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Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

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    Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

    I have to cut out all that stuff and especially nibbling on the kids dinners. That is my major downfall. I have pretty much cut out bread, which was tough now I need to let go of pasta, pretzels and stuff like that.
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

      About 3 years ago I was at my thinnest ever - then gained 60 pounds in a year and a half. Another 20 this past year. I'm disgusted with myself. I've always had weight issues, gone up and down, but this is the worst ever.
      I think multiple factors contributed to the rapid weight gain - I went off my thyroid meds for awhile. I started an antidepressant. I got into a relationship with a guy who ate the Standard American Diet (while I had for years eaten mostly vegetarian whole foods). I might have drank more while in the relationship.
      The past 20 this year is definitely due to increased drink.

      I am 80 pounds overweight. My daughter frets all the time that I'm not going to live very long because of my obesity (my ex-husband's voice). I am embarassed to be seen in public.
      Losing weight is one of my primary motivations in getting sober, as I know it will happen. I eat quite well, though I do need to exercise.


        Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

        I lost 15 lbs when I quit drinking, and I have kept it off, but I do a HUGE amount of exercise...I would be huge if i didnt exercise.
        It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
        James Gordon, M.D.


          Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

          The weight has dropped off.
          Only because of the excercise. Plus my stay @ the Emergency ward a while back....where my blood sugar was very high. Had to put my efforts into weight loss & diet. Hanging in thier. Going to see my Doc on Monday. IAD
          ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
          those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
          Dr. Seuss


            Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

            Well, I dropped 1 lb. a week for the month I was AF, all of which is now back, plus one. I'm 5' tall, so it shows!

            Lately I've been thinking about putting all changes that I want to make in my life into POSITIVE language. For example, instead of "I'm cutting out sweets and booze." I will endeavor to affirm, "I'm adding an extra 10 minutes to the dog's walk EVERY MORNING" or "I'm eating 5-7 veggies a day, plus 1-2 fruits." OR "I enjoy drinking 64 oz. of water EVERY day." instead of "No more wine, cookies, cakes or pies!"

            The idea is that we WILL drink more if we're dehydrated. We are LESS likely to crave sweets if our low blood sugar was appeased with a nice plum or juicy nectarine.

            I've given up on abstaining from coffee. Now that TRULY made me feel deprived.

            Hubby said, "When you don't get your coffee, you get angry, when you don't get your wine, it makes you sad." So he'd rather not have an angry wife on his hands, for sure!
            "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams


              Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

              Zin good way of looking at it- and I like what hubby said- plus you don't have to give up everything my gosh! Caffeine is good for you last time I heard anyway. Nothing wrong with a little coffee.
              Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

                Does your weight have any impact on why you are putting up with that man? You know you are better off alone than with him. Where is he now? Did he finally go?
                Maybe we should all go on a diet together. I know- diet's a bad word, but an eating plan.
                Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                  Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

                  Green, I have the last 7 I want to loose, step on the scale this morning up 6 LBS!!!! I know I gain weight when I ovualate and before my period but this 6 pounds. Stupid. It will be gone by Sat. happens every month twice a month, I hate it. For getting rid of the last 7 pounds kicking up the workouts, running more. BTW I am no stranger to weight loss over my life time I probably have gained and lost over 1000 pounds. Over the past 4 years have lost 80 pounds. Gained while in a deep depression. Alcohol probably didn't help either. But Carbs are your biggest enemy. Deep dish pizza was my best friend.


                    Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

                    I agree with Zin on this being frustrated about my weight almost every day myself! I have distorted images of myself as is and started out with an eating disorder which then turned into a drinking problem both which were managed by antidepressants and other things...anyway....what I do now is picture myself in my mind the way I wish to be. I also include this in my hypnotherapy suggestions...

                    Now...relax....go deep...deeper...deeper...hey...get away from the chocholate cake!!!!


                      Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

                      weight issues

                      I am a fat person at heart but I remain very fit regardless . I know the extra booze
                      and subsequent calories should put me over the top but I refuse to let it happen . I
                      increase fittness or decrease depending on the intake at any given time. Reading
                      everyones posts it is obvious that we all know what has to be done to loose the extra
                      weight and that is plain old movement. I usually do about 40 minutes of wieght training
                      during my lunch break and then another 1-2 hours of some kind of cardio later in the
                      evening. I don't recomend doing this every day though I do 5 days a week. On the weekend
                      I'm not so structured, but I am physical doing a few hours of windsurfing or hiking.

