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How to stop negative thoughts ...

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    How to stop negative thoughts ...

    A message from Rhonda Byrne,
    Creator of The Secret

    "How do I stop my negative thoughts?" - is a question that I have been asked many times. If you have ever asked this question then you will feel such enormous relief in knowing the answer, because it is so simple. How do you stop negative thoughts? You plant good thoughts!

    When you try to stop negative thoughts, you are focusing on what you don't want - negative thoughts - and you will attract an abundance of them. They can never disappear if you are focused on them. The "stop" part is irrelevant - the negative thoughts are your focus. It doesn't matter if you are trying to stop negative thoughts or control them or push them away, the result is the same. Your focus is on negative thoughts, and by the law of attraction you are inviting more of them to you.

    The truth is always simple and it is always easy. To stop negative thoughts, just plant good thoughts! Deliberately plant good thoughts! You plant good thoughts by making it a daily practice to appreciate all the things in your day. Appreciate your health, your car, your home, your family, your job, your friends, your surroundings, your meals, your pets, and the magnificent beauty of the day. Compliment, praise, and give thanks to all things. Every time you say "Thank you" it is a good thought! As you plant more and more good thoughts, the negative thoughts will be wiped out. Why? Because your focus is on good thoughts, and what you focus on you attract.

    So don't give any attention to negative thoughts. Don't worry about them. If any come, make light of them, shrug them off, and let them be your reminder to deliberately think more good thoughts now

    The more good
    thoughts you can plant in a day, the faster your life will be utterly transformed into all good. If you spend only one day speaking of good things and saying "Thank you" at every single opportunity, you will not believe your tomorrow. Deliberately thinking good thoughts is exactly like planting seeds. As you think good thoughts you are planting good seeds inside you, and the Universe will transform those seeds into a garden of paradise. How will the garden of paradise appear? As your life!

    Rhonda Byrne
    The Secret
    ... bringing joy to billions.

    Law of Attraction :: The Secret :: Offical Web Site of The Secret

    How to stop negative thoughts ...

    Ok U2......I'm gonna do that. Thank you.
    Gabby :flower:


      How to stop negative thoughts ...

      This is the key to having lost and kept off (for the most part) 45 pounds for 11 years. I focus on the joy of being my ideal weight, the appreciation I have for healthy food, how much I enjoy the feeling of having just enough to eat - not too much, not too little - so that I am satisfied. I focus on the benefits I get from exercise and how great it feels. This stuff really works. Thanks for the reminder.

      Now I think I'll use this stuff towards my alcohol consumption.


        How to stop negative thoughts ...

        Keep saying it.......only think good thoughts, only think good thoughts...dito,dito,dito....IAD Thanks, Trish
        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
        Dr. Seuss


          How to stop negative thoughts ...

          Very intuitive! Thanks for that post. I totally agree - With this battle with alcohol, I think the tendency is to think over and over "I don't want to give in and drink too much today, please God, help me not drink today." etc. I think all you mind is actually hearing is "drink today" So it's fruitless to obsess over it in anyway. I think once thoughts like "I don't want to drink" come up I will stop and put positive things in my head - like what you mentioned, Being grateful, finding someone to help out, appreciating nature. Thanks for reminding me of that.


            How to stop negative thoughts ...

            Thanks so much n2. I've read and heard and learned so much over the years, of course, of the power of our thoughts, but it is so easy to forget.
            Have you read the book The Secret? Are you a fan? I went to the web site you gave us here... it offers a video show of the Secret - are you familiar and do you recommend it?

            With all the changes in my life right now, I could sure use some revolutionary "kick-me-in-the-butt" message.

            Do you remember in What the Bleep Do We Know - the part where there were photos of water molecules that had been in the presence of various thoughts. I'll never forget the impact it had on me to see the difference of the appearance of the water molecule to which someone who had said, "I hate you", and the one that had been blessed by a Buddhist monk... and then the reminder that we humans are 90-something% water.
            When we fill ourselves with negative thoughts - those nasty, icky things we pollute our beings with after a night of drinking, or feeling bad about a decision, or looking in the mirror, or skeaking harshly to our children, etc - wreak absolute havok on the billions of cells that make up our being.

            So I'm getting started right now...
            - I'm so grateful that I have all the support I need to achieve my goals of sobriety.
            - I thank the Universe for my daughter, my health, my home, my job, my self.
            - I am very glad that he is moving out of my house in a week and the transition will be smooth and painless.


              How to stop negative thoughts ...

              Imatree, I LOVE the water crystals! I have gotten several of his books from the library. I find it facianting. As you pointed out, we are mostly water, and the spoken and written word act very powerfully on water. Only makes sense they would affect us in powerful ways. I have both The Secret and What the Bleep, and find my thinking moving along those paths.
              Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


                How to stop negative thoughts ...

                hit the nail on the head there mate!
                "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


                  How to stop negative thoughts ...


