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    I've drank too much again today. It is all my fault and I really need to get on supps again. I feel like I'm going in a huge downward spiral.

    How the hell did this happen? I was AF for 6 friggen months but now I am headed, if not already there, to the exact place I came from.

    I'm not sure I should even post this.


    marcie, you have done so much better than me. I can understand how awful u must feel. 6 months is a wonderful accomplishment and 6 months is 6 months u wouldnt have ever had before! so dont beat yrself up. just pull out all the stops an get going again xx
    Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy



      Hey marcie,

      don't be so hard on yourself.. you did 6 months and NO-ONE can take that away from you.
      You should be congratulating yourself. Please just dust yourself off and start again, we are all here for you, and we have also been there and started again.. come on hon you can do it.

      Diamond xx
      I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
      I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

      Marilyn Monroe



        If you did 6 months, you can do it again...start over. You aren't where you were because you have those 6 months to look back at now. Like everyone has said...dust off and start over. You can do it!



          Please don`t feel disappointed in went without the alcohol for a whole 6 just know that you will do it again, because you really want to, or else you wouldn`t have posted this thread.

          Quit beating yourself up and get your show back on the road!!!!

          We`re all rooting for you.

          Much love,

          Starlight Impress x



            Hi Marcie, It's nice to meet you. If you did 6 months you can do it again. Just stop now. The longer you wait the harder it will be. Remember how good you felt AF and strive to go back there. We will help. Don




              GET A GRIP NOW PLEASE

              I want you to be happy and healthy.



                I am glad you posted this. Shake your head hard realize what you are doing. You know you don't want to do this. Get back to the place when you were motivated to stop drinking. What mindframe were you in then? FIND THAT MOTIVATION NOW! STOP DRINKING GIRLFRIEND. I want you to be OK
                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."



                  Hi Marcie,

                  I know where you've come from Marcie and how hard it was for you to get to that place to get that six months's of ABs. The newbies wish you well, but don't completely know where you've come from and where you've been.

                  It's time to get your act together and stop mucking around. Please don't put yourself in a dangerous place again.

                  Love you lots, Marcie--no go for it!


                  AF as of August 5th, 2012



                    Don't feel bad about posting here.
                    One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!



                      Hi Marcie,

                      I am so glad that you posted to share this with us. You have been through SO much and have finally come out the other side, past those long months of wondering. I agree that you need to really shake yourself hard and see how much good washes away with each drink, including those healthy check-ups. You, probably more than most here, know how precious good health is.

                      Again, so glad you shared Marcie.




                        I dropped my barrel at the 5 month mark the first time for 4 months and now I'm really glad I did. It really cemented my resolution to never drink again. Now over 8 months AF this time, no meds, no cravings and I KNOW that I won't ever drink again. So out of 17 months I've been sober for 13, not a bad effort - you can do it too!
                        It always seems impossible until it's done....



                          I have talked to you on chat and I know how much you want to do this. You have been through so much and finally have your health again. Don't throw all this hard work away. Get back with the program, girlfriend. You know you can do it and you know you want to do it. And you know we are all here to help you.

                          Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.



                            I still regret posting this a bit.

                            I know I need to go AF forever, I just have to get myself to accept that and I will. I'm just struggling with it now which is why the drinking is getting worse. I am so much back to the same place I was when I first joined MWO in Nov 05. I told myself after being sober for so long that I wouldn't put myself in that place again well, now I've done it.

                            Those of you who don't know me, I was diagnosed with Hepatitis C when I went to see my doctor for Topa. I was on treatment for 6 months which is why I was AF. That is why I was sober for 6 months. I've been done with treatment since December, and I didn't jump back into drinking right away. It was little by little and now I'm going through many of the same struggles and pain that led me to MWO the first time.

                            Thanks for everyones comments and I really do take them to heart and I need the support.




                              I know it's hard to accept, Marcie. It's a hard reckoning that you are coming to. When you had hepatitis nipping at you, that did make it easier to stay sober.

                              This is just the moment that had to come for you to decide to do this for YOU with nothing hanging over your head, and you know what you have to do. Let's face it, if you really wanted to keep drinking you would have made a beeline for the bottle much more quickly than this. ONCE YOU DO DECIDE, IT WILL GET EASIER.

                              I'm wishing you the best, Marcie.:heart: :heart:


                              AF as of August 5th, 2012

