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so what age

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    so what age

    so what age did you guys start drinking everyday, for many hours a day? just curious. i know alcohlism is supposed to go in stages, so did you guys just drink like on weekends or maybe a few times a week when you were my age? (25) anyone my age here as well? alot of people my age dont realize they are in the beginning stages of alcoholism, they just think theyre normal and like to go out and get drunk with buddies is the fun thing to do.. hehe so the question is,

    did you guys just drink like on weekends or maybe a few times a week when you were my age?

    so what age

    The answer is


    weekends and a few times a week
    What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
    ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


      so what age

      I drank a couple times a week and for a while didn't drink much at all, when I was around your age(I'm 35 now). Probably about 5-6 years ago I started drinking more and more until it was a daily event.


        so what age

        Yes weekend binges, then only occasionally during the week. But then things
        started to get worse, wish I had known at 25 what I know now. Experience
        is a great teacher, so stick around.
        Best wishes Paula.


          so what age

          My drinking was quite different. I hardly ever drank in college - only once in awhile and not to get drunk. Then after college same thing. Never even thought about drinkng. I remember exactly when I started drinking daily. When I was about 25 I caught my boyfriend of 5 years with another woman at a night club where we both worked. Instead of apologizing and trying explain himself, he basically called me a fool in front of her and told me he'd be moving in with her that night. I started drinking that night and it's been a major issue since than, just like that. (I'm 46 now) Thankfully in the last 4 years or so my drinking isn't daily or as severe, however it is on my mind most of the time. I wish I could just get it off my mind altogrther like I was when I was 25.


            so what age

            I can remember using drinking to kill emotional pain...had alot of that from childhood up. When I was way too young to drink(this sounds crazy) I used to eat sugary things like chocholate cookies, and cake like I drank alchoholically.

            I am 46 and I started drinking from morning till night starting around 30 so, it has been about 15 years....hmmmmm



              so what age

              Yes, I drank like that and then progressed to every night within a few years, then to heavy drinking at weekends, then heavy drinking every night.

              I wish I had your insight at your age.

              Then I wouldn't be here now...
              I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
              I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

              Marilyn Monroe


                so what age

                wow SAM-- ur bf sounded like a peice of shit! well ur one of the lucky ones that can stop after having a few, and not drink very often anymore. so ya from what u guys said its very true that drinking happens progressively and usually gets worse. im aware of this now.... so i have to now do somethin about it since im definiteoly born with the disease! ( both sides of the family, my dad was telling me how his mother died at like fourty five from fallin down the stairs drunk) my dad and aunt also went on to become alcoholics. my dad controls it now, somehow. he has only about two, maybe three the most a day. about five days out of the week. since getting a bf who drinks everyday, my drinking has increased. my problem which is even worse, is that when i start its difficult to stop. when i get drunk, theres like no stopping me. ill just keep going. i mean drunk as in ur mind must not be working right.. i black out often.


                  so what age

                  I started to drink on weekends when I was 28. Every Friday and Saturday going out to the clubs getting trashed. Or playing ball for a couple years until I was 30 and getting drunk every weekend. I never drank much at all in my early 20's. My drinking escalated November 2001. Drank every night during the week and all day long on the weekends. Got preggers August 2004 - didn't drink until May 2005. Spent from May 2005 until December 2006 drinking heavily again. Found MWO in December 2006 and have had 3 nights over doing it. (I am 35 now)

                  You are young...... get a grip on it now before it really gets a grip on you!!!! I wish I could turn back the clock and be 25 again!


                    so what age

                    I have always liked beer. Ever since a kid. Dad used to let me have a swigg off his Falstaff when he opened it. So once I started partying that was my drink of choice. Beer.

                    Partying time started in highschool. By the time I got out of school and got a fake id I bought beer and always had it in the frige. Just like dad. I drank on a nightly basis. Just for the taste. But by the time I got to be about 30, when my mother got sick with cancer I defintally noticed I used the drink to soothe my stress. And then with the grieving and then life turning into an unhappy marriage.....I had found out what worked and off I went.

                    A daily couple beers for the taste that I liked turned into a huge stress reliever. Usually at least a 6-pk. But toward the end...8-10 beers a day. And the thing is that I wanted to stop for a long time before I actually did. I would say day after day "I'm not gonna drink tonite, I'm not gonna drink tonite". But surly I would not be able to pass the liquor store with out stoppin and downin at least one beer can before I got home. Which was a short distance. And I always came close to knockin off the full 12-pk before the night was done.

                    Lots of times I wouldnt eat either. Or not till the end. So I would have quite the buzz goin. Although I never blacked out or staggered or slurred my words. I would chat on the phone with my girlfriends. No one really knew I drank like that. Even my children werent aware of how much I drank.

                    I NEVER DROVE THEM....EVER!!!!

                    They were teens and often gone. So I did this drinkin alone.

                    My drinkin problem developed over a period of time. And it was really hard to quit.

                    Sad....And I never wanna go there again.
                    Gabby :flower:


                      so what age

                      Gabby, your story could have been mine if you Dad had been drinking Schlitz.


                        so what age

                        MD, it hurts me to look at your avatar.


                          so what age

                          Barb, He drank Schlitz about half the time. I almost put that.
                          Gabby :flower:


                            so what age

                            I didn't start drinking until into my 20s, then pretty limited, escalated until I got "with child", stopped for a while, escalated again. I'd say you are smart to nip it in the bud (if I got that expression right?). It never gets better. It will ruin your life if you don't do something now.
                            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                              so what age

                              My drinking history........OUCH!!!!

                              Drank for period of 8 yrs. every night ,from the age of 19, until I was completely blotto.
                              AF 1992-2002........reason for going AF was birth of my daughter in 1992.
                              Met new man (not!!!) in 2002..........ooooops, didn`t realize when I met him that he was an alcoholic.
                              Nevertheless, spent 3 yrs. with him, a period when I got "legless" on drink along with him every single night. (2002-2005)
                              Left him at Christmas 2005......continued drinking just the same for another year to numb the trauma of breaking up with him. (2005-2006)
                              Past 6 mths. I`ve tapered down my consumption, but still far too much at a nightly btl./wine.
                              Stumbled across M.W.O. a couple of mths. ago.........had agonizing attempt at moderating........needless to say, I failed.
                              Am happily on my Day 11 AF.

                              Starlight Impress x

