Hi there
I like Pansy's and Beatle's responses to this. I also think bad therapy can be damaging. Seems like such a mix of people out there, some of whom are CRAP.
Of course counseling can be helpful if you find the right person and maybe bring this piece of yourself out into the open.
However, it also sounds like this might benefit you in your personal relationships. I find it really striking that you have not discussed this with your husband or anybody else!!!
So you look good on the outside and feel bad on the inside. I think one problem with alcohol is that it makes you feel very bad about yourself and of course it's something we work to hide. Does that sound familiar? Like the way someone might feel about sexual abuse? (I know you didn't mention what kind of abuse).
Anyway, maybe you do feel deep down that there is something bad or unlovelable is there and being an alcoholic is the best way to keep those bad feelings going. I know I felt very bad for years due to quite severe emotional abuse in chidhood. The best thing to do is to expose yourself as you are (maybe it will take some time for you to do this) to the people who really love you. I hope I am not going out on a limb by saying that. But imagine how reassuring that would be to do that? Doing this with a therapist could be a stepping stone toward telling someone you love.
If you think this past issue is affecting your present life you are probably right. I read in a Buddhist book that you should remember you are the principal witness in your own life story. That is SO TRUE.
good luck and keep us posted.