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Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

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    Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

    How much is too much?

    hi Green Goddess

    So what's in those cocktails you are mixing at night? Are you mixing with juice or something? That makes them even more fattening and full of sugar.

    I think probably many of us can attest to changes in weight related to age. Don't know what happens to the old metabolism!

    Of course, cutting down on the booze will do you good. If you have a lot of alcohol, plus bad carbs (while flour etc), you might wind up with a really sugary diet that will make you vulnerable to blood sugar crashes and overeating.

    You say you are eating normally but have you ever tracked calories? What Americans think of as normal is too much. The normal portions here are way too big. Even when food is healthy we are eating too much.


      Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

      I have about 10-15 lbs I'd like to lose. My hubby disagrees likes me at the present weight, but I hate shopping at the bigger sizes. When I went AF those 33 days I lost 6 lbs and haven't gained them back......even tho haven't be AF more than 2 days since. When I drink I don't exercise much, that's a lot of it. But I am either high energy or am drinking. My hubby is overweight, beer belly and he hates it. We TALK about exercising. If we exercised 1/4 of the amount that we talked about it....we would be in shape~!:H


        Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

        Flip;176464 wrote: Can you get your heart beat up by lying on the couch eating chocolate?
        Well that depends upon what you have on the tube I guess LOL.

        Or start smoking which will increase your static heart rate while on the couch
        and it knocks out the appetite . asked!!:H



          Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

          Oh, and my scale is innacurate. I believe its a good 6 lbs. off. So that would make my BMI 27.9 - in the "overweight" category. I'm looking at an 18 lb. loss to bring my BMI to a "normal" 24.8.

          I was just reading that some employers here in the US are starting to fine their employees whose BMIs are over 30.

          I don't really have an excuse. No kids, enough free time to spare 30-60 minutes a day, and access to a very nice fitness center at work.
          "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams


            Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

            Just reading all these I remembered something I learned about myself awhile back and then shoved out of my consciousness... (apparently it's true that stuff surfaces as we work to kick the habit).
            Anyway - I was sexually abused as a kid. And I've always had weight issues. I've been somewhat thin a few times - and though part of me liked the attention I got, a deeper part of me felt dirty and ashamed, that same nasty shame that has been stuck inside me since I was a little girl....
            I bring this up because I'm realizing that my efforts to lose weight, I suppose, should be mulit-dimensional. Cut out the calories (booze), exercize, and maybe do something about releasing that shame I've been carrying around for ages. And of course it all ties in - the shame surely contributes to the drinking. In my subconscious aversion to looking sexy I avoid exercise, which contributes to depression, which contributes to drinking, which keeps me fat.... etc etc etc.....


              Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

              zincityzen;176523 wrote: Oh, and my scale is innacurate. I believe its a good 6 lbs. off. So that would make my BMI 27.9 - in the "overweight" category. I'm looking at an 18 lb. loss to bring my BMI to a "normal" 24.8.

              I was just reading that some employers here in the US are starting to fine their employees whose BMIs are over 30.

              I don't really have an excuse. No kids, enough free time to spare 30-60 minutes a day, and access to a very nice fitness center at work.
              I wouldn't necessarily go by the BMI index . My BMI index says I'm obese and I don't have an ounce of fat on me . I'm medium build and muscular so I guess I don't fit their mould, so to speak .



                Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

                My husband got called in by the nurse for a checkup and was told he was overweight by the scales and bmi!!
                My mouth dropped on the floor, because he had a 6 pack - on his abdomen not in his bag !!!!
                Lifted weights and was sooo fit and healthy. Doesn't drink or smoke.

                We booked to see the doctor straight away, and told her what happened - she said we should ignore the nurse and the nurse had a weight fixation since she used to be fat and lost loads of weight herself !!!

                She should know better !!

                Now me , I'm a different story - lets not go there !!! LOL Actusally since stopping drinking I've lost loads of weight. The weight just kept dropping off and now I just need to tone up.
                I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
                I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

                Marilyn Monroe


                  Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

                  Simeybear...LOVE your attitude. Depression was part of the past 5 years for me as well, but like you, I just keep on keeping on. You are inspiring!

                  Love & Light - GG


                    Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

                    Simeybear - LOVE your attitude! Depression was part of my past 5 years' problems as well. It took a while for me to admit it, but I was in a bad, bad space and I am sure it is tied in with the overindulging I have done and the weight gain, etc. I just keep on keeping on! There is light at the end of the tunnel. You are inspiring!



                      Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

                      Hey Nancy,

                      Good questions...I like beer & tequila or wine. Not really a cocktail girl, that's just my phrase. I don't eat or drink sugary stuff (I guess the alcohol covers that) and I try and stick to whole foods, but probably don't eat enough veges. I am a high taster(more taste buds than the average person), which means fruits and veges aren't as appealing and I am very picky, but I do try to keep only healthy foods in the house.

                      As far as portions - I think you are right about America. We all overeat when it comes to portions. I tend to eat 2 - 3 larger meals instead of 5 - 6 small ones, but I work on that as well. I exercise 3-5 times a week, walking or elliptical, and I also love yoga, but don't do it as often as I should/could.

                      Mostly, I am inconsistant and self sabotage a lot, but keep trying to get it right. There are many layers to these issues of self abuse and I will just keep working at it till I find what works for me. Persistence is the key - I will never give up on myself!



                        Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

                        Well, it sounds like you are doing so many things right. In fact, maybe alcohol is the main problem, that and perhaps portions of healthy foods. I switched to healthy foods but the weight didn't come off. Too much brown rice and whole wheat pasta will keep the pounds on I found...

                        And avocado sure has a lot of calories. After tracking the calories I cut down the healthy foods by about half and am starting to see results. Of course, the alcohol calories are just wasteful. If we could learn how to be satisfied with less of everything we would be a lot happier, that's my opinion!


                          Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

                          just joined an d i too have 4 stones to los e , the weight sterted to go on about 10 years ago HRT. that the doc. gave me , and heavy drinking.
                          willneed a lot of motivation to cut down.


                            Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

                            hey, i do not have a weight problem, but i have gained ten pounds in three years, and i know for a fact the alcohol is the reason. i know how to eat right, and i do, and ive alas been so skinny until the alcohol problem.


                              Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

                              Me, too. I put on 15 pounds during the last 12 months! Just because of the drink. I hate this chardonnay flab that I carry around and need to get rid of it. And I have not lost any weight at all - maybe put few more pounds - since I stopped drinking. Because I have got that sweet tooth after sobering. (Alcohol is just pure sugar, so it did the trick to get my sugars before).

                              Not only I need to take up exercise and eat healthy to get my body back, but I have ackowledged that I need to do those 2 things in order to be mentally healthy and stable. Which again keeps me on track and sober.



                                Anybody fighting a weight problem as well?

                                Robert, you'll need to send me a DVD of yourself to get my BP up whilst lying on the couch as I gave up smoking nearly 20 years ago and I'm not going back there. I am prepared to get all hot and sweaty over a man if it's in my best interest - health wise of course!)
                                It always seems impossible until it's done....

