Well Im having a moan because im nearlly 8 weeks AF......and I feel very chubby...because I have been eating a lot more stuff to keep me away from alcohol on the evenings....I feel like ive stopped drinking and now im fighting the food tooo....I know about exercise and eating healthy and in moderation...but I dont seem to have to motivation to...do any....over here in England the kids are on school holidays for six weeks too so i have no routine until he goes back...we have done lots of activities together but money is tight to do things everyday.....and i have done lots of activies that dont cost nothing too....im single....and somtimes i feel like im watching the world go by without me and im stuck in a rut..Im not tempted to drink alcohol at this time which is amazing for me....because in the past boredam would mean buy a drink.....basically what im saying is im lonely and comfort eating and im getting myself down.....im sorry to moan when there are a lot more people worse of than myself right now.....but I just needed to let someone know how I feel...thankyou for reading.....
