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What was I even worried about!!!!!!

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    What was I even worried about!!!!!!

    How many weeks are you at now? Around 24? 6 months?
    My doc gave me the go ahead to have ONE or TWO glasses of wine a WEEK at 6 months, but he also didn't know I was struggling with booze before I got preggers. I think if you drink at all while pregnant you will set yourself for some heavy drinking after the baby is born. You need to get in the mindset now that you are non-drinker from now on. After my baby was born I was back to drinking a lot pretty quickly. I had post-partum and was in bad shape. My hubby had to take a leave of absence from his job for about 8 weeks. I just cried and cried and drank. I don't know what your depression issues were before you got pregnant but you'll need to address that after the baby is born. If you feel depressed after the baby better to get some anti-depressants that fall back into the bottle. Seriously.

    And Bella, no smoking, really I am surprised no one said anything about that. Don't touch a cigarette again it is terrible for your baby. No joke, it's disgusting. Do you really want to be a smoking and drinking mother of a newborn? No you don't. I am glad everything is going well, I am just pleading with you to not push it. :h
    Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


      What was I even worried about!!!!!!

      Bella don't want to be killjoy, but fully endorse what others have said re. drinking
      in pregnancy. It is now recommended that you completely abstain throughout pregnancy
      Keep well and happy. Love Paula xx


        What was I even worried about!!!!!!


        I really hesitate to add to the "don't drink" while pregnant group. BUT, if something goes wrong and you have drunk while pregnant, you will blame yourself, if not, you will know it was nothing you did. capiche?

        I explained drinking while driving like that to my kids. Even if you drink just one and then drive and get into an accident. If someone gets hurt, you will always question "was it because I had that drink?" if you had not been drinking, responsibilty would be with the fates and you would be off the hook.

        This sounds too simplistic when I step back but it is where we end up so often in life. Try to make this pregnancy the FOCAL point of your whole existence. It truly is so important. He will join us in a few months and be so much better off if you don't drink or smoke.

        I know it is hard but he will be worth it, trust me!! :h

        When you welcome him into the world, you will be so happy you did not do anything to hurt him. There will be plenty of things out there you can't control, these things you can.

        Love and much strength for the next few months!!

        ps. I did it!! You can, too!! (Even made it through the breast feeding.. and I am one BIG addict!!)
        AF April 9, 2016


          What was I even worried about!!!!!!

          Thanks for all your comments. I am taking your advice about not drinking or smoking throughout my pregnancy. I had a blip the other day and I do feel very bad about it. I hope I haven't done any damage. I have taken everything you have said to heart. Perhaps I don't really deserve to have another child. But, I'm sure I do, after 3 long years of trying. I have been so good so far and I was happy about the scan result, so had 3 drinks. That was all. I stopped then and have had nothing since and don't intend to.

          Perhaps my posts are just too honest and perhaps my hormones are up the spout. I am depressed and feel bad now having read all your comments. I know you are all right in what you say. Its just hard to hear them at the moment.

          Bella xxx


            What was I even worried about!!!!!!

            It is good that you are honest in your posts. No one here was judging you. I think everyone is worried and wants you and your baby to be healthy. We know it's not easy.


              What was I even worried about!!!!!!

              Bella - what greater motivator than the vision of that beautiful baby boy to curb the craving for drinks and cigs!! How lucky that people here care for you enough to coax you to do what is right for your baby. Congrats on the scan!!! Are you thinking of names yet??


                What was I even worried about!!!!!!

                Thanks evergreen and memarcie. I know people care and I'm lucky for that. Just feeling crap today. Nevermind. I'm lonely. Bella x


                  What was I even worried about!!!!!!


                  Please don't think anyone is judging you. We are all excited for you having this baby and want this to be as wonderful experience as it can be.

                  I think it is fantastic it turned out the way it did and boy do those hormones mess you up.

                  When I was pregnant with my oldest, before I realized I was pregnant, I thought I was dying of cancer or something, I was so tired and depressed. It was with great relief I figured out it was just pregnancy. :H

                  But you know, the last half of the pregnancies felt so great!! I don't think I ever felt as good before or since in my life. I'll bet you will, too.

                  We are all excited and happy for you. Can't wait until we get to see him when he joins us. You will post a picture for us then, won't you?

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    What was I even worried about!!!!!!

                    If I can I will. Thanks db2fromala xx


                      What was I even worried about!!!!!!

                      Hi Bella, hope you are feeling better today. Having had a few drinks on one occasion
                      won't have done any harm, I and everyone else just want to convince you not to make
                      a habit of it, because we care about you and you baby.
                      Love Paula xx


                        What was I even worried about!!!!!!

                        Ditto to what everyone has said so far. I've known a few children and teenagers who were born with fetal alcohol syndrome, and they have real probelms - so please do stay on the straight and narrow. If you must treat yourself, do it with ice cream!

                        Wishing you all the best :h
                        The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.

