Amathyst, keep up the good work!
Chief (Don), you post on running interested me. I can't get passed the first moment of pain when i run, that's why i walk. But, am planning to run on the treadmill when i join a gym, even if it's only for a minute or two between walking. And, yes, who needs poison when they've got endorphins! Lol.
Diamond, you are not letting anyone down by not exercising if you are ill. When you are sick, your body needs time to recover. But please be aware, that we will be kicking your butt over the next thread or two to make sure you are keeping to your word

Janie, once you get those shoes on, there's no turning back!
Memarcie, did you end up taking your dog for a walk? I really want a dog that walks me...
Marshy, can i guarantee the 'looking hot' part? Well, your question prompted me to think (and thank-you, it gave me something to ponder on my walk this morning)... all i can say is that if you feel hot, you look hot! And exercise definately improves the way you feel about yourself :goodjob:
Hannah, glad to hear you got out with the hubby and k9. It is nice when you can turn walking into a social thing. And yes, you're right... we do need an emoticon with a sweatband! RJ?!
Imatree, you are going through some rough stuff at the moment, so if exercising is difficult for you right now, try to relax some other way. I will however suggest that a short walk around the block may be good for you (i like pushing boundaries). Also, in relation to anxiety, research has shown time and time again that exercise significantly reduces feelings of anxiety and depression in people (cannot cite research, just stuff i picked up along the way).
Niblet, will hold you to that!
Just went out on my early morning walk. Was a little harder today due to sore butt muscles, but that only tells me i am doing something good for my body :yougo: . I noticed that my core strength seem activated today, which is what i'm eventually aming for.
I would like to say a big thanks to all those who responded on the Day 1 thread - your thoughts and comments really motivated me this morning... I was motivated anyway, but your thoughts got me out straight away.
Well, i'm looking forward to hearing more stories, thoughts and suggestions in relation to exercise.
PS. Feel free to use as many emoticons as possble. I think we're gonna need them
