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How to stop negative thoughts ...

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    How to stop negative thoughts ...

    Chapter 3 ? Thoughts and Dis-ease

    Louise Hay, author and publisher, is famous for her book ?Heal Your Body.? As a child she was sexually abused by family members. For years she stuffed feelings of guilt and shame. As an adult she contracted cancer of the cervix (part of a woman?s girly pink bits). Broke, Louise couldn?t afford surgery and set about healing herself through vitamins, proper diet and positive affirmations (note that the key elements are darn similar to RJ?s MWO!) In 6 months, Louise was cancer free.

    True healing of a dis-ease/situation ? cancer, addiction, whatever ? does not happen by masking negative thoughts with positive ones or stuffing/ignoring negative thoughts. Observing your negative thoughts can actually be very healthy and is different than ignoring; so you can determine where you have to change your core philosophy/lifestyle.

    You may have noticed that RJ?s CDs starts with ?Clearing? out the negative stuff and then moves to ?Hypnosis? which implants new positive thoughts. The ?Subliminal? and the ?Sleep Learning? act as subconscious reinforcements.

    Bottom line: Whether you think you can (quit drinking, moderate, etc) or you think you can?t; you?re right!:h


      How to stop negative thoughts ...


      PS I'm better at Talking than Walking the Talk:H


        How to stop negative thoughts ...

        I am just wondering, about this cancer of the cervix, was it invasive cancer or was it just the malignant cells, prior to invasive cancer? I think prior to invasive, it's possible that there won't be progression. I think some women might actually refer to this as cervical cancer but it isn't invasive.

        I hear you about not masking negative thoughts. and it seems that you also understand my not liking the mass market selling of these concepts. Also, if you look in the holistic threads under impermance and addiction, someone posted a great article about disliking how positivity is being pushed on people. that people might feel guilty about not being positive when they have cancer. it was an interesting read.

        I think for sure if you think you can't do something it can be a self-fulfilling prophecy. Maybe the Secret has just taken this too far. almost tellling people they can cure themselves of cancer when in reality many cannot and that they can get millions if they just want it. that is a far cry from believing in yourself and giving yourself a chance to succeed,, with a whole lot of hard work. or from avoiding damaging effecs of stress. One thing I thought was interesting was the advice to be pro-something rather than against it. like pro-peace rather than anti-war. the author of Chicken Soup for the Soul had some interesting things to say. I didn't like the rest of the DVD.

        anyway, there were some interesting thoughts posted on this thread and glad you posted. your book also sounds very intriguing! Good luck with your project.


          How to stop negative thoughts ...

          Hi Nancy,

          Yes cervical cancer and cancer of the cervix are one in the same in my mind. I double checked some of her books and can't find the specific reference to the type of cancer. The passage I found this time just refers to vaginal cancer and uses the word 'incurable'.

          I did enjoy your thread in Holistic Healing on the subject. My mother died of cancer, as well as a good friend of mine last month. Both were Aces at slapping a smile on their face and "appearing" to live in Shagrila land. Actually "being" happy was a whole other continent they never visited. Upon their deaths, their secrets were discovered.

          My mother filled a trunk with her journals of my father's drinking habits. Dates and hour by hour descriptions of his moods and shorthand blurbs such as V12, Bl 1.5, b 3. The "V" is vodka but I'm not sure what the "Bl" or "b" refers to ... bourbon and beer were other drinks of choice. We also found in the trunk reams of letters between my parents. You would think my father was stationed overseas fighting a war. But no these were 2 people who were the sole occupents of a 7 BR house. Their private demons scrawled in anger on notebook paper made WWII's Hiroshima look tame. Reading the venom expressed, this huge house must have felt like a small jail.

          Nobody had a clue until her death about my mother's inner struggles. She 99% of time appeared happy-chipper-happy. Ridiculously so - a clue in hindsight. Of course everyone knew about my father. My only guess is my mother kept meticulous notes in case my parents ever divorced; as she was precariously holding together the preverbial house of cards and family business.

          Thus my drive to truely "be" happy and sober, and not follow in my parents footsteps. But to "be
          " happy and sober, first I have to express and clear my past bottled up "stuff". Then I do believe "anything
          " is possible like curing cancer or winning millions as depicted in The Secret. But really being positive is a hell of a lot of work that can take a lifetime to accomplish.

