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AE Intervention

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    AE Intervention

    I just saw an "Intervention" episode on On Demand this weekend. It was on a very hard core alcoholic named Laney. She's very rich and drinks over a half of gallon of hard liquor a day. Drinks all day, every day. She doesn't have to work so that's all she does. It has taken a big toll on ther health and on her looks. She lives in a really big house, which is a mess. She even went to the hospital after taking some pills while drinking and almost died of severe alcohol withdrawal while there. After going thru all of that in the hospital, she cracked open her bottle of rum as soon as she was released. She finally agreed to go into rehab and lasted 2 days. The story ends w/ her going back to her old lifestyle, this time w/ no contact w/ her family.

    I am so drawn to these shows. I find that when I see these episodes, in a strange way I feel relieved and think - "Wow, she is so messed up, thank God I'm not that bad". I only drink one bottle of wine, not a half gallon of hard liquor. I never drink before 5 pm. I function much better than she does. I generally am not an embarassment (I think). My house is clean. When I watched this show, I compared myself to Laney and felt like it validated my current level of drinking (I'm not THAT bad) Anyone else watch this series and have any thoughts on it? I would love to see an episode with someone more similar to me - I know there are alot of people just like me.

    AE Intervention

    I don't know the series as I'm in the UK but I can identify with your "logic". I'm not on the hard liquor so I'm ok, i'm only on wine. I have a clean house and I function ok so I'm not that bad. I'm not on the street begging, etc, etc. I could go on.

    Everytime I see someone/something on tv that shows a person drinking more than me I think, well I'm not that bad so I must be Ok really. Like you say, it validates your current level of drinking.

    I'm slowly realising it's not a good way to think and I'm doing something about my problem. Small steps, big goal.


      AE Intervention

      I have watched an episode or two of Intervention. I don't remember the womans name on the one I watched about alcoholism, but she drank mouthwash when she couldn't get any vodka. I also think the same thing, I'm not nearly as bad as her. However, I'm sure that she didn't start out the same way she was on the show. I'm sure it took years to get to that level. While most of us are "functional alcoholics", I don't ever want to be as bad off as that. I think of it as a wake up call. This is what can happen to us if we continue on the path that we are currently on.


        AE Intervention

        Thinking that we are not as bad as someone we see on TV is just our brain's way of justifying our own drinking. I would always think "I'm not as bad as THAT person, so I can go ahead and have that cocktail" (of course, if I did get that bad I would stop right away - yeah right).
        Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


          AE Intervention


          I too saw the episode where this woman drank mouthwash. it was so pathetic! I was so happy at the end though when she accepted the offer of rehab and she actually turned her life around. She has a supportive husband and 3 kids through all of this. I just can't imagine though a person being so desperate as to drink mouthwash!

          At least she would have had fresh breath! lol

          Just making light of thigs......



            AE Intervention

            There but for the grace of God go you or I.


              AE Intervention

              Drinking mouthwash is OVER-RATED... It doesn't taste very good coming "back up" either
              In fact I don't think it even gives ya a buzz...maybe I couldn't keep it down long enough.
              The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                AE Intervention

                Yes, Paula. There but for the Grace of God......

                m. xx
                ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                I am in the next seat.
                My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                  AE Intervention

                  all we can really honestly compare ourselves with is our own self. and to do that we have to be honest with our self. very difficult I've found. that being said I believe it to be my most important mission.
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    AE Intervention

                    I guess I'm referring to an ideal way of looking at ourselves. of course we DO compare ourselves with others on a daily basis. I'ts hard not to.
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      AE Intervention

                      That sounds like an extreme example of alcoholism. but i think you can have a pretty severe problem and still be functional. you can be functional and still have bad health problems for example. functional and still drink and drive, risking a crash. functional and start a fire due to cooking while blacked out. functional and get raped while drunk. etc etc.

                      Part of this alcohol game is luck. Because many of us have had close calls right?


                        AE Intervention


                        I agree it's probably not the best mind set to be in "Im not that bad, or i'm not as bad as her", How about "i'm not as good as I (I) want to be".



                          AE Intervention

                          There are degrees of alcoholism. I have a few family members that I consider much more "alcoholic", if that makes any sense. I believe every person that is here at this site has a better of chance of changing their lives for the better than those who don't open up about their issues. I also believe that if you are here, you should consider being treated for depression and anxiety-via counseling and/or non-addictive drug therapy. Depression and anxiety are often the result of overindulgence in alcohol.The "weakness" within us that prevents us from not drinking needs to be addressed. I think that we are a group of people with really low self esteem (in reality--even if we're unwilling to admit it). Good luck to every one! Don't focus on your mistakes--focus on anything positive that you feel or that you do.



                            AE Intervention

                            Her name is Leslie.


                              AE Intervention

                              It was episode 45. I have the link. Will post in a minute since I have to have two posts before I can post a link.

