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    It's 2 in the morning and I'm awake, reading.

    I found a old thread Gabby started just about a year ago so everyone could vent about anything and anyone. It was marvelous!

    I think there was a rule about no "sweetness and light" ( or something similar, Gabby?) and no advice allowed. Just bitch**g. Often good for the soul.

    Go for it! We're listening.

    I, myself, have to go to bed. I hope that damn kitten is asleep.

    magic xx :schmokin:
    ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
    I am in the next seat.
    My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


    Ok, I'm gonna vent. I hate the fact that alcohol is such a big issue for me. Why couldn't I just be one of those people who could just take it or leave it and not worry? It pisses me off that something so enjoyable (sometimes) has proven to be such a problem for me.
    There we are. Your first 'ventor' magic. Good thread starter.

    Sober since 30/06/10



      I hate the way i get overlooked for every job i should have... I hate the way i work in a sexist industry.

      I am freaking out that i am just about to start a business and am worried that i might not have planned enough.

      I am sick of being left on the shelf when i know i am a good person. I am sick of trying to prove myself to future love prospects.

      I am sick of being a nice person, i only get stepped on and i am sick of just about every human being on this planet (with the exception of you kind people and a few select people in my life, although they are few and far between).

      You said no 'sweetness and light'!
      One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!



        Actually, i'm changing my mood manager to 'grumpy'...
        One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!



          Im totally pisssed off with myself. When is the penny going to drop that this half life im forcing on myself is holding me back! I know im drowning myself in this shit and not allowing my true self to emerge!



            I really hate being fat. I don't like myself very much because of it. I believe it is the reason that I don't (can't) have a loving relationship. I feel powerless to do anything about it. I am afraid of losing weight and I don't why.
            It always seems impossible until it's done....



              I hate that I had crappy parents who were violent towards each other, and then me.

              I hate that my dad used to wait for mum to go to sleep and come in my room.

              I hate that my younger brother was a lost soul because of this,

              I hate all the REALLY crappy loser men I allowed into my life cause I didn't know better

              I hate that I started drinking to kill the pain

              I hate the anger and now the numbness I feel towards my parents

              I hate the opportunities I have missed because I didn't feel worthy of them.

              I hate the fact they still want me to feel bad, and anytime I'm happy they like to bring me down.

              I hate how they have made out that I'm the cause of all their problems because I wont do what they say, ( and remembering that I have and it still wasn't good enough)

              And I hate that I have all these hates, but happy I'm in therapy!

              Thanks for letting me vent! LOL

              Luv Jas xx
              :thanks: :h



                I'm going to change the "hate" to wishes...

                I wish I felt confident enough to stop drinking, get a job, make decisions AND feel worthy

                I wish my father had not been an alcoholic who killed himself and affected my life too late!

                I wish I felt secure enough not rely on anyone else

                I wish I didn't have to go back to waitressing just to keep the wolf from the door!

                I wish that people were more aware of the absolute hell hole we have created for ourselves and everything else around us!

                I wish I could just stop being addicted to the wrong things over and over again.

                I wish I could work and love it and do good and make money all at the same time.
                Full is not nearly as heavy as empty, my love...
                Not nearly. -Fiona Apple-



                  Good call, I 'hate' using the word 'hate'

                  Hopefully the therapy will change that!

                  Just so you all know though, I have no room for 'Hate' in my life anymore.

                  Was venting.

                  Love Jas xx
                  :thanks: :h



                    It's good to get angry.
                    One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!



                      Right at this minute i am ok,

                      so mine is one wish

                      I want to be happy every single day of the rest of my life

                      and from today I am going to try and make sure that happens !!!

                      Don't all moan at me tomorrow when I'm on here moaning & groaning !!!!! LOL :H
                      I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
                      I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

                      Marilyn Monroe



                        I like wishes better too

                        I wish I could accept that I am loved and liked and could luv myself

                        I wish I could stop doing destructive things to numb my insecurity

                        I wish I could make my husband stop drinking

                        I wish I could undue all the past, the abuse, the pain, the heartache

                        I wish that the future is better for us all:l



                          I regret doing all the things I now have cause to regret.

                          I do not regret going AF, as this has allowed me to see a far nicer person start to emerge..........the "real me".

                          Starlight Impress x



                            I also hate the word "hate" but it is so powerful and it does describe alot the way we feel and therefore I don't think we should be afraid to use it.

                            "I wish, and I want and I hope and I will" --
                            they are all more positive.. but when you need to vent, I think "hate" works much better.

                            I HATE where I am and I must do everthing I can do to change it. I HATE alcohol and I must do eveything I can to remove it permanently from my life. I HATE myself for what I've done to myself and others and I must do everything I can to reverse this. I HATE having this terrible affliction and I must stop it.

                            HATE is ok, as long as it leads to something positive... the only question is, will it?
                            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



                              I hate feeling hate. It feels like anxiety and right now I HATE ANXIETY.
                              I hate doctors. I hate people who look happy. I hate my father, I hate my life. I hate where I live, I hate my job, I hate that i'm getting old, I hate being lonley. :upset:

                              I hate what booze did to my body and my life.

                              Glad to discover it now...

                              It does feel good to vent!!!

