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AE Intervention

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    AE Intervention

    Here is that link:

    Intervention - A&E TV


      AE Intervention

      i watch intervention regularly and am grateful for it. i learn what i could be if i continue down the path with AL. i might not always be at the level of some of the folks who are being intervened upon, only because i haven't sustained that level yet, and sometimes i did get to that level, even if it was "only" once a week or so...


        AE Intervention

        It is good to see that they are doing follow ups...I wonder how much longer this show can pull of surprise element???It would seem that ALMOST everyone that has a TV must have at least seen a preview ???
        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


          AE Intervention

          One of my favorite shows of all time. Such an eye opener on so many different fronts.
          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


            AE Intervention

            We also have "intervention", but we're a season behind.

            I must say, I sit glued to the television when it's on. I do remember watching one woman stumbling around in a druken stupor, and thinking, "I've done that":upset: Maybe I am not yet there, in that it has been a fairly rare occurence, and I don't want to get there.

            My father reached that point, I never want to put my family through that.

            I think one of the problems with being, "functional", is that it is so easy to live in denial. I see a lot of people around me who might very well have a worse problem, but that cannot justify my drinking.

            Denial is such a sneaky devil, isn't it?


              AE Intervention

              hi sam if you feel comfortable where you are that's great and it is a good thing you watch those shows to me there just showing where you can go,as far as the mouth wash thing we have a lot of people up north that drink the stuff,they also drink rubbing alcohol,just curious do you all have children,and give them cough syrup read the label the AL in there is 60 percent that's why they fall asleep have a great day all and Sam stay strong gyco


                AE Intervention

                You know, if I ever get so low that I drink rubbing alcohol, PLEASE send the MWO mafia after me.........


                  AE Intervention

                  I am a regular viewer to the show and back on this site. I love the fact that a show is on like that they are offering help. They actually portray it as a disease and not a choice that people make. I applaud them for that. I know I struggle every day with the mental battles. I have recently started topa and hoping for the best. I still have the cravings but this show and this forum are giving me hope.


                    AE Intervention



                    There is always big controversy on this site about whether it is a disease or not. I personally don't care. It is a difficult battle no matter what you want to call it.

                    It is great you are here and trying to win. Good on you!!

                    Are you trying to mod or go af?

                    Why don't you post a new thread in "Tell us your story" or something like that, or even just start a thread in "Just Starting Out" and introduce yourself. Tell us a bit about yourself. (Nothing too personal needed.)

                    And then you might find a "place" on the boards that you find particularly helpful.

                    Use MWO to find Your Way Out!!

                    AF April 9, 2016


                      AE Intervention

                      Thanks for sharing that Intervention show. I'll be catching that on demand or the link posted above. Yes, in a way, it makes us relieved to know someone is worse off than we are, but we need to be careful of that thought. That thought can and does lead to some trouble like it has for me. I'll be 44, so I've been drinking probably a lot longer than some of you, but not as long as others. I know that 10 years ago, I had problems, but would have never guessed I would have gotten to the stage of alcoholism I have over the years. The cumulative effects of alcohol on the mental and physical self add up over the years and are quite damaging. Watching things like that, though, can make us really see what will happen. Thanks again for sharing that.
                      Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                        AE Intervention

                        Yea, I think it is dangerous to compare to someone that bad off. When I started looking at the fact that I drank almost everyday, could throw a 12 pack away with ease and the damage I was doing to my body. I don't think it is a relief to see that but to think if i keep going that could be me one day. It is enough to see how much I am still affected after 11 days AF with anxiety -- never even knew what that was until recently.


                          AE Intervention

                          IMHO thinking "I am not so bad there are lots of people worse than me" is just the brain rationalising the behaviour. There are always going to be worse alcoholics than me but that doesnt make me feel any better when I am hungover and mortified that I have no control over my binge drinking. I want to be the best I can be not just a bit better than the worst alcoholic.


                            AE Intervention

                            Starting out

                            this is Jamesbrosnan
                            I am new to this site. I never heard about it but my friends told me about this site then I saw it. It is very interesting how to starting out.


                              AE Intervention

                              Startin out

                              this is Jamesbrosnan
                              I am new to this site. I never heard about it but my friends told me about this site then I saw it. It is very interesting how to starting out. Now a days Most of the people drinks alcohol. They spoils their entire life. I try to stop some members but I couldn't do it.


                                AE Intervention

                                this is Jamesbrosnan
                                I am new to this site. I never heard about it but my friends told me about this site then I saw it. It is very interesting how to starting out. Now a days Most of the people drinks alcohol. They spoils their entire life. I try to stop some members but I couldn't do it.
                                Maine drug and alcohol intervention, drug intervention Maine

