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my opinion on different types of alcoholics

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    my opinion on different types of alcoholics

    I am 25, not quite terribly addicted to alcohol, but on my way, and i want to try to reverse and moderate my drinking. i dont feel i can completeely stop at my age. my friends mostly love to go out. i have been better with moderating, but lately its been difficult bc my bf is drinking everyday, and im always with him, so ive been increasing in how many days per week im drinking .,its about five now, compared to twice a year or two ago, before i was with him. however im very aware and trying to moderate it and not get to druink if i go out on a friday night. anyway, what i was going to say, was that there are different types of alcoholics. ive heard, and seen and am sure of it. there are those like my boyfriend, who dont have a genetic disposition to it, and drink everyday, maybe a six pack, maybe two beers, but they know when to stop and dont WANTTTT to keep drinking say if they hit a drunk state, or even a buzzed state, or even NOT. whatever they feel like doing. however, my bf i believe, has become dependent a bit on alcohol, he doesnt and wouldnt prefer to even go a day without it. OK, so then theres me. I used to go out and drink twice a week, but when i did, i would get to the point of blackin out, not know what i did or said, at times passed out on the bar, gotten flagged. if someone said to me when i was to drunk, " hun, u need to stop drinking now uve had enough" i would be like no . and start a fight if they argued. my bf and i have gotten into many fights about it. hes tried to stop me and i litearlly scream and cause a scene because having that next drink means so much to me. i dont remember this stuff, he tells me the next day! cuz i black out and dont even remember half the fights we've gotten into. i woudlnt drink everyay, but when i did, i woudlnt know when to stop. both sides of my family are alcohlics, and seriou sones. i truly believe, i am the dangerous alcohlic and my bf can live like this forever maybe, and never have a problem. for me its a struggle to have just two or three beers, and not be DYING to have more. i have to fight myself. to me that is the difference between someone like my bf who just loves alcohol but isnt genetically dispositioned to be an alcohlic, and myself who if i do not do something , or fight my drinking, will become an alcohlic no doubt. however, i believe being in this relationship has defenitly worsened it, because i crave it everyday now. because he drinks everyday. i used to be fine with drinking on a thursday "lady's night" and a saturday. i hope if we do break up, which i think migh thappen eventually because o fhis controlling and possessive behavior, i hope i can go back to just drinking twice a week and now that im more aware of it, try to not get drunk to the point of blacking out. anyone else notices this about different people who drink?

    my opinion on different types of alcoholics

    Hey there Me,

    Not for nothing but I think your bf is an alcoholic. "he doesnt and wouldnt prefer to even go a day without it." is what you said.

    I would run for the hills because he is gonna take you down. You already know it. Just because he doesn't have alcohol problems in his family doesn't mean he isn't one. You're 25 you don't need this crap. You are a very self aware person, you know what you need to do and then you can either quit or figure out your next move. If you already know that once you have one or two you cannot stop then you should quit for 30 days and see how you feel.
    Good luck! :h
    Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


      my opinion on different types of alcoholics

      thanks happycamper, i havent read the book yet.. it should be coming to my house and im in jersey and now my family is prob gonna see what i ordered. geesh. they know i have problems with alcohol but not the extent. um, so yeah i agree with what you said about my bf. im sure he is an alcholic. i just dont think hes genitally an alcoholic. soo since i haevnt read the bok yet, what is it about the thirty days that people are doing? is it supposed to help you moderate when you are done with those thirty days?


        my opinion on different types of alcoholics

        I agree with Happycamper. Your bf sounds like he is a very dangerous influence on you and I think you know it. You sound like you are very smart, aware of what he is doing to you, and are willing to do what you need to do to help yourself. I started out as one who only drank once a week or so but my friends always had to scrape me off the floor at the end of the night. I could never stop when they all could. Eventually I turned into a 24/7 heavy drinker in a lot of pain. Now is a good time for you to start helping yourself.

        When you get the book, read it several times, buy some of the supplements from this website, start posting here often, and read the many histories of people who have been here a while and who have benefitted from MWO. And read the stories of those who are struggling but improving. The book will explain about the 30 days AF and then the moderation (or abstinence) afterwards.

        You are so lucky. You are so young and smart. To be realizing you may have a problem now is so unusual - most of us wait until much damage has been done. I wish you the best of luck and hope to be hearing from you on these boards again.

        Take care.....
        Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


          my opinion on different types of alcoholics

          Well the point of the 30 days is to give you time to be sober and to give you real clarity of mind so you can decide if you want to try to moderate (with the help of drugs or just the supps) but some people feel so good after the 30 days that they decide they want to be booze free forever. Some people moderate and realize they have made a mistake! Everyone is different but if you can do 30 days it would be good. I'm on day 5.
          Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


            my opinion on different types of alcoholics

            I agree ditch the bf. He is an alcoholic and with a little more time under his belt he will probably be in as helpless a state as I was in. Being AF for 30 days like camper says will give your body time to get back to some sort of balance and you will be more able to think clearly. If you read about all the trials the people here have been through because of our drinking, you might just decide not drinking at all makes a lot of sense. I did not want to give up the booze, so I played around a long time trying to only drink beer, or only drink on weekends, or only drink with friends (never alone), or any other of a multitude of schemes to keep alcohol in my life. None of these worked for me. As a matter of face with each failed attempt my drinking got worse. Everyone is different, so you will have to make up your own mind; but if not drinking for 30 days makes sense you should give it a shot.

