How many weeks are you at now? Around 24? 6 months?
My doc gave me the go ahead to have ONE or TWO glasses of wine a WEEK at 6 months, but he also didn't know I was struggling with booze before I got preggers. I think if you drink at all while pregnant you will set yourself for some heavy drinking after the baby is born. You need to get in the mindset now that you are non-drinker from now on. After my baby was born I was back to drinking a lot pretty quickly. I had post-partum and was in bad shape. My hubby had to take a leave of absence from his job for about 8 weeks. I just cried and cried and drank. I don't know what your depression issues were before you got pregnant but you'll need to address that after the baby is born. If you feel depressed after the baby better to get some anti-depressants that fall back into the bottle. Seriously.
And Bella, no smoking, really I am surprised no one said anything about that. Don't touch a cigarette again it is terrible for your baby. No joke, it's disgusting. Do you really want to be a smoking and drinking mother of a newborn? No you don't. I am glad everything is going well, I am just pleading with you to not push it. :h