                      Anyway, one little fat burning tip for anyone that wants to exersize. The most efficient
                      way to burn fat is exersizing at a heart rate that is 60-65 % of your maximum heart rate.
                      To really know your maximum heart rate you would have to get on a treadmill and go nuts
                      to see how high you can get your heart rate up and I don't recomend this at all . Instead
                      we ball park this by the following formula: 220-your age( me being 45) so 220-45=175
                      as your maximum heart rate. Now take 60-65% of 175 and you have 105BPM @60% and 114BPM @ 65%. Therefor if you keep the heart beating between 105-114 you are very efficiently burning fat. Going above this and you burn sugar, not the fat and you will crash very quickly . Too low and you are not efficiently burning fat though obviously calories are being spent. 60-65% of your maximum heart rate is not hard to maintain at all and i guarantee that if you do this for an half to one hour a day you will see results .

                      Good luck!!



                        Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

                        Can you get your heart beat up by lying on the couch eating chocolate?
                        It always seems impossible until it's done....


                          Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

                          I also gained about 25-30lbs in the past 5 years or so when I started drinking daily. I was AF for 6 months and I didn't lose any weight. I was pretty worn out from the meds I was on at the time so I got absolutley no activity at all, I'm sure that didn't help.


                            Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

                            I have had a weight issue my entire life, with numerous episodes of being at or near a "normal" weight. Although I was very active as a youngster - practically living in the water during the summer and on the ice in winter - I was always fat. I didn't drink when I was a kid, btw.

                            Drinking in and of itself does not impact my weight much, nor do I lose weight when I stop drinking, even though Doritos cease to be a food group. It is very frustrating. Right now I would like to lose 50 pounds. In the past, I have been able to maintain 150 by eating no more than 1200 calories a day and walking 6 miles a day minimum (I was not drinking alcohol then). After I had maintained that weight for years, I once said that I would kill myself if I got fat again. Ugggh.

                            About 5 years ago, I found out I had PCOS which makes losing weight very difficult. Obesity and insulin resistance are both symptoms, among many others. My doctor told me that he had not seen bloodwork indicating such a high degree of IR - lucky me, but I did feel vindicated and knew there was a reason I could eat perfectly, exercise, and still not lose weight! You cannot lose weight while you have too much insulin in your system, despite exercise. For this, I take 4000 mg Metformin a day - an oral diabetes medication. I have not been so regular about taking it because the side effects can be so nasty - seems to become less effective over time as well. Also, I have been blessed with hypothyroidism. I am lucky to have a doctor who believes in "full replacement" which means that I actually get enough thyroid hormone to feel well.

                            Now that I am 30+ days AF, I really want to refocus on getting healthy again. If I am not going to be able to walk (arthritis in knee) for two hours a day, then I need to find a substitute activity. Cleaning up my food plan, which is easy to do because there is not much I am supposed to eat, will help a lot too. The 6-Week Body Makeover is the closest plan I have found that matches what I am supposed to eat. It is low calorie and highly restrictive, so few people can follow it. So, these are my next steps. Please, no personalized diet advice - I am just venting.

                            Good luck to all who are working on this goal!



                              Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

                              Ditto to all

                              But I know you are all beautiful people...bodies aside....
                              Control the Mind


                                Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

                                Weight problem should be my middle name!!

                                I quit drinking for 10 weeks at the beginning of the year and lost 18 pounds. I only put back 3 - 5 of them (not counting vacation weight, which is almost gone). When I drink, I do everything wrong. I eat salty, fatty foods and do not pay any attention to when I am satisfied. When I am not drinking, I don't think about food as much, and exercise is a priority. Actually, I don't know which comes first. If I exercise, I tend to have a better "booze day". If I lay off the booze, I tend to get up and work out the next day. Chicken or the egg?

                                My main motivator in quitting drinking has always been weight loss but as I get older, it is focusing more towards health. It's a much easier way to think about it.

