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Exercise Thread Day 1

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    Exercise Thread Day 1

    Hi everybody,

    You are probably all in bed now, so i thought i'd start the exercise thread.

    I am not a personal trainer or a doctor, so if you are unsure as to whether you should be exercising, please see your doctor.

    There are many benefits to exercising. Here are a few thoughts to get you going (please note: these are throughts and observations, not professional opinions. Also, some are based loosely on research, but i cannot cite that research in this post):
    • Exercise gives us a chance to reflect, away from all the usual stress and anxieties
      Exercise improves wellbeing, helps relieve anxiety and generally improves sleep and mood
      Research has shown that exercise plays a significant role in reducing depression
      If you exercise enough, you will LOOK HOT!

      Make sure you eat a little around 1/2 to 1 hour before you start. Your will need the energy
      If you can't do it all at once, start off slow. Eg., If you feel like 50 minutes is too long, go for 30.
      If you choose to walk, map out a route first and try to stick to it

      If you really don't feel exercising, don't. However, if you are just being lazy, push through it. It will be worth it in the end!

      Try to take note of some things around you when you exercise. It's a great chance to clear the head

      When you post here, tell us how you feel after your exercise. This will help you understand why you are doing it and cement the benefits.

    That is probably about it. The main thing is to work out some strategies for yourself. Eg., do you listen to music? (I personally prefer to walk in silence).

    So, let us know how you have gone.

    I am planning my walk for a couple of hours time. Nightshift takes it out of you.

    I'll check back in later...

    One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

    Exercise Thread Day 1

    Okay. Done. 50 mins of walking.

    Doggygirl, memarcie, Janie, diamond, Chief, Hannah, Marshy, imatree, IAD (? Not sure what you're up to. lol), muchthought,

    How's it all going?

    I've just thought, (i hope it's okay that i start this daily thread... RJ?) as from next month, i'll start the thread again as "Day 1" to stay consistent with the "Newbies In Need" thread in the Just Starting Out forum.

    Feeling good. It was nice to get some fresh air into the lungs.
    One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


      Exercise Thread Day 1

      This morning I went to the gym and lifted weights for an hour. This afternoon I mowed the lawn (push mower) for two hours. Tomorrow is my bike riding day.

      This is fun. Helps keep me motivated.

      Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


        Exercise Thread Day 1

        thanks Change. Good stuff indeed. Exercise has made AF so much more doable for me...just can't say enough for it. There is a fitness section too, but what the heck...more exercise the better!
        I went shooting this morning (light exercise walking out to targets) then an hour of really hard exercise at jiu jitsu. I personally find I need to engage in a form of exercise that is interesting otherwise I get bored really fast and stop doing it. I'm having fun and I've got the bruises to prove it!
        Mags, you are sure busy! and good for you varying the type of exercise...good idea.
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          Exercise Thread Day 1

          WELL DONE MAGS! You have sort of motivated me to get back to the gym... I really miss that feeling of lifting weights and the pain that travels through your body, lol. But really, i do.

          And Deteminator, if variety works for you, then variety is what you have to do. I wouldn't mind trying archery one day.

          I didn't know there was a Fitness Section? Anyhow, i kind of figured that this thread is aimed at those who are finding it hard to start, or simply want to boast about their efforts. Lol. I hope i can boast one day.

          Keep up the good work folks!

          Can't wait to hear about more adventures of exercise
          One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


            Exercise Thread Day 1

            I'm so glad you started this, Change - I know walking really helps my mind game, which is so much of the battle. I did go hiking in the woods nearby, fairly hilly, for 40 minutes. I have to change my route up so I can get up to 50. But I'm happy I did that! And tonight I didn't have a SINGLE sip of wine or anything, so I am going to check out what this drinktracker is you guys talk about. Good luck to all you other exercisers - archery, jujitsu, weights, lawn mowing. That all sounds very unboring - congratulations to all!:goodjob:


              Exercise Thread Day 1

              40 minutes is good muchthought. You should be proud of yourself, and then you can up it to 50 when you feel ready.

              One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                Exercise Thread Day 1

                I walked 2 miles today, fairly fast pace. I have done weights, cardio machines, water aerobics, and yoga this week. Pretty standard week. I need to mix it up. Good post!
                Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


                  Exercise Thread Day 1


                  Yesterday was Day 1 for me and I went running for 30 minutes. When I start running I tell myself that I'm going to run at least 20 minutes. The first 10-15 minutes usually suck. I can't get my breathing into a rhythm and I have pains in my side (known as a stitch) but I make myself continue. Before long (10-15 min) I find myself lost in thought, my breathing is smooth and steady and the stitch is gone. That's when I really enjoy the run. I'm running somewhat effortlessly and it just feels great. I think after about 20 min or so the endorphins start flowing and you feel very good. I then continue to run until it's been at least 30 minutes. Sometimes I'll stop at 30 and sometimes I'll go 40. After the run and I'm walking to cool down, I feel fantastic. I feel like I'm buzzed. I feel like I just did something very good for myself and my body. It makes me not want to put anything poison into my body. That's why I run. Don


                    Exercise Thread Day 1

                    Hi all,

                    I don't want to let everyone down, but had ear infection starting on Friday - taking antibiotics, still yukky yesterday and today only done light housework.

                    So folks, tomorrow is Day 1, start of step aerobics again. Please feel free to kick me in the bum (butt) tomorrow to get me movin'. LOL

                    I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
                    I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

                    Marilyn Monroe


                      Exercise Thread Day 1

                      I didn't get a chance to walk yesterday. I was working in the yard all day, so I guess that is unofficially exercise. I'm going to take my dog Casey for a walk this evening when it cools down a bit.

                      Glad everyone off to a great start!


                        Exercise Thread Day 1

                        A day out of the big bad city for a long walk in the country. Stopped off at a pick-your-own farm for raspberries, tomatoes, onions, courgettes (zucchini) and beans. A good day.

                        Here's my question Change: can you guarantee the looking hot part?? :H
                        AF since December 22nd 2008
                        Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                          Exercise Thread Day 1

                          WE NEED A SMILEY FACE WEARING A SWEATBAND!

                          Hello all. Hubby and I took our dog for a very long walk last night, probably about 3 miles, I'm thinking. We all really enjoy that, try to go walking most nights in the summer, and in the winter I like to hit an indoor track. Prob will go walking again today.

                          Talk to everyone later, have a great day!
                          The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                            Exercise Thread Day 1

                            Hi - I'm trying to get my butt motivated. Glad this thread is here. I'm having minor anxieity attacks today - moments more than minor, kinda freaking. I'm planning to get on my exercise rider after I eat some lunch in a bit - hopefully that will take the edge off my anxiety.


                              Exercise Thread Day 1

                              Great thread change !!! I've been away and will be joining you all tomorrow !!

                              ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~

