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Does anybody want to start an exercise programme with me?

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    Does anybody want to start an exercise programme with me?

    Okay folks, that's it. I need help. I need motivation in starting to exercise again.

    Does anybody want to start an exercise programme with me? I figure we can work out how much we are going to do and report back each day when (&^$#&*%#@) we have done it...?

    I am thinking along these lines: start off with 50 mins walk 5-7 per week, commit to a few hills in that walk and take it from there.

    Any takers?
    One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

    Does anybody want to start an exercise programme with me?

    I'm not much for walking... (my old knees don't like it much!)
    But I'll do river miles/time... whatever....
    I might sit on my butt... but I paddle upstream a lot! :H

    Plus I walk about 7 hours per shift @ work.. really fast.(probably not a great idea... but it pays well!)
    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


      Does anybody want to start an exercise programme with me?

      Ahh, anybody else? Come on, i must have some takers!

      I'm looking for people who need support and want to start exercising at the level i described above (walking almost daily and then to the gym - later, when we get fit).

      We can start a new thread about it every day.

      Come on!
      One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


        Does anybody want to start an exercise programme with me?

        Hi Change,
        I`m in.........for the walking anyway.
        Am a bit nervous of going to the gym though........have never been in my entire life..........ain`t got a clue how to work the apparatus!!! LOL

        Starlight Impress x


          Does anybody want to start an exercise programme with me?

          Hi Change!! I'm definitely up a a "buddy" group. I nearly break out in a rash at the mere thought of exercise. However I'm making myself do it, and could use more accountability! For the last few weeks I've been doing a program on the Dreadmill oops I mean Treadmill with a goal of 6 days per week, and followed up by some time on the Torture Trak oops I mean Torso Trak. Last week I only did 5 days on the Dreadmill. :upset:

          This coming week my goal is to do 3 days on the Dreadmill, and the other 3 workout days on the Bowflex, starting to get some light weight training back in the mix. Torture Trak will be all 6 days at goal.

          So...That's my plan!! Will look forward to checking in every day to make sure I stick to it.

          Thanks Change!! This is a good idea.

          Day 32 AF
          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Does anybody want to start an exercise programme with me?

            I'm in. I need to start walking my doggie again and using the runner/bowflex that have been collecting dust in my family room.

            My goal is to walk a mile at least 3 days next week. Ok maybe 4 days.


              Does anybody want to start an exercise programme with me?

              I started doing reebok step and abs exercises, but the threads in the fitness section are for those serious exercisers.

              I would like to join because I want to do step everyday and abs 3 x week.

              If I have to say I've done it, it will be great.
              Thanks Change for the motivation

              Diamond xx
              I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
              I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

              Marilyn Monroe


                Does anybody want to start an exercise programme with me?

                Hi Change! Count me in. Today is Day 1 for me and I like to run so I'd love to join you! Don


                  Does anybody want to start an exercise programme with me?

                  Think this is a great idea

                  I actually do exercise, but sometimes need a boot in the butt when I am tired, and don't feel motivated. This accountability will be good for me. I try to go to Curves three times a week, and also do some walking every day, usually just walking the dog in the summer, but in the winter I like to walk on an indoor track. However, like I said, it's all too easy for me to decide I am too tired, or count me in!
                  The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                    Does anybody want to start an exercise programme with me?

                    Count me in. I walk quite a lot anyway but need motivation to try j..j..j..j..j..jogging. Urgh!
                    AF since December 22nd 2008
                    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                      Does anybody want to start an exercise programme with me?

                      Oh, alright.... I'm in....
                      This next week or two will be killer stressful - bf IS leaving, and once he is out I can realistically commit to AF everyday. With that I am determined to get into the best health I've ever been in - exercise being key in that.
                      I have 80 pounds to lose!
                      I'll work on an exercise program and set my goals this weekend.

                      Thanks Change! (I mean, thank heavens for change!)


                        Does anybody want to start an exercise programme with me?

                        hee hee

                        Doggy Girl's post about the "dreadmill" made me laugh out loud!


                          Does anybody want to start an exercise programme with me?

                          Manjiona, Manjiona tommorow is good enough for me......IAD Oh I'm- sorry I thought we were doing song lyrics on this thread. My mistake!.......:H
                          ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                          those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                          Dr. Seuss


                            Does anybody want to start an exercise programme with me?

                            Count me in!

                            I'm up for it, change. I will walk 50 minutes a day - I try to do 30 now with my dogdog, but if I know I am accountable for 50 it will really help. I have problems following threads though!!!!!

                            Today I am starting a goal of 7 AF days, my first time, I finally got the topa. I am out the door RIGHT NOW to do 50. See ya.


                              Does anybody want to start an exercise programme with me?

                              Well, i'm glad we have a good response here!

                              Just got home from work, let me sleep on it and decide on a strategy. I am thinking we should start a thread every day in the Just Starting Out section? What do you think? Or perhaps in this section?

                              I live in Australia, so it looks like you guys are up before me... well, depending on how you look at it. How's about somebody start the thread tomorrow (or 'today', when you wake up) and than we can all contribute to it. I am warning you, if nobody starts the thread, i will!

                              And, speaking of accountability, i am going to hold each and every one of you accountable. Lol.

                              I'll check in in about 5-10 hours or so, when i've had some sleep. It's 4:30am here. :cupajoe:
                              One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