                  You can't stop them. You just observe them and let them go on by.


                    How to stop negative thoughts ...

                    positive thinking

                    ooh I like this thread

                    I have become really aware of the power of negative thinking through reading the book Feeling Good. I think I had a toxic mental environment going on for sure, which fueled a drinking problem.

                    Sometimes I think positive thinking is overdone (we discussed this in another thread-- positive thoughts being pushed on cancer patients). I don't want to go around being ridiculously positive all the time but I certainly don't want to be unrealistically and unfairly negative about myself or the world. Also, I think we have a lot more power than we give ourselves credit for. We can wallow with these afflictions when in reality we are our own jailers.

                    And certainly as WWBARB said, focusing on the positive aspects of the goal (the ideal weight) and having healthy food is a lot better than focusing on the deprivation of not having some snack that is ridiculously high in calories and not nutritious.

                    Also, as Benjamin points out, it's really powerful to learn how to co-exist with negative thoughts, not make them go away, just acknowledge them and watch them go by without judgement. Have you seen a Beautiful Mind? A Buddhist nun says we become like the protagonist, who suffers from hallucinations. He hears these voices and sees these images but he learns to ignore them. But they do not really go away as he heals, they are always there! She suggests that this is what our neuroses are like. I thought this was a very powerful analogy.

                    Anyway, having written all that, I bought into the Secret! I rented the Secret DVD and plan to watch it tonight.


                      How to stop negative thoughts ...

                      Watching the Secret

                      Boy am I disappointed. I can't believe this DVD. It's really simplistic and materialistic and I can't believe it. One speaker seems to advocate not watching too much of negative news.
                      Others seem to be advocating something that can only be compared to faith healing.

                      There must be a better way of learning to be more positive than this mass market stuff...

                      Wow, I saw so many things I disagreed with...

                      And I am not all the way through it.


                        How to stop negative thoughts ...

                        Nancy, I read, after posting, some critiques on The Secret. Whatever.
                        The opinions were on this author's presentation's of a fundamendatal truth. This presentation will appeal to many based on where they are when they arrive at the information.
                        Others are at other places, but still need the reminders.

                        Some of us read Buddhist teachings, some of us read Chicken Soup for the Soul.

                        Let us all take what we can... cast aside critiques (I had mine today, seeing that site), and allow ourselves to be REMINDED that we know what we need to know, that thinking the good thoughts bring the good realities, that being grateful for the good life - even before it shows up - makes it come into being... that's what we need to hear. Regardless of the author or the presentation.

                        It's all good girl.


                          How to stop negative thoughts ...

                          Work and life?s stuff kept me from replying sooner. As well as I have a book formulating inside me in response, but I?m sure nobody wants to read that much online

                          I?ll break this up into ?chapters? so to speak to make it more digestible.


                          Besides heavy drinking, for the purposes of this discussion my background includes the following:
                          ? Fortune 100 Director of Business Development/Sales
                          ? Scientist ? Undergrad in Biology, Masters in Counseling & MBA
                          ? Metaphysicist ? professional Numerologist (akin to Astrology) for 15 years

                          An odd mix, but it works for me and may be helpful in understanding where I am coming from as you read on.


                            How to stop negative thoughts ...

                            Chapter 1 ? ?The Secret? and Mass Marketing

                            Yes I do like the movie ?The Secret? but view it as Positive Thinking 101. My personal preference is ?What the Bleep Do We Know?? (available at BlockBusters) but realize that movie may come off as too scientific or new agey for many ? Quantum Physicists and a Channeler of a 2000+ year old dead man discusses spirituality (as well as addiction).

                            As a sales person, I understand sometimes it is necessary to dilute the message to ensure broader appeal. Both movies have a similar message but the Secret played it safe and the Bleep said WTF ? literally.


                              How to stop negative thoughts ...

                              Chapter 2 ? Water and Positive/Negative/No Thoughts

                              Imatree referred to Dr. Masaru Emato?s water molecule work in the Bleep?.

                              The #1 need for all humans is validation.

                              During the course of a person?s life, between birth and adulthood, we range from 90% to 70% water. In Dr. Masaru Emoto?s book Hidden Messages in Water, he cites an experiment in which rice is placed in three jars of water.

                              ? Jar #1 had the words ?Thank You? taped on it.
                              ? Jar #2 had ?You Fool? taped on it.
                              ? Jar #3 was left blank.

                              After a month passed:
                              ? Jar #1 had a mellow malt smell.
                              ? Jar #2 was rotten and black.
                              ? Jar #3 was the worst and rotted before Jar #2.

                              Since our bodies are mostly water, this study suggests that it is better to say ?No? to someone than it is to leave them hanging and feeling invalidated. You might want to rethink how you react the next time:

                              ? Someone emails you and you?re not an online dating match,
                              ? A nagging loved one asks you to take the trash out,
                              ? Your child pesters you to play with them,
                              ? Or worse, you ignore that small voice in your head.