            God Bless

            What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
            ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


              my opinion on different types of alcoholics

              If you are interested in the different types of alcoholics, the book "Seven Weeks to Sobriety" goes into detail about this. It even has a test so you can figure out what kind you are. I recommend it highly, together with the MWO book, they make a very good combination. Seven Weeks is more focussed on scientific stuff, and nutrition especially, while MWO is a more whole program to change your lifestyle.

              Anyway, it is great that you are figuring this out about yourself so young. You will beat this without much damage done.
              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                my opinion on different types of alcoholics

                p.s. it seems a little harsh to say just ditch the bf if the relationship is good, i mean. maybe you can get him involved in the fight against alcohol. if you can, maybe it really is a good relationship. of course, i don't know about the other aspects of the relationship...
                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                  my opinion on different types of alcoholics

                  I definately think you get different "types" of alcoholics just like you get different types of people. I tend to drink to black out and a bit of mania too. I know people whoe drink everyday and seem to "keep a handle" on things but they are still definately addicted to alcohol, and are they really keeping a handle on things?
                  Full is not nearly as heavy as empty, my love...
                  Not nearly. -Fiona Apple-


                    my opinion on different types of alcoholics

                    right you are deilight. I am the second type and definitely dont have the handle.
                    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                      my opinion on different types of alcoholics

                      Like a lamb to the slaughter.........

                      Hi me145,
                      My perspective on this is simple, and so very true.

                      I have posted my story before, so here it is in a nutshell:

                      I was sober 1992-2002

                      Met new man in 1992(he was an alcoholic)........I have been a drunk again since meeting him.

                      Left him 20 mths ago as I realized our relationship was based on nothing more than our shared love of alcohol. At that time, I hoped that somewhere far off in the distance, I could get well........but knew that would take for me to leave him.

                      I continued on drinking on a nightly basis, although I cut down, to help me cope with the trauma of breaking up with him.

                      I joined M.W.O. a couple of months ago, and am finally on my way.

                      I am 14 days sober today and pray that I shall remain sober for the rest of my days.

                      I have learned a great deal through meetin my ex.........

                      I now believe that I, for one, will always be an alcoholic........speaks for itself, when I see how easily I returned to drink on meeting my ex.

                      Here is what I am:

                      DRUNK = ACTIVE ALCOHOLIC

                      SOBER=DORMANT ALCOHOLIC

                      I am currently single and naturally, at 42, I`d like to think I will meet someone else in the future. However, if that man were to be a drinker, I would find myself back in my "danger zone". I can honestly say that if I do meet someone and discover that they`re a drinker..............I will run a mile at top speed.


                      I cannot tell you what you should do as regards your bf.........that is your decision alone.
                      But please........................learn from my mistakes!!!

                      Wishing you luck and strength.

                      Starlight Impress x


                        my opinion on different types of alcoholics

                        hey you guys! thanks for all those posts. its nice to hear the support and compliments. everyone here is so supportive, smart, and nice. unlike others who dont understand the alcohol problems, who basically just say in otherwords, " get some willpower! just go out and have a few!" they will never quite understand. different brains, different genetics. everyone is different. and yes i agree, there def is different types of alcoholics. today is my second day without alcohol. yesterday was real hard because like i said and complained about, my bf drank alll day. then all night. and i am with him at his parents house so i basically had to go out with them to bars till twelve am, and be bored out of my mind because the guys were all talkin and drinkin, and i was sitting there looking at my watch. but im so proud i got through it. yesterday was a hard day to start ( saturday ) weekends are hard for the alcohol in my opinion. my boyfriend is going out right now, at twelve pm "skeet" shooting with his friends. they area ll bringing beer.. so hes starting again today! i said to him before, "bill u gotta watch it" because even though like i said, hes not genetically disposited for it, hes still gettin ghis body addicted to it. it probably is already. another example of how my bf is different than me is that we got into a car accident involving alcohol. i was in a coma. i hit the windshiled at fifty miels per hour. i was in a coma for a week, ended up fine after two months or so. i didnt care to stop drinking still. he did. in fact he wanted us both to stop. he was the one driving, with some influence of alcohol on him. he just didnt drink as much, like once a week, and not as much. it wasnt hard on him. he just didnt really care for it. now me, it would take supplements, books, support forums like this, and major willpower to just not drink. i know theres a difference, but either way he is causing his body to be addicted to alcohol by drinking daily. so i know what your saying. i planned on going AF for a week, and then af monthly in September. Im on a medication currently that you are not supposed to drink on, so that is helping me to not drink until Friday. Saturday we are going away to the jersey shore for the weekend, his parents have a condo. So i wanted to have a few glasses of wine, and then begin my AF for a month in September. I know its stupid, but i dont want to give it up until the summers over. however, ive complained on here about depression and ive been good with the alcohol the past few days, just having a three days ago, and my mood is definitely up and better than when I drink often. I mean, i can feel ita lready. so after a week ill probably feel great.. so maybe i wont want to go those two weeks after this next weekend back to drinking moderately, maybe ill just want to keep up with the good "abstaining" work. we'll see! thanks for everything. talk to you guys later..!

