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What was I even worried about!!!!!!

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    What was I even worried about!!!!!!

    Hi to all of you,

    Well, all that worry and everything is great! I had my scan and the baby is perfect.

    The Dr checked HIM over and he's doing fine. Yes, its 100% Boy. I am really happy because my 5 yr old son wanted a brother so much. All I really care about is that he is developing as he should. I go back again at 28 weeks for another scan as they want to keep a check on his growth as one of my hormone levels is a bit low. But, hey......I can breathe again and enjoy things a bit more.

    We had a couple of friends over last nght to celebrate and I drank 2ish glasses of champagne and 1 glass of wine. I also smoked 1 and a half cigarettes behind the "bike-shed" (so to speak!!) with my friend. (My husband would go mad if he knew) HOW old am I???!!!!! I feel a bit guilty today but God.....I can't be a maryta all the time! I have to say, I do have such an un-healthy attitude towards alcohol. I was desperate for more to drink when I had finished my quota and it was only this baby inside me that stopped me from having more. Its funny how I put this halo over my head when I haven't drunk for a while. I get to niavely think I'm okay with Alcohol again.....I can handle it in moderation. But no......That addiction can click back into place at any time.

    Anyway, new paragragh before I waffle on anymore! Thankyou for all your support towards me. I don't see myself ever leaving MWO. YOU KEEP ME ON THE STRAIGHT AND NARROW.

    Lots of love, Bella xxxx

    What was I even worried about!!!!!!

    This is GREAT news Bella, congratulations!!

    Just remember, you wouldn't put a drink in a bottle and feed him, so drinking while he's in there is pretty much the same thing!
    It always seems impossible until it's done....


      What was I even worried about!!!!!!

      Hey Bella, glad to hear the scan went well and that baby is perfect!!

      Sober since 30/06/10


        What was I even worried about!!!!!!

        Hi Bella, that is wondeful news about your baby! I am so pleased for you, joesgal xx


          What was I even worried about!!!!!!

          Delighted for you all Bella.
          You`re a lucky woman and baby`s a lucky wee fella to have a mummy like you!!

          Much love,

          Starlight Impress x


            What was I even worried about!!!!!!

            Congrats Bella,
            I endorse what Flip said.
            Love Paulaxx


              What was I even worried about!!!!!!

              Congrats Bella.

              Good comment Flip.


                What was I even worried about!!!!!!

                Im very happy for you Bella......I held my new neice the other day she so so tiny and can now look forward even more now to holding your have so much to look forward to bella......keep smiling.....:h


                  What was I even worried about!!!!!!

                  Bella - congratulations - I am so pleased that everything is fine..

                  Diamond xx
                  I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
                  I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

                  Marilyn Monroe


                    What was I even worried about!!!!!!

                    I am glad you are doing well and baby is fine. drinking while pregnant is not good at all .
                    You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                      What was I even worried about!!!!!!

                      Happy to hear the baby is fine Bella. Please try to refrain from drinking while pregnant. I am not trying to be judgmental but although your unborn son has all of it's fingers and toes, you have to be wary of fetal alcohol syndrome which is only diagnosed after the birth.


                        What was I even worried about!!!!!!

                        Wonderful news Bella. I am so happy for you.

                        I have two boys also ----- oh boy, are you in for a wild ride! But lots of fun. You have so much to look forward to. You are going to kick this alcohol thing. Your life and the life of your sons will be so much better for it.
                        Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                          What was I even worried about!!!!!!

                          OH YEAH happy for you!


                            What was I even worried about!!!!!!

                            Bella, I am so happy for you. That is great!

                            BUT, you should not drink at all while pregnant. Sorry, but it is true. I did a lot of research on this -- Ok, maybe ONE glass of wine now and then, but really, that's all. Don't mean to be a killjoy-- but really.
                            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                              What was I even worried about!!!!!!

                              wow, interesting.. when you have a baby in your stomach you cannot drink alcohol! i wonder about that...??

