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Mad at Doc!

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    Mad at Doc!

    nfire: I have epilepsy. It is controlled with medications. I haven't had a seizure in several years and that one was caused because my doctor, in order to control my asthma, increased my asthma med...which is a stimulant and that stimulated my epilepsy. He should have know, having had me as a patient for over 20 years.

    Cut to today. I have changed docs, the insurance rates for my old one went up 75%. I liked my doc but that's a pretty steep increase.

    So I have been seeing the new one since January. I asked them to get my extensive records from my old doc. I asked them repeatedly. They finally sent for them, they haven't arrived yet.

    I know what meds I take. But the milligrams, no. Maybe you all know that info but I just never have, I take a lot of meds, tho not as much as in the past. Oh, and my asthma is completely symptom free w/Advair 500-see I do know that one

    I told the doc I've been feeling "funny". I've been depressed but there was another feeling too. Turns out my levels are way off. I am ripe for a seizure. I have been probably since I went to him all because he didn't take my levels until now or ask my doc what they were. Now I know I should know what strength my meds are and I bear responsibility for not knowing that. But if u had a patient that had epilepsy and is drinking wouldn't u have asked for some blood work before now?

    Thanx for letting me vent!

    Mad at Doc!

    As a NEW patient he is required to know what all your ''levels" are.
    He should have ordered blood work on your first visit OR asked for your old files pronto.

    You have every reason to be pi**ed.

    magic xx :schmokin:
    ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
    I am in the next seat.
    My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


      Mad at Doc!

      god yes. get all the info. take charge!

      Don't forget that even the best docs have many many patients-- you are just one of them.
      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


        Mad at Doc!

        Thanx Magic and you better believe I will have all that info. from now on Beatle!


          Mad at Doc!

          Personally I think it is the doctor's responsibility to have that information on file. If he doesn't have it, it should be requested the day you accept him as your physician. RIDICULOUS! And it is his responsibility to take blood work often especially if you are on meds and have epilepsy. What a crock of shit!

          I would change doctors if you can. I had to search around for a good one. My last one in my hometown was a piece of work. So quick to prescribe, and put you out to pasture. I originally went to him about my drinking and begged for detox. His response was "Here is effexor for your depression, and there is a huge waiting list for detox". Months roll on by, drinking harder than ever I phoned him. Well my referral for detox never left his office! I actually went to Alberta (the next province to go to detox) AND.... Not once did he take my blood work in over 2 years. Appalling to say the least. He was dumped.

          My new doctor has been working with me for about 3 years now, I was pregnant and he delivered my daughter. Saw him for postpartum and haven't seen him since; as I moved back to my hometown for 10 months. I went to my mother's doctor there and he was a complete putz too. Putting me on lithium - not orotate, the actual med. One blood test when there should of been one every couple of weeks in the beginning. Just a month ago, 3 months after I moved back here I was feeling really crazy and had thoughts of suicide, drinking more than I wanted to. HELLO..... KIRK COBAINE BLEW HIS HEAD OFF ON THE CRAP COMBINED WITH DRUGS AND BOOZE! There are some really crappy doctors out there. I recently went to my doctor here and wow, finally ..... And finally I am being monitored PROPERLY!

          So after my long winded post - Hart find someone else. He is a putz! :l


            Mad at Doc!

            I am also prone to seizures(thankfully none in the past... almost 7 years now),But do keep a written record of the meds I take with me in my purse, near my ID. Just in case...
            It is easy to forget names & dosages, especially when you're taking a lot of meds.
            I agree, you're doc should have done a thorough blood work analisis on you right off the bat.

            I think Accountable has a very strong point there... I'd look for someone else. This IS your life! I had a Doc almost kill me when I was 17 & hemmouraging for 2 months.. He kept giving me pain killers & birth control, telling me I didn't have a "regular cycle" yet... nothing was wrong.
            My Mom finally took me to a specialist, my appendix ruptured as I was going in for exploratory surgury!
            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


              Mad at Doc!

              Well I might change docs in January, when it's open season. I don't dislike this guy I just don't think he's very diligent. I got a call from the nurse again and she said you have 2 refills left. I said I KNOW THAT but if I am not taking the right amount then don't u have to call in another-that's an increase of 60 pills. Isn't that the reason my levels are wrong, now? Around and Round I went with her until she finally understood I needed a NEW RX for them or I wouldn't have enuf. AHHHHHH,:nutso: she just called again and said that what she said is what I am taking. I had to go around and round again I told her I am now taking 2 pills of two medications and I should be taking 4 pills of two medications.

              I don't know how to make it more clear. My levels are off and yet they think I should take the same amount of meds that made my levels get off in the first place.

              I want my mommie, I want an interpreter, I want to throw my phone out of my office's only seven stories down, I'll yell "LOOK OUT!" first.


                Mad at Doc!

                whatever country you are in the Doctor should have known that is what he is trained for and that is what he is paid for.

                Hart change doctors again - he is not up to date or as you say diligent enough.

                I do keep a record of any meds me and kids take.. just in case. Also if you look confident, speak confidently and know your medication they are more likely to do what you ask, like if you asked for blood tests he would probably have done them .... be confident girl and look after yourself.

                I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
                I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

                Marilyn Monroe


                  Mad at Doc!

                  I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
                  I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

                  Marilyn Monroe


                    Mad at Doc!

                    Hart...I feel your pain.ull


                      Mad at Doc!

                      (((Diamond, Capricorn)))

                      Thanx guys. Everyone keeps telling me to change docs, so I think I will. I have had 2 docs before all my life. Now in eight months I've tried two and going for a third. Oh well. I just want competent service that doesn't cost me half my check.


                        Mad at Doc!

                        Its so nice when you find a doc you like. You will know when you do. The next one will be better I just know it.
                        Gabby :flower:


                          Mad at Doc!

                          Yikes, that`s scary hart. So much for "your life in their hands".......just goes to show that sometimes we have to look out for ourselves.

                          Starlight Impress x

