Became empty nesters 1 year ago, since then, anything goes, before then had to wear something "not see thru, covered from chin to knees" - what a relief to wear, or not wear, whatever. Usually now a camisole and panties but have been known to sleep in the buff now that I can!
No announcement yet.
Girly bits thread got me thinking..........
Girly bits thread got me thinking..........
Became empty nesters 1 year ago, since then, anything goes, before then had to wear something "not see thru, covered from chin to knees" - what a relief to wear, or not wear, whatever. Usually now a camisole and panties but have been known to sleep in the buff now that I can!The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.
Girly bits thread got me thinking..........
I sleep in the nude - summer or winter - I think have one pair of shortie PJs I had to buy for a hospital visit once.
Actually was just thinking the other day that it is strange how the generations' attitudes to nudity change.
My own parents were very prudish and used to knock on the bedroom door before entering in case the other wasn't "decent" LOL.
Myself and SWMBO are the opposite - We have never had an issue with nudity and have always encouraged the kids not to be embarrased about it either - when the kids were young it was usual for them to be chatting to us while either of us were in the bath or shower as we don't normally bother to lock the door when bathing!
(Dont worry - the bathroom door gets locked if we are using the other facilties! - or if we have visitors! LOLwe are not THAT bohemian!)
Now they are a bit older - the boys will still often wander in if one or other of us is in the shower / bath.
But - they lock the doors when they bathe.
It's not as if we haven't seen their butts n' bits before - is it?
XXX"Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"
Girly bits thread got me thinking..........
I'm not ashamed either Satori. On the other hand, I think my daughter's body must contain nuclear secrets, because she sure acts as if the world would end if I got a glimpse! EXTREMELY MODEST!!! Of course, the case is quite different when she is going out with her friends. It seems like the only thing that you CAN'T see are her "girlie bits"!:wow:AF as of August 5th, 2012
Girly bits thread got me thinking..........
YoungAtHeart;176508 wrote: I'm not ashamed either Satori. On the other hand, I think my daughter's body must contain nuclear secrets, because she sure acts as if the world would end if I got a glimpse! EXTREMELY MODEST!!! Of course, the case is quite different when she is going out with her friends. It seems like the only thing that you CAN'T see are her "girlie bits"!:wow:
xxx"Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"
Girly bits thread got me thinking..........
Go to bed in knickers and vest top, (in UK an outdoor top with thin straps over shoulders).
Like window open and usually sleep with no covers on, even in winter, definitely feet uncovered !! I'm with the weird crew !!!
have to be open in my house because kids and all wander in while I'm on the loo (toilet) or in the bath or bedroom.... but the eldest doesn't let anything show to me !!!I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.
Marilyn Monroe
Girly bits thread got me thinking..........
I am with tawny! Only nude always - hate clothes or even undies on in bed - I like to roll around and feel my lovely sheets (sometimes satin - Ooh la la) and I like to have the window open and fresh air flowing. Hubby too! We have always been open with our kids, although my husband is more modest when they come and cuddle with us. Not me! My boys got "weird" during puberty and of course, don't cuddle anymore. But my daughter is five and knows all her parts and mine. LOL! We love to cuddle au natural.
Girly bits thread got me thinking..........
Mags;176289 wrote: I'm another one who HAS to have feet uncovered - preferably hanging off the side of the bed. Sheets over only the middle part of my body - no matter what time of year or what I am or am not wearing. My feet are the most important thing. My shrink says it's "very interesting." Wait till I tell her about a dozen other people I know are the same as me.
I'm exactly the same way, feet uncovered and a light cotton sheet only over my middrift only and this I do all year long. Me too, my feet are the first priority. I sleep on
mu back, to the right then to the left, and I'll repeat this all night long. I usually have one arm, the one below if on my side, up and around the pillow. I usually wake up when the arm below has completely fallen to sleep and is all pins and needles . When I'm on my back I fold my hands over my midrift .
Weird hey ?
Girly bits thread got me thinking..........
In flannel jammies, top and bottom, heavy socks, flannel sheets, feather duvet. Feather mattress.
Some nights a hoodie with hood up.
Two large, hairy dogs, one on either side, snuggled right up against me. Heads on my pillow.
For winter in Canada which is October to May !
magic xxuch:
~Are you looking for the Holy One?
I am in the next seat.
My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir
Girly bits thread got me thinking..........
Knickers and t-shirt/pyjamas and t-shirt depending on temperature - windows closed as have ventilation system. Feet are my temperature control, so out of the covers in summer and under with socks in the winter. Nice feather duvet to cuddle - ZZZzzzz:rays: Arial
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