelling............smelling? Mine too!!!! Not a problem!

                    Help!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm STILL processing tomatoes and now the okra has decided to take over my world!:H

                    I've made tomato basil and veggie soup, salsa (quarts and quarts)and still have the smmer ones coming in.
                    My dh has now planted the fall crop in our hoophouse! Just so I have something to do! Hello! I have the "pink" vibrator" to use on them....
                    It is over 100 here today so I think I'll be working inside and doing some more soup as the family likes it.

                    They're eating it faster than I can make it!
                    We also did corn on the cob and some off for a week!
                    Everything is slowing down some..
                    The wine grapes are turning though.....
                    We had Fordhook lima beans and fried eggplant and tomatoes for dinner last night.

                    I have to get busy!
                    Love you!
                    "Be still and know that I am God"

                    Psalm 46:10


                      hows you garden???

                      Thanks for asking Sammy !!! Our potatoes are doing pretty good, ate some fresh tomatoes yesterday Yumm !!! We haven't gotten any rain so I have to water....

                      ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                        hows you garden???

                        It rained so hard here last nite I am surprised nothing washed away. Almost small flood in my yard. Memarcie no giving up esp. your first year, its my first year to.



                          hows you garden???

                          I'm still getting used to living in the desert. My yard is in the dried arrangement category with IAD's. Except for the part that is just supposed to have weed barrier and rocks for the dog run. That has weeds like crazy. Oh well, maybe next year I'll do better.


                            hows you garden???

                            Sammys, send some of that rain up north! It hasn't rained here in forever! Everything is sooooo dry.


                              hows you garden???

                              We could use some rain here too!

                              I think it was 103 today ....I think I heard thunder in the distance!

                              Rain dance going on here!

                              Of cource the okra LOVES the hot and it is on drip tape.....

                              I have red okra and the big green.
                              The red is good for turns green when you heat it and the liquid turns a pretty pink....

                              "Be still and know that I am God"

                              Psalm 46:10

