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learning something new everyday!

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    learning something new everyday!

    Morning y'all! I have been on 50 mg topa for about 1 month now. In that period of time I have managed to cut waaaaay back on both my wine and snacking. I have had many more AF nights than nights of any drink, and the snacks have almost all disappeared. As a result, I have dropped 6 pounds as well! However, I have managed on 4 different occasions to go past the topa barrier. 3 times I over drank, 1 time I over ate-1/2 of a BIG bag of chips in one sitting while reading a novel. The funny thing is I felt as bad the next day after eating all the chips as I did after drinking 4 0r 5 glasses of wine!

    Last night was an over drinking night. I had a bottle of chilled chardonnay while watching A Night At the Museum (more on the movie later). In retropect, I can see that there were a number of triggers, one right after another, most relating to self care.
    1. hubby was gone on business(he travels LOTS-gone more than he is home)
    2. I did not stick to my normal schedule, so things were off kilter
    3. Since my schedule was off, I didn't remember to eat OR take supps and topa on schedule
    4. I didn't eat nearly enough protein
    5. I wasn't drinking enough water either
    6. By the time I was running errands in the afternoon, the combination of no/late food/supps/topa/ I didn't even stop and think, just grabbed that chilled bottle as I was cruising down the back aisle for milk (they keep milk/eggs/ect on shelves with beer & wine ) But I only got 1.

    So anyway, I fixed a quick dinner, we ate, I felt better, got youngest into bed, older kids wandered off to their rooms, and I sat down with my movie and wine. I only got buzzed, realized I don't like feeling buzzed, so that is probably why I keep going-to get past the buzz. But I only bought the 1 bottle, so there I was. I just went to bed.

    The movie was interesting. The main character had to take on a job (night watchman at the museum) that he felt was beneath him in order to keep his apartment so his 10 year old son could continue to spend the weekends with him. It made me really think about the choices we make every day that impact our kids, good and bad, and the stuggles many have been having around here. I want to make choices that will make my kids proud of me!

    So anyways, if you have made it this far, just wanted you to know that I am continuing to learn and sharpen my skills. Everyday is a new day, and today I am choosing to celebrate life, love my life & kids, and express my joy at another day:dancin:
    Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child

    learning something new everyday!

    A very good learning lesson for you... Thanks for sharing with us.. I love your attitude.. Attitude is everything with this ! Have a great day !

    ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


      learning something new everyday!

      Amethyst, Excellent post and you sound so motivated. Triggers are one of the biggest barriers and now you sound pretty well armed against them. Good for you.
      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


        learning something new everyday!

        Interesting Amethyst. thanks for sharing. tho I find the less I drink the more I snack. that's ok with me, tho, as weight not a prob, and anything that keeps the booze out of the mouth is good. even if it's not healthy (tho I try to make it helathy if I can). Movies are also a good distraction.

        Hope you are doing well today.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          learning something new everyday!

          Amethyst--it is so good to identify your triggers. I have quite a few. I was on topa for 8 months and the decreased appetite (along with decreased alcohol) was great.
          I know the feeling though of drinking past the topa barrier.

          And also of snacking too much and feeling disappointed over that.

          I have recently looked up a weight loss forum and the website has a similar community to MWO. It is SO interesting reading through the posts.
          They refer to not binging as Abstaining and people are counting the days they are Abs.
          One poor woman laments about how she can't get out of bed in the morning because she binged on too much sugar and her husband is upset with her.

          Another lady is posting because she wants to binge so badly and it fantasizing about the food in her fridge. She convinces herself to drink "water, water, water!"

          Oh---it just sounds so familiar to our addiction here on MWO. I found it very interesting.


            learning something new everyday!

            That was a great post...I also struggle with my triggers, but I believe that finding them is the first step.


              learning something new everyday!

              Amethyst - I loved reading your post also! You analyzed the triggers so completely. I will watch out for this kind of thing more conscientiously now, thanks! (No topa for me now, but I can relate to the rest.)

              Your comment about getting buzzed, but not liking it so you continue, hit home with me. I think that is exactly what made me go so overboard! It is so interesting that we would chose to continue because we didn't like the out of control feeling! I find that as I drink past that point, I do end up feeling better --- or I think I do! I guess that's the kind of thing that brought us here. It has to be a disease!!

              Happy Wednesday! Day 10 AF for me! Whahooooo!


                learning something new everyday!

                I am on Day 2 am finding it very hard not to eat a LOT, especially really filling carbs. I know I have a lot of routines to change but my hubby works late at night a lot too and once my daughter is in bed at 8ish I just don't know what to do with myself. I can't leave the house.
                I have a feeling I am going to be getting a lot of rest for a while.
                Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                  learning something new everyday!

                  Happy, I know that feeling. You can't go anywhere because of the kidlets, so you *escape* in other ways. Good for you on day 2. Filling up on carbs makes sense because alcohol is a carb as well-pure liquid sugar. So your body is trying to make up for it's carb fix. But finding other things to do in the eveings is difficult-at least for me. Everything I used to do before I began drinking 9 years ago ( reading and watching movies) have become habit triggers for me to have a glass in my hand. I exercise in the morning, although I suppose yoga might be good in the evening, or tai chi. Maybe I'll give that a try. Well, good luck to all of us, and hope we all continue to add tools to our toolbox!
                  Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child

