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Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

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    Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

    I wonder if anyone out there is overweight because of drinking? I have gained about 50 pounds in the last five years since I started drinking on a daily basis. All the people who I have ever know that were "alcoholic" were always more on the thin side.

    I have always struggled with weight, but really got my eating under control in my late 20's and have been pretty active and healthy. And even though I have been over 200 pounds all of my adult life, I got to a point where I was comfortable with my body and even felt quite sexy. Not anymore! I started drinking after the birth of my third child five years ago and have wondered if it is the alcohol or the hormones that have caused the weight gain - I don't overeat - really! At least not anymore than the normal female occasional binge.

    It would be nice to find someone who understands being a fat alcohol addict. Honestly, if I hadn't gained all this weight, I probably wouldn't care so much about quitting the drinking cause I really enjoy my evening cocktails, but I feel really uncomfortable in my body, which seems to still be growing. I am freaking out a bit!

    Love & Light - GG

    Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

    GG, I am on my way to the gym (kindof funny in a way) but thought I'd respond. I am about 30 pounds overweight. Some of it is due to thyroid disease (have you been checked?) and the rest to eating and drinking too much. I also feel terrible about myself and want to take the weight off. I know how to do it -- fewer calories and even more exercise -- but I am having trouble following through. I think you will find a number of overweight people at MWO...

    I bet if you cut down the A the weight will follow...


      Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

      GG, although I am in the 'normal' weight zone now, I was heavy when I was drinking daily. I gained 30 pounds in two years! Women metabolize alcohol differently than men. Most of the 'thin' alcoholics I have ever known were men who drank the hard stuff and rarely ate. I have only known 1 female alcoholic who was sickly thin and she was drunk day and night on Vodka or beer and barfed up whatever she ate.

      Also, as you get older (in your 30's) your metabolism changes. It takes less calories and more activity to maintain a healthy body weight. Just a fact of life. So add drinking to that, you are more than likely going to gain weight and it will be harder to take off.


        Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

        And yes, you will find giving up the alcohol 'empty calories' your weight will fall off. I lost a lot of weight my first 3 months AF. I added walking to my routine and the rest of it fell off. Ciders make me really pack on the weight.


          Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

          Well I feel overweight at the moment even though im in the normal zone. Ive gained 14 pounds in the last five years and I hate it. I am desperately trying to lose weight . I do far more exercise now than I used to as I cycle a circuit of 7 miles everyday, Today I did 10 but my weight seems to have gone up a bit and I am convinced its my muscles weighing heavier.LOL I will not stop the exercise though because it is my lifeline. Have to just eat less GG .


            Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

            I would definitely like to lose about 20-30 lbs- and yes I think mine is booze related because when I drink I don't care what I eat.

            At only day 2 now I am just trying to not drink- but I am starving. My appetite is ravenous and I don't know if I should just give into it right now or not. People have been telling me to try to take sugar out of my diet to make the cravings easier but I am really craving carbs big time. I am not a sweets person but I could eat pasta or bags of salty snacks all day long. I am hoping this will pass and I will start to eat normally again!
            Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


              Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

              Happy this will pass. I was the same back in December when I was detoxing. Eating a lot for a few days won't kill you. Try to eat whole grains instead of refined they keep you fuller longer. Your body is reacting to the lack of sugars in the alcohol. Even if you are eating 'empty calories' so to speak it is better than drinking 'alcoholic empty calories'. Give it a few days and this will pass. Drink lots of water too!


                Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

                I've been struggling with my weight for the past 5 years or so which, you guessed it, coincided with a serious increase in my drinking. Having been sober for 8 months now I haven't lost anything as I too am craving huge amounts of carbs - the easier to eat the better. I switched from being a savoury eater to a chocolate/cake eater almost overnight, so it's obviously the sugar hit my body is screaming for. I've read a book called The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet, which makes a lot of sense, but I just can't stick to a "diet" of any sort.

                It's really starting to get me down and I'm totally immobilised to do anything about it, so it seems. (see Maxman's 'Get off the couch' thread from last week!)

                Trying to work through yet more emotional issues that seem to heavily related to drinking/eating. Body image and self-talk are real problems and underpin some of my drinking behaviour.
                It always seems impossible until it's done....


                  Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

                  When I first started stoping drinkin the weight dropped off me like mad. I also take topa. I lost like 36 lbs. Now since I got the bf, I have gained half of it back. He cooks and we go out a lot, my stress has increased so I eat more so ya....I hate the weight crap.
                  Like someone said.....I know what I gotta do to fix the problem....its just a matter of doin it. Less cals and more exersise. Darn
                  Gabby :flower:


                    Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

                    hi gg. try reading a book by jason vale called "the food trap" its not a diet book,its all about changing your brand.
                    At my heaviest i weighed 16 stone 9.
                    out of curiousity i just weighed myself again, 12 stone 6. and im still drinking.
                    must confess i do a little at the gym.
                    Do yourself a favour and read the book. "THIS IS NOT A DIET BOOK"
                    good luck..


                      Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

                      Guess I`m just one of the lucky ones..........quitting drinking for even a month causes the weight to fall off of treating myself to some glamorous gear for Christmas........looking forward to being a svelte sylph of an abster!!!

                      Starlight Impress x


                        Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

                        Yes I gained weight when my drinking increased. I haven't really started losing any but I have cut back significantly. Am gearing up for another round of a low carb diet to see if that helps. I need to get rid of at least 30 lbs.
                        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                          Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

                          When I first tried to quit drinking on the site last year I did Topa and lost about 18lbs, but once i titrated up to 75mg I was having problems with my eyes (redness, burning) so I had to stop taking it which was terrible because it was working for me. I drank less and lost a ton of weight (really lost my appetite) and now have gained back almost all of it. Campral and Naltrexone have no effect on your appetite at all. i will have to ride it out. I am trying to stick to whole grains. I eat wheat pasta but the problem is I eat TOO MUCH!
                          Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                            Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

                            Happy, I love the whole wheat pasta - and I eat too much of it too. Don't worry too much, OK. You need to do what you need to do for now. Like you said the weight came off when you quit before and surely you will drop some quitting now. Once you are feeling better you will become more active, so don't worry. One thing at a time I say!


                              Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

                              Yep Accountable, booze first, then I'll get some clarity back. I'm also glad I stopped taking antidepressants. He gave me every one under the sun to try. Beana- I was also taking trazadone here and there and stopped asking for it. It was just too much it was like a pharmacy here, mixing too much stuff on top of the alcohol.
                              Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL

