She called this morning. And we were chit chatting. We used to be quite close until this "drinking" thing came to a head, and my husband and I were almost divorced. Of course, she took his side, as any mother should, and I understand that. However, she would come over during those first very difficult weeks when I had been crying and crying because I had found out that he had been having an "emotional affair" and that our problems were not necessarily all about MY drinking....and she would put this smile on and talk about the weather, or something completely unrelated. She avoided the issues like the plague.
Ok, so she didn't want to get in the middle. Fine. But I got no support from her whatsoever. None from hubby at the beginning either. Mind you, I was near suicidal at this point. Hubby would talk to his mommy, and I felt like the biggest outcast.
Finally, the sh*t hit the fan, I had an "episode" after weeks of crying, and I freaked out, yelling, was VERY ugly. What does hubby do? Calls mama. What does mama do? Calls father in law. So I come out looking like a complete psychopath because I have finally hit my breaking point.
The next day she called and said "oh, heard you kinda fell of the wagon last night". Nice. cute.
That was about 3 months ago.
Things have much calmed down now, and that seems like forever ago, and hubby and I have gone through counselling, etc. We're getting there!

SOOOOO, when she called this morning, she said "oh, by the way, I wanted to compliment you and say congratulations on your drinking. You are drinking like the rest of us now! See what it's like to drink like a normal person? You just drink slowly. You don't have to chug, Becca. Just enjoy your time like the rest of us. You've done it! You know how to do it now, you're all better..... BLA BLA BLA"
OK, fire away with the advice. Let it go, take it easy on her, or be wary cuz she was never really on board with me anyhow??

Thanks for the vent. Just don't know why I wanted to strangle someone for a congratulations!!!!!